Carla's Dreams - Rachete - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Carla's Dreams - Rachete

Zac de facultate,
Right from college,
Domnule profesor, nu-mi cititi din carte
Professor, don't read to me from the book
Eu o am, nu cat se poate
I have it, as much as possible
Plictisiti de societate,
Bored by society,
Noi ne iubim doar pe facebook,
We only love each other on Facebook,
Dar ne uram in realitate
But we hate each other in reality
Usi inchise, tu nu-ti stii rolul
Closed doors, you don't know your role
Daca nu-ti deschide nenea sef, dai cu piciorul
If the boss doesn't open for you, you kick it
Stii prea bine care-i treaba
You know too well what's going on
Nu astepti sa-ti cada nimic daca stai degeaba
You don't expect anything to fall if you stand around doing nothing
Aparent corespunzi cu 7 miliarde de oameni pe planeta
Apparently you match with 7 billion people on the planet
Dar suntem diferiti, caci fiecare are jucaria sa secreta
But we are different, because each one has his secret toy
Fiecare are jucarii secrete, hai sa le numim RACHETE
Everyone has secret toys, let's call them ROCKETS
Doar ele spre stele ne duc, RACHETE doar intre prieteni
Only they take us to the stars, ROCKETS only between friends
Fara regrete, noi stim ca lumea-i altfel de sus, hmm hmmm
Without regrets, we know that the world is different from above, hmm hmmm
De sus, hmm hmmm
From above, hmm hmmm
Respectam prea multe reguli si ne pare bine,
We respect too many rules and we feel good,
Am uitat ca cel mai tare vrea cel ce se abtine
We forgot that the strongest wants the one who abstains
Practicam pe-ascuns tot ce nu-i bine
We secretly practice everything that is not good
Si blamam pe altii, chiar de soarta lor nu ne-apartine
And we blame others, even if their fate does not belong to us
Vrem acasa cand suntem pe-afara
We want home when we are outside
Apoi revenim pe-un timp, si plini de nervi plecam din tara
Then we come back for a while, and full of nerves we leave the country
Si ascundem de la lume ca suntem cu totul altfel,
And we hide from the world that we are completely different,
Nimeni nu va spune.
No one will tell.
Aparent corespunzi cu 7 miliarde de oameni pe planeta
Apparently you match with 7 billion people on the planet
Dar suntem diferiti, caci fiecare are jucaria sa secreta
But we are different, because each one has his secret toy
Fiecare are jucarii secrete, hai sa le numinm RACHETE
Everyone has secret toys, let's call them ROCKETS
Doar ele spre stele ne duc, RACHETE doar intre prieteni
Only they take us to the stars, ROCKETS only between friends
Fara regrete, noi stim ca lumea-i altfel de sus, hmm hmmm
Without regrets, we know that the world is different from above, hmm hmmm
De sus, hmm hmmm
From above, hmm hmmm
Si iarasi vei posta undeva, pe net
And again you will post somewhere, on the net
Doar partea buna a vietii tale
Only the good part of your life
Plus un schelet in dulapul tau secret
Plus a skeleton in your secret closet
Vei fi la fel ca fiecare
You will be the same as everyone else
Dar in adancul inimii stii
But deep down you know
Ca pe sub masti ce par normale
That under masks that seem normal
Toti oamenii ascund jucarii ce sunt secretul,
All people hide toys that are the secret,
Secretul cel mai mare!
The biggest secret!
Fiecare are jucarii secrete, hai sa le numinm RACHETE
Everyone has secret toys, let's call them ROCKETS
Doar ele spre stele ne duc, RACHETE doar intre prieteni
Only they take us to the stars, ROCKETS only between friends
Fara regrete, noi stim ca lumea-i altfel de sus, hmm hmmm
Without regrets, we know that the world is different from above, hmm hmmm
De sus, hmm hmmm
From above, hmm hmmm
Jucarii sunt multe si nu toate sunt secrete
There are many toys and not all of them are secret
Unii beau, altii fumeaza
Some drink, others smoke
Unii solo, altii in duete
Some solo, others in duets
Unii strang, altii dezmembreaza
Some collect, others dismantle
Unii cauta-n pamant, altii la stele vegheaza
Some search the earth, others watch the stars
Unii sex in spatii largi, altii doar se saruta doar acasa, doar acasa
Some have sex in large spaces, others just kiss at home, just at home
Cu lumina stinsa, doar acasa
With the lights off, just at home
Se impart cu jucarii.
They share with toys.

Авторы: Carla's Dreams

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