Cypress Hill - Muévete - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cypress Hill - Muévete

Move Ya
Quemando putos que se creen mazisos
Burn the fools who think they're tough
Dejando ceniza, tu no quieres ser la
Leaving ash, you don't want to be
Victima de un ciclon
The victim of a cyclone
Simon, tu sabes que soy el chingon
Man, you know I'm the one
Sacalos and muevelos ya
Get them out and move them now
Juras que soy el mejor
You swear I'm the best
Tu quedaras igual que los demas
You'll end up just like the rest
Esta alegandome, no lo trates
It's tormenting me, don't try it
Porque te pego asi como tus padres
Because I'll hit you like your parents did
Has lo que te digo yo, si no
Do what I say, or else
(Pinche puto, vengo en control)
(Motherfucker, I'm in control)
Balas, ayy! no les importa quien muera
Bullets, oh yeah! they don't care who's dead
Cuando estan en guerra
When they're at war
Con que maten, un vato del otro lado
As long as they kill someone from the other side
Diferentes rumbos, cargan soldados
Different directions, carrying soldiers
Si la lluvia cae, pronto miraras
If the rain falls, you'll soon see
Los huetos que hay (mueve tus cañones)
The bones there are (move your cannons)
Somos intocables, cypress cero si
We're untouchable, cypress zero yeah
Calla y si no cruces claro que vas a morir
Shut up or cross the line and you'll die
Grandes familias, mueren nunca
Big families, never die
Siempre filerosas como puntas
Always sharp as points
De navajas, balas que cargas
Of knives, bullets you carry
No te me brinques (ese no chingues!)...
Don't mess with me (don't fuck with that!)...
Chorus x2:
Chorus x2:
Sacalos, muevelos ya! (fierro muevelos!)
Get them out, move them now! (iron move them!)
Sacalos, muevelos ya! (fierro muevelos!)
Get them out, move them now! (iron move them!)
Sacalos, muevelos ya! (fierro muevelos!)
Get them out, move them now! (iron move them!)
Sacalos, muevelos ya! (fierro muevelos!)...
Get them out, move them now! (iron move them!)...
Putos vienen en todas medidas y clases
Fuckers come in all shapes and sizes
Te agarro con el mecate, por el cuello pa colgarte
I catch you with the rope, by your neck to hang you
Asi no puedes respirar, lo que necesita
That way you can't breathe, what you need
Es la mota que te voy a dar
Is the weed that I'm going to give you
Como un muñeco, yo te controlo
Like a puppet, I control you
Con las mañas de maniaco
With the ways of a maniac
Mi ejercito crece como mota
My army grows like weed
La familia mas grande que la chota
The biggest family, more than the cops
Ahora te ecuentro en panico
Now I find you in panic
Atrapado por mi clicka en el auto
Trapped by my click in the car
Nunca encuentran cuerpos que tiramos
They never find the bodies we throw away
En lagos entierran evidencia y cae la miseria
Evidence is buried in lakes and misery falls
Muy tarde llegan a buscarte a ti
Too late they come looking for you
Si me preguntan digo que yo no te vi
If they ask me, I'll say I didn't see you
Un miedo vive en tu mente
A fear lives in your mind
Vente y deveras vas a conocer la muerte...
Come and you'll really get to know death...
Sacalos, sacalos, quiebralos y muevelos
Get them out, get them out, break them up and move them
Sacalos, sacalos, quiebralos y muevelos
Get them out, get them out, break them up and move them
Sacalos, sacalos, quiebralos y muevelos
Get them out, get them out, break them up and move them
Sacalos, sacalos, quiebralos y muevelos...
Get them out, get them out, break them up and move them...
Dejenme pasar soy el que domina
Let me in, I'm the one who rules
Cuando viene el pleito soy el que termina vidas
When the fight comes I'm the one who ends lives
38 voy a cargar
38 I'm going to carry
Buscando a levas que tengo que eliminar
Looking for fuckers I have to eliminate
(Que onda pues, corres cuando me ves
(What's up? You run when you see me
Por que sabes que controlo el 1 y 3)
Because you know I control 1 and 3)
Y corto por la mitad quien me mire mal
And cut in half anyone who looks at me wrong
No puedes escapar, llegaste a tu final
You can't escape, you've reached your end
Sigo siendo el jefe
I'm still the boss
Del cerro grande, cypress hill 213
Of the big hill, cypress hill 213
El que se mete inmediatamente
The one who jumps in immediately
Va perder la mente a la muerce...
Will lose his mind to death...

Авторы: Louis M. Freeze, Larry Muggerud

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