Dreams Come True - Teiuka - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dreams Come True - Teiuka

ふられたんだ ついにあのコに そんで落ち込んでるんだ
He ditched me, that guy, finally, and now I'm down in the dumps.
最後の言葉 引きずっちゃって 「ずっとあなたを 好きだから」
Still reeling from his last words: "I've always liked you."
ていうか じゃあさ なんで別れんのよ
I mean, what the hell? Then why break up with me?
He didn't want to be the bad guy who dumped me.
彼女のずるい言い訳 罪悪感薄めてるだけ
Her lame excuse, just a way to ease her own guilt.
なに よくあるパターンにはまっちゃってんの?
What, did she think I'd fall for that old trick?
着信履歴は2日前 あなたの名前にこっそり
My call history shows her name two days ago, sneaking a call.
ハートのマーク付けていた 誰にも教えてないけれど
A little heart next to it, hidden from everyone but me.
I mean, "I won't give you some half-assed consolation,
but I'll hang out with you today!"
とか言いながら 折り電 大変だった勇気いった
She says, and dials me up, all brave and stuff.
ぜんぜん意味無し NEWネイルだった
Totally pointless, with her new manicure all showy.
用心してた会う瞬間 あなたの癖知ってて
I was on guard, ready for our meeting, knowing your habits.
日本人なのに 誰にでも ハグとかするから 構えてた
Even though you're Japanese, you hug anyone and everyone, so I was prepared.
ていうか そんなことがもうほんと
I mean, it's really
unbelievable how awful you are.
今ならもしかしてとかさ 弱みに付け込むとかさ
Now I'm thinking, "Maybe there's a chance," or "Maybe I can exploit her weakness."
I'm seriously considering it.
結局「時間かかるけど 忘れるよ」とか言ってんの
But in the end, she just says, "It'll take time, but you'll forget me."
情けない顔で笑うから 自分に言ってる気になった
She smiles sadly, and I pretend to believe her.
ていうか このタイミングで席立つの 変かな?
I mean, would it be weird if I stood up and left now?
Too obvious?
なんだか大きな塊が 喉につかえて込み上げて
I feel a huge lump in my throat, choking me up.
やばいよ 息がちゃんと吸えてないよ
Oh no, I can't breathe!
「おれらはいいよ 楽だよな? 恋じゃないからいいんだろうな?」
"We're fine, aren't we? It's easy for us since it's not love, right?"
なにげに言われたあの日から ずっと友達ぶっていた
Ever since you said that to me, so casually, I've been pretending to be your friend.
ていうか 実は よくあるパターンに
I mean, the truth is,
I'm the one who's been caught in that old trick.
Because I really love you.
I really, really love you.
だからやっぱり 友達ぶるだろう
So I guess I'll keep pretending to be your friend.
I'll keep fighting with all my might.
ていうか きっとこれからも
I mean, I'll probably keep
ふつうにこのまま 友達なんだろう
just being your friend, like normal.
Just your friend...

Авторы: Miwa Yoshida, Masato Nakamura

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