Chukky - Mi Vida Real - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Chukky - Mi Vida Real

Mi Vida Real
My Real Life
Os presento a mi vida:
I present to you my life:
No son pretextos es mi vida real,
These are not excuses, it's my real life,
Son textos y textos sin miedo a fallar,
Texts and texts without fear of failing,
Echando el resto, mi vida fue esto,
Giving it my all, my life was this,
Prefiero fallar que no intentarlo al jamás.
I prefer to fail than never try.
Pero no quiero luego estar quedándome con la duda,
But I don't want to be left with the doubt later,
De si era o no escoger la música una locura,
Whether choosing music was crazy or not,
Espero que aplaudas si fracaso al final,
I hope you applaud if I fail in the end,
Porque prefiero fallar que no intentarlo jamás.
Because I prefer to fail than never try.
He ganado a otros Mc's, he pisado toda España,
I've won against other MC's, I've stepped on all of Spain,
He sacado el dolor escribiendo mientras me arañan,
I've taken out the pain by writing while they scratch me,
He llegado más alto, que tu amigo el rapper,
I've reached higher than your rapper friend,
Aunque él va creyendo que estamos en empate.
Even though he thinks we're tied.
que vais perdiendo y no es porque yo gane,
I know you are losing and it's not because I win,
Es que no sentís lo que estáis rapeando infames,
It's that you don't feel what you are rapping, you infamous,
No escribo rapeos, compongo canciones,
I don't write raps, I compose songs,
No bien solfeo, bueno... traduzco emociones.
I don't know solfege well, well... I translate emotions.
No he chupado culos por pegarme a nadie,
I haven't kissed ass to stick to anyone,
Si alguien se acercó a mi rap fue por mi rap compadre,
If someone approached my rap it was for my rap, buddy,
He tocado muy lejos casi sin un duro,
I've touched far away almost without a dime,
He dormido en la calle por hacer rap puro.
I've slept on the streets to make pure rap.
He cometido errores de novato idiota,
I've made idiotic rookie mistakes,
He oprimido valores propios solo por que brotan,
I've oppressed my own values just because they sprout,
He hablado de mi vida, de mis relaciones,
I've talked about my life, my relationships,
No he visto salida y los hice canciones.
I saw no way out and I made them into songs.
He dejado a mi novia, lo escrito en un folio,
I left my girlfriend, I wrote it on a sheet,
Convertí mi fobia en la canción de amor y odio,
I turned my phobia into the song of love and hate,
Lo escuchó la gente y comprendió mi estado
People heard it and understood my state,
Y no sólo me entienden si no que tienden sus manos.
And they not only understand me but they also reach out their hands.
Me sentí mas fuerte, no busque pretextos,
I felt stronger, I didn't look for excuses,
No es cuestión de suerte pienso que he nacido pa' esto,
It's not a matter of luck, I think I was born for this,
Me han apuñalado quien creí mi amigo,
I've been stabbed by who I thought was my friend,
Es otra noche a solas, a solas conmigo.
It's another night alone, alone with me.
No son pretextos es mi vida real,
These are not excuses, it's my real life,
Son textos y textos sin miedo a fallar,
Texts and texts without fear of failing,
Echando el resto, mi vida fue esto,
Giving it my all, my life was this,
Prefiero fallar que no intentarlo al jamás.
I prefer to fail than never try.
Pero no quiero luego estar quedándome con la duda,
But I don't want to be left with the doubt later,
De si era o no escoger la música una locura,
Whether choosing music was crazy or not,
Espero que aplaudas si fracaso al final,
I hope you applaud if I fail in the end,
Porque prefiero fallar que no intentarlo jamás.
Because I prefer to fail than never try.
He perdido colegas, he ganado atropellos,
I've lost colleagues, I've gained setbacks,
No he buscado problemas nunca y me he topado con ellos,
I've never looked for trouble and I've run into them,
He sabido afrontarlos, algunos he huido,
I've known how to face them, some I've run away from,
No te creas que fardo hermano estoy arrepentido.
Don't think I'm bragging, brother, I'm repentant.
Me he mordido mi lengua, me he tragado mi orgullo
I've bitten my tongue, I've swallowed my pride,
Y por no hablar a tiempo luego me he sentido un capullo,
And for not speaking up in time, I felt like a jerk afterwards,
Me he comido beefs respuesta y no he atacado a nadie,
I've eaten beefs response and I haven't attacked anyone,
No me afectan sus ballestas sólo lanzan aire.
Their crossbows don't affect me, they only shoot air.
He querido mirar el rap como familia libre,
I wanted to look at rap as a free family,
He intentado llevarme bien con tos y es imposible,
I tried to get along with everyone and it's impossible,
¡que les follen!, no voy a tragar con quien no aguanto,
Screw them!, I'm not going to put up with who I can't stand,
No es llevarse bien hipócrita mente charlando.
It's not about getting along hypocritically while chatting.
Me alejé del rap, de Mc's, de rappers, de pibas,
I walked away from rap, from MC's, from rappers, from girls,
Me refiero del mundillo no es que ya no escriba,
I mean from the scene, it's not that I don't write anymore,
Pero quiero hacer las cosas desde mi planeta,
But I want to do things from my planet,
Alejado de malos royos, solo yo y mis letras.
Away from bad vibes, just me and my lyrics.
Perdona mamá por tirar mi vida,
Forgive me, mom, for throwing away my life,
Por vivir persiguiendo algo que me hace un suicida,
For living chasing something that makes me suicidal,
Pero por más desengaños que me da esta puta,
But for more disappointments that this bitch gives me,
Cuando más la necesito siempre está y me ayuda.
When I need it most, she's always there and helps me.
Hablo de la música, no hablaba de tías,
I'm talking about music, I wasn't talking about girls,
No busco mujeres ninguna me aguantaría,
I'm not looking for women, none would put up with me,
No es mi disco es mi diario lo que estoy soltando,
It's not my record, it's my diary what I'm letting go,
Y sigo caminado, hermano, sigo caminando.
And I keep walking, brother, I keep walking.
No son pretextos es mi vida real,
These are not excuses, it's my real life,
Son textos y textos sin miedo a fallar,
Texts and texts without fear of failing,
Echando el resto, mi vida fue esto,
Giving it my all, my life was this,
Prefiero fallar que no intentarlo al jamás.
I prefer to fail than never try.
Pero no quiero luego estar quedándome con la duda,
But I don't want to be left with the doubt later,
De si era o no escoger la música una locura,
Whether choosing music was crazy or not,
Espero que aplaudas si fracaso al final,
I hope you applaud if I fail in the end,
Porque prefiero fallar que no intentarlo jamás.
Because I prefer to fail than never try.

Авторы: Chukky

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