Chico Buarque - Geni Y El Zepelín (Geni E O Zepelim) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Chico Buarque - Geni Y El Zepelín (Geni E O Zepelim)

Geni Y El Zepelín (Geni E O Zepelim)
Geni and the Zeppelin
De los rengos y los tuertos
Of the lame and the one-eyed,
Del bajo fondo del puerto
From the port's underbelly,
Ella anduvo enamorada
She walked, having fallen in love.
Su cuerpo es de los errantes
Her body belongs to the wanderers,
Vagabundos y emigrantes,
Vagabonds and emigrants,
De los que no tienen nada
To those who have nothing.
Se entregaba desde niña
She gave herself since she was a child,
En garajes o cantinas,
In garages or bars,
Tras la pileta, en el monte
Behind the fountain, on the hill.
Reina de los prisioneros,
Queen of the prisoners,
Las locas, los pordioseros,
The mad, the beggars,
Los gurises del asilo
The asylum kids.
A menudo a su cuidado
Often in her care
Hay viejitos deshauciados
There are hopeless old men
Y viudas sin porvenir
And widows with no future.
Es buena como son pocas
She is good like few others,
Por eso la ciudad toda
That's why the whole city
Repitiendo ha de seguir:
Keeps repeating:
Tírenle piedra a Geni,
Throw stones at Geni,
Tírenle piedra a Geni
Throw stones at Geni.
Hecha está para aguantar,
She is made to endure,
Hecha está para escupir,
She is made to be spat on,
Se entrega no importa a quién,
She gives herself to anyone,
Maldita Geni
Damn Geni.
Un dia surgió brillante
One day, it emerged shining,
Entre las nubes fluctuante
Floating among the clouds,
Un enorme zepelín
A huge zeppelin.
Se paró en los edificios
It stopped over the buildings,
Abrió unos mil orificios
Opened a thousand holes,
Con mil cañones así
With a thousand cannons like this.
La ciudad toda espantada
The whole city, frightened,
Se quedó paralizada,
Became paralyzed,
Casi se volvió jalea
Almost turned to jelly.
Mas del zepelín gigante
But from the giant zeppelin,
Descendió el comandante
The commander descended,
Diciendo - cambié de idea
Saying - I changed my mind.
Cuando vi en esta ciudad
When I saw in this city,
Tanto horror e iniquidad
So much horror and iniquity,
Resolví hacerla explotar
I decided to make it explode.
Mas puedo evitar el drama
But I can avoid the drama,
Si es que aquella hermosa dama
If that beautiful lady
De noche se entrega a
Gives herself to me tonight.
Esa dama era Geni,
That lady was Geni,
Mas no puede ser Geni,
But it can't be Geni,
Hecha está para aguantar,
She is made to endure,
Hecha está para escupir,
She is made to be spat on,
Se entrega no importa a quién,
She gives herself to anyone,
Maldita Geni
Damn Geni.
Sin que se lo propusiera
Without even trying,
De tan ingenua y sincera
So naive and sincere,
Cautivó al forastero
She captivated the stranger.
El guerrero tan vistoso,
The warrior, so showy,
Tan temido y poderoso
So feared and powerful,
Quedó de ella prisionero
Became her prisoner.
Ocurre que la doncella
It happens that the maiden
- Y eso era secreto de ella -
- And this was her secret -
Tenía también sus caprichos
Also had her whims.
Y a darse a hombre tan nobre,
And to give herself to such a noble man,
Tan oliendo a brillo y cobre,
So smelling of shine and copper,
Prefería amar los bichos
She preferred to love the beasts.
Al oir tal herejía
Upon hearing such heresy,
La ciudad en romería
The city on pilgrimage
Su mano vino a besar
Came to kiss her hand.
El prefecto de rodillas,
The prefect on his knees,
El obispo a hurtadillas,
The bishop on the sly,
El banquero y su millar
The banker and his thousand.
Anda con él, ve Geni
Go with him, Geni,
Anda con él, ve Geni,
Go with him, Geni,
La que nos puede salvar,
The one who can save us,
La que nos va a redimir,
The one who will redeem us,
Se entrega no importa a quién,
She gives herself to anyone,
Bendita Geni
Blessed Geni.
Fueron tantos los pedidos,
There were so many requests,
Tan sinceros, tan sentidos,
So sincere, so heartfelt,
Que ella dominó su asco
That she overcame her disgust.
Esa noche lancinante
That piercing night,
Entregóse a tal amante
She gave herself to such a lover,
Como quién se da al verdugu
Like one who gives herself to the executioner.
Tanta suciedad él hizo
He made so much filth,
Relamiéndose de vicio
Licking himself with vice,
Hasta quedarse saciado
Until he was satiated.
Y no bien amanecía
And as soon as dawn broke,
Partió en una nube fría
He left in a cold cloud,
Con su zepelín prateado
With his silver zeppelin.
Con un suspiro aliviado
With a sigh of relief,
Ella se acostó de lado
She lay on her side
Y trató de sonreír
And tried to smile.
Mas luego al rayar el día
But then, as day broke,
La ciudad en gritería
The city in an uproar
Ya no la dejó dormir
No longer let her sleep.
- Tírenle piedra a Geni,
- Throw stones at Geni,
Tírenle piedra a Geni,
Throw stones at Geni,
Hecha está para aguantar,
She is made to endure,
Hecha está para escupir
She is made to be spat on,
Se entrega no importa a quién,
She gives herself to anyone,
Maldita Geni
Damn Geni.

Авторы: Chico Buarque

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