Db Mandala - Seventh Chakra - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Db Mandala - Seventh Chakra

Seventh Chakra
Seventh Chakra
Gue emang anak baru
I'm a new kid on the block
Datang bukan buat lo haru
I'm here to make you rock
Awalnya gua pun malu
I was shy at first
Tapi kenapa harus ragu
But why should I be nervous
Buat ini sedikit halu
To make this a little crazy
Walau goyang tetap maju
Even if the swing still goes forward
Ferari gue melaju
My Ferrari drives fast
Tabrak otak lo yang kaku
Crashing your brain that is stiff
Dari awal ga pengen dikenal
From the beginning, I didn't want to be known
Cuma sekedar cari teman
Just looking for friends
Teman terbang dan melayang
Friends who fly and float
Bukan sekedar angan angan
Not just a dream
Emang dasar lo pengen terkenal
You really want to be famous
Update sosmed keliatan mahal
Social media updates look expensive
Coba inget terakir amal
Try to remember the last charity
Pasti jauh dari kata mahal
It must be far from the word expensive
Buka mata, hati, dan chakra
Open your eyes, heart, and chakra
Jangan sampai lo hilang nyawa
Don't lose your life
Coba buka mata ketiga
Try to open your third eye
Lihat dunia yang jauh berbeda
See a world that is much different
Dunia bukan soal harta dan tahta
The world is not about wealth and throne
Kita semua punya mahkota
We all have a crown
Buddha bilang seventh chakra
Buddha said seventh chakra
Bukan cuma goku yang punya
Not only Goku has it
Bukan cuma goku yang punya
Not only Goku has it
Bukan cuma goku yang punya
Not only Goku has it
Bukan cuma goku yang punya
Not only Goku has it
Bukan cuma goku yang punya
Not only Goku has it
Bukan cuma goku yang punya
Not only Goku has it
Bukan cuma goku yang punya
Not only Goku has it
Bukan cuma goku yang punya
Not only Goku has it
Terlahir sempurna illuminati tutupi semua
Born perfect, the Illuminati cover it all up
Bagai mister robot gue bawa konten berbobot
Like Mr. Robot, I bring substantial content
Coba bongkar misteri dunia yang sangat kolot
Try to unravel the mysteries of a very old-fashioned world
Walau gue sendiri yakin bisa buka tu borok
Even though I myself believe I can open that wound
Nyolot ya, gue emang nyolot
Brash, yes, I'm brash
Udah waktunya revolusi meditasi relaksasi
It's time for a revolution of meditative relaxation
Percaya semesta bekerja dengan seksama
Trust that the universe works diligently
Seperti kereta kita cuma bisa percaya
Like a train, we can only trust
Stasiun pemberhentian akhirnya itu surga
The final destination station is heaven
Rasa california tapi gue tinggal dekat jakarta
A California vibe, but I live near Jakarta
Depok so what? dari kecil tinggal di sini
Depok, so what? I've lived here since I was a kid
Tapi brand gue tersebar seluruh indonesia
But my brand is spread all over Indonesia
Ga peduli asal lo dari mana
I don't care where you're from
Yang penting mimpi lo jauh disana
What's important is that your dream is far away
Ga peduli asal lo dari mana
I don't care where you're from
Yang penting mimpi lo jauh disana
What's important is that your dream is far away
Ga peduli asal lo dari mana
I don't care where you're from
Yang penting mimpi lo jauh disana
What's important is that your dream is far away
Ga peduli asal lo dari mana
I don't care where you're from
Yang penting mimpi lo jauh disana
What's important is that your dream is far away
Ingat dari awal siapa yang ada buat kita
Remember, who was there for you from the beginning
Saat lo bukan apa apa mereka lah yang ada
When you were nothing, they were the ones who were there
Bagai pohon tanpa akar ga bakal bisa tumbuh
Like a tree without roots, it will never grow
Hidup lo busuk cocoknya jadi pupuk
Your life is rotten, fit to be fertilizer
Ketemu Joe Mill, gua semakin yakin
Meeting Joe Mill, I became more convinced
Matter Mos buat gue percaya kalo Tuhan itu adil
Matter Mos makes me believe that God is fair
Kay Oscar datang bawa seribu pedang
Like Oscar came with a thousand swords
Tenang lo gak bakal mati kita bunuh keraguan
Relax, you won't die, we'll kill the doubt
Juta oh Juta, punya sejuta cara
Millions oh Millions, have a million ways
Untuk membangun istana, gue siap jadi prajuritnya
To build a palace, I'm ready to be its warrior
Rimajinasi Randslam kita buat jadi nyata
Rimajinasi Randslam, we'll make it real
Joey Bada$$ bilang, cuma butuh kesabaran
Joey Bada$$ says, it just takes patience
Ga peduli asal lo dari mana
I don't care where you're from
Yang penting mimpi lo jauh disana
What's important is that your dream is far away
Ga peduli asal lo dari mana
I don't care where you're from
Yang penting mimpi lo jauh disana
What's important is that your dream is far away
Ga peduli asal lo dari mana
I don't care where you're from
Yang penting mimpi lo jauh disana
What's important is that your dream is far away
Ga peduli asal lo dari mana
I don't care where you're from
Yang penting mimpi lo jauh disana
What's important is that your dream is far away
Ga peduli asal lo dari mana
I don't care where you're from
Yang penting mimpi lo jauh disana
What's important is that your dream is far away
Ga peduli asal lo dari mana
I don't care where you're from
Yang penting mimpi lo jauh disana
What's important is that your dream is far away
Ga peduli asal lo dari mana
I don't care where you're from
Yang penting mimpi lo jauh disana
What's important is that your dream is far away
Ga peduli asal lo dari mana
I don't care where you're from
Yang penting mimpi lo jauh disana
What's important is that your dream is far away

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