BoyBand feat. Modré hory & Moja reč - Jednou nás budou hrát, mami - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни BoyBand feat. Modré hory & Moja reč - Jednou nás budou hrát, mami

Jednou nás budou hrát, mami
Mom, One Day They'll Play Us
Raz, dva, mikrofón check raz, dva,
One, two, mic check one, two,
Asi takto nejak sa pripravujem v práci mama,
This is how I prepare for work, Mom,
Každý víkend keď na zadné sedadlo sadám,
Every weekend when I hop in the back seat,
Z okna hoodu mávam a na cestu sa dám,
I wave from the hood's window and hit the road,
Možno ti pripadáme ako chlapci v pasci,
Maybe we seem like boys trapped,
Neboj iné matky, nemali menej starostí jak ty,
Don't worry, other moms had no less worries than you,
Ste super rodičia to len moje sračky,
You're awesome parents, it's just my own crap,
že nepoznám nič iné štyri doby, štyri takty,
That I know nothing but four beats, four bars,
Nepozeraj si prosím fotky z tých akcií,
Please don't look at photos from those parties,
Radši by si ma videla s diplomom místo flašky,
You'd rather see me with a diploma instead of a bottle,
My nie sme vyjebané smažky,
We're not messed up junkies,
Iba som neobsedel v škole lebo život je fakt krátky,
I just couldn't sit still in school because life is too short,
Vím že chceš nech mám rodinu a mám sa krásne,
I know you want me to have a family and a good life,
No máš syna čo nebere ten život tak vážne,
But you have a son who doesn't take life that seriously,
Možno nie dlho ale robím čo mám rád,
Maybe not for long, but I'm doing what I love,
No tak neboj mami, raz nás možno budú hrať.
So don't worry Mom, maybe one day they'll play us.
Bolo to v dobe keď ešte vládol Mečiar,
It was back when Mečiar was still in power,
Mala si hlavný job a večer ďalší job, na pleciach,
You had your main job and another one at night, on your shoulders,
V kancli si mala počítač dva-osem-šestka,
In the office you had a 286 computer,
Ihličková tlačiareň práve tlačila text jak,
Dot matrix printer was printing text like,
Snívali sme -?- urvať si kus sveta,
We dreamed -?- to grab a piece of the world,
Skurvený hnus prestáť a užívať si peňazí a svetla,
Endure the damn mess and enjoy the money and the light,
Výslní a nevyšumieť ako dym,
The limelight and not fade away like smoke,
Predať stotisíc platní a pamätám si ako som ti sľúbil,
Sell a hundred thousand records and I remember promising you,
že keď mi kúpiš mike tak ti kúpim to čo sa volá limuzína a ty si mi ho kúpila,
That if you buy me a mic, I'll buy you that thing called a limousine and you bought it for me,
A ja som doňho vrieskal k zachrípnutým hlasivkám,
And I screamed into it until my vocal cords were hoarse,
Bez pódií, po pivniciach, bez odposluchov, bez fans,
Without stages, in basements, without monitors, without fans,
žiaden big deal lebo chceli sme byť real,
No big deal because we wanted to be real,
Nemám zlaté disky preto som rapový príživník,
I don't have gold records, that's why I'm a rap leech,
Keby si túto skladbu predsa počula hrať v rádiu,
If you ever heard this song playing on the radio,
Mami krása, pre toto vďaka, pre toto hrá ti ju.
Mom, it's beautiful, thank you for this, that's why I'm playing it for you.
Svetadiel na ktorom sa potkýnam viem že mám Európu rád,
The continent where I stumble, I know I love Europe,
Euro skeptik iba ak ide o Europu2,
A Euro-skeptic only when it comes to Europa2,
A po nociach na sieti stojím,
And at night I stand on the net,
Tak svojsky nesvoj inak nechcem veľa neboj,
So peculiarly un-me, otherwise I don't want much, don't worry,
Len raz začať svet, bez ľudí a reštaurácie bez hudby,
Just to start the world anew, without people and restaurants without music,
A vegetiť, v ľavom zadnom vačku mám veľké sny,
And vegetate, in my left back pocket I have big dreams,
A zvyšky honoráru a do výplaty pár dní,
And scraps of my fee and a few days till payday,
A to balím, valím, v kancli,
And that's it, I'm packing up, rolling out, in the office,
Dúfam že vo vačku sa to začne páriť,
I hope it starts multiplying in my pocket,
Zabuchol som sa do tejto hry,
I fell for this game,
No nechcem na cudzie dvere mlátiť,
But I don't want to bang on other people's doors,
A preto osem firme, šestnásť dávam pre nástroje fitness,
That's why eight to the company, sixteen I give for fitness tools,
Furt sa teším na desiateho jak šľak,
I'm still looking forward to the tenth like a jerk,
čísla som vypustil, sa môžem hrať.
I let go of the numbers, now I can play.
