Ciro y los Persas - Caminando - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ciro y los Persas - Caminando

Saliendo de Mackena un rato antes que salga el sol
Leaving Mackena a little bit before the sun comes up
Yo no tengo GPS pero tengo mucho amor
I don't have GPS but I've got a lot of love
También tengo algún defecto, pero hay uno que es peor
I also have some flaws, but there's one that's worse
Es que escucho por la boca, acércate corazón
Is that I listen by mouth, come closer my heart
Hablame, hablame, hablame, hablame por favor
Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, talk to me please
Como siempre dice Axel cuando pierde la razón
Like Axel always says when he loses his mind
Uh, nunca es fácil, uh, ya lo ves
Uh, it's never easy, uh, you see
El que no se conforma sabe que puede doler
He who does not conform knows that it can hurt
Nacimos ocho hermanos y de todos fui el menor
We were born eight brothers and I was the youngest
Mi viejo venía poco sino éramos veintidós
My old man didn't come over much, unless there were twenty-two of us
Hoy no vive ninguno y no es que yo sea el mejor
Today, there aren't any of them alive and it's not because I'm the best
Solo tengo algo de suerte y olfato depredador
I just have some luck and a predator's instinct
Duermo con un ojo abierto y confió en mi intuición
I sleep with one eye open and trust my intuition
Tengo dientes afilados listos para el mordiscón
I have sharp teeth ready to bite
Uh, nunca es fácil, uh, ya lo ves
Uh, it's never easy, uh, you see
El que no se conforma sabe que puede doler
He who does not conform knows that it can hurt
(Sigue y no cedas) con obstinación
(Keep going and don't give up) with persistence
(Sigue y no cedas) no hay absolución
(Keep going and don't give up) there's no absolution
(Sigue y no cedas) podés ser el rey
(Keep going and don't give up) you could be the king
Pero al día siguiente, un bufón sin piel
But the next day, a jester without skin
Con tentación, emoción, ilusión, devoción
With temptation, emotion, illusion, devotion
Devorás lo que un día dejé
You devour what I left one day
Con tentación, emoción, ilusión, erección
With temptation, emotion, illusion, erection
Engullís lo que un día dejé
You gobble up what I left one day
Nacimos ocho hermanos y de todos fui el menor
We were born eight brothers and I was the youngest
Mi viejo venía poco si no éramos 22
My old man didn't come over much, unless there were twenty-two of us
Uh, nunca es fácil, uh, ya lo ves
Uh, it's never easy, uh, you see
El que no se conforma sabe que puede doler, y va a doler
He who does not conform knows that it can hurt, and it will hurt
(Sigue y no cedas) con obstinación
(Keep going and don't give up) with persistence
(Sigue y no cedas) no hay absolución
(Keep going and don't give up) there's no absolution
(Sigue y no cedas) podés ser el rey
(Keep going and don't give up) you could be the king
Pero al día siguiente, un bufón sin piel
But the next day, a jester without skin
(Sigue y no cedas) cruzando el dolor
(Keep going and don't give up) crossing the pain
(Sigue y no cedas) uh, ya va a estar mejor
(Keep going and don't give up) uh, it's going to get better
(Sigue y no cedas) "eh, si quieres dormir
(Keep going and don't give up) "hey, if you want to sleep
Tírate en mi cama" me dijo el faquir
Throw yourself on my bed" the fakir told me
(Sigue y no cedas) con obstinación
(Keep going and don't give up) with persistence
(Sigue y no cedas) no hay absolución
(Keep going and don't give up) there's no absolution
(Sigue y no cedas) podés ser el rey
(Keep going and don't give up) you could be the king
Un bufón sin piel
A jester without skin
(Sigue y no cedas) cruzando el dolor
(Keep going and don't give up) crossing the pain
(Sigue y no cedas) uh, ya va a estar mejor
(Keep going and don't give up) uh, it's going to get better
(Sigue y no cedas) "eh, si quieres dormir
(Keep going and don't give up) "hey, if you want to sleep
Tírate en mi cama" me dijo el faquir
Throw yourself on my bed" the fakir told me
Sigue y no cedas
Keep going and don't give up
Sigue y no cedas
Keep going and don't give up
Sigue y no cedas
Keep going and don't give up
Ah, yeh, uh, yeh
Ah, yeah, uh, yeah

Авторы: Andres Ciro Martinez, Juan Manuel Gigena Abalos

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