Co'Sang - Mumento D'Onestà - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Co'Sang - Mumento D'Onestà

Mumento D'Onestà
Moment of Honesty
Ultimamente agg 'ntiso giurnalist', cantant' e ricere:
Lately, I've been hearing journalists, singers, and researchers say:
"Ma i Co'Sang a che parte stann?
"Whose side are Co'Sang on?
I Co'sang a 'ro stanno? Pecchè nun piglian' posizion?...
Where do Co'Sang stand? Why don't they take a position?..."
Ij dico ca nuje nun rappresentam' 'e
I tell you, babe, we don't represent the
Strade ma 'a gente ca ce sta a'dinto
Streets, but the people who live in them
A stessa gente ca ce sente e ce bene...
The same people who listen to us and love us...
tenè tre lauree o sta 'nguajat e precedent'
They might have three degrees or be in trouble with the law
esser' 'e Napule, comm'e qualsiasi altra parte d' Italia.
They could be from Naples, like any other part of Italy.
Cercamm e fa 'a musica,
We try to make music,
Motivat a na sofferenz, ca nun è sul causat' a nu fenomen' criminal'
Motivated by suffering, which isn't just caused by a criminal phenomenon
...nuj nun simm contro a nient', simm' a favor' e l'emozion...
...we're not against anything, we're in favor of emotions...
Mai fatt' corsi è dizion'?
Ever taken a dictionary course?
Funzion' si faje 'e fiction
Function, that's what you do in fiction
Vai a lezion' è poliziott
Go take a cop lesson
Approfitt' re' sord' è l'area nord
Take advantage of the deaf in the northern area
Ma che te ne 'mport?
But what do you care?
Accuminciann' a chi pe' nciarm' s'è sfrigiat', s'è 'mpicciat
Let's start with those who screwed themselves up, got involved to show off
Legg 'o giurnal, l'ultim' anno se chiamm "jurnat"
Read the newspaper, the last year is called "journey"
Cu' 'llat passegg' co' pigiam eggià
With those who walk around in pajamas already
Perzechè che capa tien'? lap dance o Pap test?
Because what head do you have? Lap dance or Pap test?
Nun so' pe' tte si nun apparteng'
I don't know about you, if you don't belong
O magn co' manganiell' pe nun me fa mancà nient'
Or eat with a nightstick so I don't miss anything
T'aggir' e pe' magia vire cantant, magistrat
Turn around and by magic see singers, magistrates
Marciano e vonno sfruttà 'a scia ro marchij registrat'
Martians who want to exploit the trail of registered trademarks
'Nfacc so pallid', squallid, s'accamuffan'
Their faces are pale, squalid, they hide
Nemmanc 'e pall e fa l'informator re puff'
Not even balls to be a puff informant
Necronom' a tiemp che metronom'
Necronom' on time as a metronome'
Performance erotic' a n'eroinomane
Erotic performance of a heroin addict
Prestanom' dinto 'e popol' nomad'
We borrow from nomadic people'
Nun saje l'enorm emergenz' re rom
You don't know the enormous emergency of the Roma people
È l'ottava municipalità e nuje luttammo pe l'emancipà
It's the eighth municipality and we fight to emancipate it
Nun rilascij intervist' pa' DDA
I don't give interviews for the DDA
Nun ce può intimidì, nun ce fai tentennà
You can't intimidate us, you can't make us hesitate
Dannat, sgamamm' l'ingann, ammagar 'ngarran
Damned, we see through the deception, bitter deception
Senza bonific' gigant, politicant e bodyguard
Without giant bonuses, politicians and bodyguards
E' necessario un momento d'onestà
We need a moment of honesty
Voi fate i nomi del sistema e no chill' ro' Stat'
You name the names of the system and not those of the State
Per sti quartieri siamo stelle sotto al soffitto
For these neighborhoods, we are stars under the ceiling
E questa è 'a rrobb chiù over ca amm' mai scritt'
And this is the most "over" thing I've ever written
Nun vennimmo suonne
We don't sell dreams
O popol' nuost' o' facimm sunnà senza ipocrisia
We make our people dream without hypocrisy
Ma a sient a poesia? Strunz!
