Barrio Pobre - Nave P.V.C. - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Barrio Pobre - Nave P.V.C.

Nave P.V.C.
P.V.C. Ship
El universo para él no tiene enigmas
The universe holds no mysteries for him
Ya lo conoce al derecho y al revés
He knows it inside and out
El sol, la luna, los planetas, las estrellas
The sun, the moon, the planets, the stars
Ha visitado con su nave PVC
He has visited in his PVC ship
Las dimensiones de su nave son geometricas
The dimensions of his ship are geometric
Y el mundo químico se pone a recorrer
And he travels the chemical world
Entre alucines y descargas psicoelectricas
Through hallucinations and psychoelectric shocks
En viajes locos que los llama de placer
In crazy trips that he calls pleasure
En cualquier lado a la luz de un triste foco
Anywhere under the light of a sad bulb
Con una estopa se remoja el porvenir
He wets his future with a rag
Los que lo miran le han gritado pobre loco
Those who watch him have called him a poor fool
Y el bien viajado sólo se pone a reír
And the well-travelled simply laughs
Pues en su nave con su mona de piloto
Because in his ship with his monkey pilot
Vuela hasta venus y regresa de volón
He flies to Venus and back in a hurry
Habla en marciano se revienta poco a poco
He speaks Martian and slowly destroys himself
Pues su neurona le ha importado un polvorón
Because his brain has been a bother to him
Su mundo químico las leyes comerciaba
He traded in his chemical world
Tiro por viaje se lo llevan a encerrar
Now he's in prison on a trip
Le vale madre que la gente le gritara
He doesn't care if people call him
Que él es basura de un sexenio sin moral
That he's trash from a sexennial without morals
El universo para él no tiene enigmas
The universe holds no mysteries for him
Vuela en su nave de estructura cerebral
He flies in his ship with a brain structure
Sacado de onda por bajones y subidas
Blown out of his mind by highs and lows
En algún bote su neurona va a dejar
His brain will be left in some can
Una galaxia de temores en su mente
A galaxy of fears in his mind
Lo hace escapar de su triste realidad
Makes him escape from his sad reality
Rola en su nave PVC como un demente
He rolls in his PVC ship like a madman
Moja su mona y otra vez se va a viajar
He wets his monkey and goes on another trip
Un día me dijo: valedor me siento solo
One day he told me: Honey, I feel lonely
Ven hazme un paro necesito platicar
Come help me, I need to talk
De mi cantón hoy me corrieron por ser vago
I was thrown out of my hut today for being lazy
Tal vez me ayudes, me quiero regenerar
Maybe you can help me, I want to regenerate
Después sentados a la luz de un triste foco
Then we sat down under the light of a sad bulb
Sacó una mona y comenzó a alucinar
He took out a joint and started to hallucinate
Me habló en marciano, me contó de todo un poco
He spoke to me in Martian, he told me a little bit of everything
Llenó su tanque y otra vez se fue a viajar
He filled his tank and went on another trip

Авторы: José Luis Díaz

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