Prej budu za vodou jak Kanada budou pecky v rotacích,
They say I'll be wealthy like Canada when my tracks are in rotation,
Nevím pořád jsme hovada co spíš potřebujou dotaci,
I don't know, we're still fools who rather need a subsidy,
Splácim auto, byt mám v podnájmu jako Afu-ra,
I'm paying off the car, my apartment is rented like Afu-ra's,
Občas mi vypnou telefon říkej mi Jozef Faktura,
Sometimes they turn off my phone, call me Jozef Invoice,
Jsem rád ze si píšu texty sám,
I'm glad I write my own lyrics,
manažer co smrdí potem, lidma a zná příbehy jak kanape,
Not a manager who stinks of sweat, people and knows stories like a couch,
Nevedu hitparády stejně můžem zajít na kafe,
I don't top the charts, but we can still go for coffee,
Můj label je jediná věc které z láskou říkam swag,
My label is the only thing I lovingly call swag,
Z rapu si postavím pero, ne vilu,
I'll build a pen, not a villa, from rap,
Stejně jako ty si radši koupíš pivo než moji muziku,
Just like you, you'd rather buy a beer than my music,
Poslechnu si radši Inphyho než Jay Dillu,
I'd rather listen to Inphy than Jay Dilla,
Jsem civilní od slova Ty Nikdy, sleduj moji mikinu,
I'm civilian from the word You Never, check out my hoodie,
Jednou fakt budem obří jako Pink Floyd,
One day we'll really be huge like Pink Floyd,
Seru na řidiče more spíš nemá ten Rolls Royce,
Screw the driver, it's more likely he doesn't have a Rolls Royce,
Stačí mi pivo na playboy,
A beer is enough for a playboy,
Na rotaci seru, i tak je BoyBand lepší než Boyzone.
Screw rotation, BoyBand is still better than Boyzone.
Mám auto, mám kde bývať, mám frajerku som oukej,
I have a car, I have a place to live, I have a girlfriend, I'm okay,
škoda že nám chlapci ukradli nápad na BoyBand,
Too bad those guys stole our idea for BoyBand,
Mohli sme zarobiť jak Take that alebo Backstreetboys,
We could have made money like Take That or Backstreet Boys,
Asi mi neostáva nič len kopať besný flow,
I guess all I have left is to kick some crazy flow,
Tato aj tak vypytuje cédéčká, máti vypytujé cédečká,
Dad keeps asking for CDs, Mom keeps asking for CDs,
S hudbou sa cítim jak keby mám sedemnásť,
With music I feel like I'm seventeen,
Keď sa pustí beat letím ako severák,
When the beat drops, I fly like the north wind,
Aj tak ma žiadne skurvené rádio nechce hrať,
Still, no damn radio wants to play me,
Delik urob pop song, urob hit,
Delik, make a pop song, make a hit,
Jemný beat, pekný text, urobíš kopu lóvov,
A gentle beat, nice lyrics, you'll make a lot of dough,
Manažér je zo mňa šedivý mám štyridsať skladieb,
The manager is going gray because of me, I have forty songs,
Pripravených na album no žiaden hit tam nevidí,
Ready for an album, but he doesn't see a hit there,
Mám možno menej fans ako Desmod a Cmorík,
Maybe I have fewer fans than Desmod and Cmorík,
No o to viac real, chápu ma, vedia čo robím,
But they're all the more real, they understand me, they know what I'm doing,
Nejak neviem vypnúť srdce a inštinkty sorry,
I somehow can't turn off my heart and instincts, sorry,
Preto som na tomto tracku s Pepkom, Supom a Wondym.
That's why I'm on this track with Pepko, Supa and Wondy.
Práve idem z pumpy domov, bol som si kúpiť pivá,
I'm just coming home from the gas station, I went to buy some beers,
Zbadali ma dvaja mladí grázli a hneď na mňa kričia:,, Supa, Supa sem" a,, Supa, Supa tam",
Two young rascals saw me and started yelling: "Supa, Supa here" and "Supa, Supa there",
A ty si pre nás kráľ, pravý underground,
And you're a king for us, true underground,
A, oni ma nepoznajú z rádia sakra,
And, they don't know me from the radio, damn it,
Nikto ma nepozná z rádia haha,
Nobody knows me from the radio haha,
Lebo nás tam nehrajú no ja by som chcel pre mamu,
Because they don't play us there, but I'd like for Mom,
Zarobiť dosť peňazí nech nemusí lietať už,
To earn enough money so she doesn't have to fly anymore,
Do Nemecka za prácou byť ďaleko od rodiny,
To Germany for work, being far from family,
Pozri myslím na teba toľko že píšem o tom rýmy,
Look, I think about you so much that I write rhymes about it,
Ona by tam rada chcela počuť svojho chlapca,
She'd like to hear her boy there,
A hovoriť kamoškám že "áno ja som jeho mama",
And tell her friends that "yes, I'm his mom",
Pre fanúšikov sme niečo jak posledná bašta,
For fans, we're something like the last bastion,
Komercia sa im hnusí hovoria nám bacha,
They hate commercial stuff, they tell us to be careful,
Nechceme vás tam lebo to budete zapredaní,
They don't want us there because we'll be sellouts,
Ale čo tak pustiť rádio a počuť naše hlasy,
But what about turning on the radio and hearing our voices,
Ja viem, chcete nás len pre seba,
I know, you want us just for yourselves,
Ale my chceme byť nezávislí preto nech vás nehnevá,
But we want to be independent, so please don't be upset,
Počuť nás inde ako na nete,
To hear us elsewhere than on the net,
Lebo keď nebudú papiere, tak možno skapeme,
Because if there's no paper, we might die,
A potom nebudeme ani tam, ani nikde,
And then we won't be there, nor anywhere,
Keď to skončí chcem mať dobrý pocit že ste stáli pri mne,
When it ends, I want to have a good feeling that you were there for me,
Tak ako otec, mama, moje ségry, moji fellaz,
Like my father, mother, my sisters, my fellas,
Lebo mi veria a keď prerazím, tak sa tešia,
Because they believe in me and if I break through, they'll be happy,
Milý fans, toto je pre vás, SUPA,
Dear fans, this is for you, SUPA,
Moja reč, BoyBand, Modré hory,
Moja reč, BoyBand, Modré hory,
A daj spustiť ďalšiu skladbu, bitch.
And play the next track, bitch.

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