But do you hear the poetry? Asshole!
Tu ca t'appruoprij è na cosa ca nun è a toja
You who appropriate something that isn't yours
Mo è na moda a da' 'nguoll a criminalità organizzat'
Now it's fashionable to swallow organized crime
Senza rispett pe' chi soffre
Without respect for those who suffer
Je penso ca l'essera sulo ringrazià pa' notorietà ca v'ha dato
I think they should only be thanked for the notoriety it gave you
E cu' chest' je nun me sto schierann'
And with this, I'm not taking sides
Ma rimmell', che faciss' si nun ce stess'?
But tell me, what would you do if it wasn't there?
Che diciss' dinto 'e piezz'?
What would you say in your songs?
Fuss' capace e te sentì artista 'o stesso?
Would you be able to feel like an artist all the same?
'A fama è 'na lunga strada
Fame is a long road
E chesta è 'a scorciatoja cchiù banale
And this is the most banal shortcut
'E categorie so' bone pe chi nun tene identità
Categories are good for those who have no identity
T'o dico je ca songo chello ca nun sarraje maij
I tell you, I am what you will never be
E si 'o dissing è rivolto a 'mme
And if the dissing is addressed to me
Ma nun faje 'o nomme dinto 'o rispetto
But don't say my name out of respect
Liegg't 'e test' comme 'a Bibbia, attentament'
Read the lyrics like the Bible, carefully
E pruov' a fa' coccos' e sord'
And try to make some money
Mettenn' coccos' 'e nuovo dinto 'e canzoni
Putting something new into the songs
Na metafora o nu' singolon' pe tutt' 'a nazion'
A metaphor or a single for the whole nation
Agend' dinto a nu vulcan' scuppiatt assaij primma e Savian'
Agenda inside a volcano erupted long before Saviano
Viaggiammo cu' l' autostrada pavata
We travel on the paved highway
"'O prufessor" ha imparat' coccos' a "gomorra" chist' anno
"'The Professor" has learned something from "Gomorrah" this year
Aggia colpì chi se fa 'e sord 'ngopp 'o dialett' mije
I have to hit those who make money off my dialect
Annientann' carrier', scetann quartier'
Annihilating careers, waking up neighborhoods
E ogni fan è nu figlije
And every fan is a child
E 'o messagg' è na fede
And the message is a faith
Eh... 'o sfizij mije foss' re' verè 'nfacc
Eh... my wish would be to see their faces
Quanno senton' 'e parol' che sto pe dicere
When they hear the words I'm about to say
Se pensavano ca 'e Co'Sang eran n'ato gruppo 'e chilli 'lla ca esser'
If they thought that Co'Sang were another one of those groups out there
Sfruttat' stu fenomen...
Exploiting this phenomenon...
Stu chiamammalo fenomen' ca è succiess' ca all' inizijo era
This, let's call it a phenomenon, that happened, that at the beginning was
Pure interessante ma è diventato pe me nu fenomen' 'e baraccon...
Even interesting but now it has become for me a phenomenon of shacks...
Se pensavan' ca er un 'e chilli grupp' ca
If they thought we were one of those groups that
S'ess' magnat 'e briciol' 'e coccrun'at...
Would eat the crumbs of someone else...
Invece no, nuje ammo sempe tenuto 'e concett'
Instead, no, we have always kept our concepts
Nuostr', 'e concert' nuostr' e 'a genta nostr'
Ours, our concerts and our people
E amm' fatto chest' ra l'inizij,
And we've been doing this since the beginning,
Assai primma ro' libro e assai primma ro film...
Long before the book and long before the movie...
Pe 'mme sti grupp' ca vulesser' fa l'impegnat'...
For me, these groups who want to act engaged...
Pe 'mme sulo gent' ca...
For me, they're just people who...
Alla fottuta ricerca di successo, a tutt' 'e cost'
In the damn search for success, at all costs
E ca 'o fann' sulament' pe fa cocc'
And they only do it to make some
Concert' e cchiù, pe ascì dint' 'a television'
Concerts and more, to get on television
Pe se nu poco r' importanz' a final
To give themselves a little importance in the end
Pecchè personalment' pens' ca si tu si capace e scriver' canzon' over'
Because personally I think that if you are able to write "over" songs
Canzon' che toccan' 'a gente,
Songs that touch people,
Tu nun tiene bisognij 'e te metter' aret'
You don't need to put yourself behind
'A coccrun'at... 'e furzà a 'fforz 'e cose
Someone else... to force things
Chest è 'a verità
This is the truth
Ca 'lloro si tutt' sta... stu fenomn ngopp' a criminalità...
That they are all this... this phenomenon on crime...
Ngopp' a tutt' chell ca s'è criato nun
On everything that has been created, if it didn't
Esistess' lloro pens' ca nun putesser' fa 'a musica
Exist, they think they couldn't make music
ce sta n'ata cos che voglij ricere,
Maybe there's one more thing I want to say,
Perché primma aggio chiamat' stu fenomen "fenomen' è baraccon"...
Because earlier I called this phenomenon "a phenomenon of shacks"...
'A cosa strana che je nun aggio maje
The strange thing that I have never
Capito e vuless ca 'a gente ce pensass':
Understood and I wish people would think about it:
Cioè pecchè dinto 'a colonna sonor' ro' film, c
That is, why in the soundtrack of the movie, which
A è diventat' 'o regal' è Natal' 'e l' anno passato,
Has become the Christmas gift of last year,
Ca ricimm' 'essa denuncià, no?...
Which, let's say, denounced, right?...
'Essa ricere certi 'ccos 'essa fa capì
It's supposed to say certain things, it's supposed to make
All' Italia che succere 'cca abbasc'...
Italy understand what's going on down here...
Pecchè stann' sul neomelodic: 23 tracce, 1 r'e Massive Attack,
Why are there only neomelodic songs: 23 tracks, 1 by Massive Attack,
Ca nun c' azzecc' nient' cu Napule e ati 22 e'
Which has nothing to do with Naples, and the other 22 are
Neomelodic', vuless' domandà stu fatt ma pcchè?
Neomelodic, I want to ask this question, why?
Pecchè è tutt 'na denuncia e po' aropp' ce sta 'a collaborazione?
Why is it all a denunciation and then there's collaboration?
Allor è proprio over' ca 'e sord'
So it's really "over" that money
Fann' sta buon a tutt' quant'? (ha ha)
Makes everyone good? (ha ha)
E po' n'ata cosa... pecchè hann' girato nu mese sano dinto 'e vele?
And then another thing... why did they shoot for a whole month in the sails?
Cioè comme hann' fatt' a girà dinto 'e vele nu mese sano?
I mean, how did they manage to shoot in the sails for a whole month?
Cioè ve l'at' mai chiest chest?
Have you ever asked yourself this?
A me me vene a rirere...
It makes me laugh...
E po' saccio pure ati' cose ca nun pozz' ricere
And then I know other things that I can't say
Pecchè po' a final trasessem' dinto 'o personal
Because then in the end we would get into personal matters
E je nun voglio offennere a nisciuno, però je ce tengo a coerenz'
And I don't want to offend anyone, but I care about consistency
Pecchè je nu napulitan coerent'
Because I am a consistent Neapolitan
E chisto piezz' è...
And this piece is...
è sulo pe spiegà buono 'a situazion' nostr' e a posizion' nostr'
it's just to explain our situation and our position well
Pecchè nuje simm' stat' semp'
Because we have always been
Sincer' ca gent' ca ce sent'... Co'Sang...
Sincere with the people who listen to us... Co'Sang...
Ce vulesse nu mumento d'onestà...
We would like a moment of honesty...
Giudicatev' vuje invece e giudicà all'at
Judge yourselves instead of judging others

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