Eason Chan - 完 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Eason Chan - 完

The End
一刻心也跳著 命能懸著 尚能延著
Every moment, my heart beats, my life hangs in the balance, I can still hold on,
Even though, in a second, the bill may come due.
光陰雖倒計著 但呢喃下 照樣漫長
The clock may be ticking down, but with these last whispered words, time still seems to stretch out indefinitely.
塵寰未了 沒有路撒手歸向
The world is still unfinished, there is no path to surrender to,
從來從來病床一張 就算已躺上 點滴再響 但意志高漲
Always there is a hospital bed, even if I'm already lying down, the IV drip beeping, my will is strong,
雖已走向 那滅亡最終一章 全力多打漂亮一仗
Even though I'm heading towards that final chapter of destruction, I'll fight as hard as I can to make it a beautiful battle,
仍祈望那重傷 或會有轉向
Still hoping that my fatal wound might take a turn,
這是妄想 怎也說不上
It's a fantasy, I can't deny it,
無力軟弱 總不免變得倔強
Weak and powerless, I can't help but become stubborn,
無奈生於死角 只得一個下場
Trapped in a dead end, there is only one way out,
終迫出勇氣讓 被誰懲罰 被誰原諒
Finally summoning the courage to ask, who will punish me, who will forgive me?
願再擔保 不過信譽壞了帳
I'd like to guarantee it, but my reputation is in tatters,
終識得去退讓 但懸崖上 再沒後牆
I finally know how to give in, but on the edge of the cliff, there is no way back,
I only ask that we don't become enemies, that we exchange one last blow,
從來從來病床一張 就算已躺上 點滴再響 但意志高漲
Always there is a hospital bed, even if I'm already lying down, the IV drip beeping, my will is strong,
雖已走向 那滅亡最終一章
Even though I'm heading towards that final chapter of destruction,
I'll fight as hard as I can to make it a beautiful battle,
如承受那重傷 未見有轉向
If I succumb to my fatal wound, I see no way out,
這樣對比 可會太牽強
Is this comparison too far-fetched?
同樣脆弱 不得已要坦白嗎 病至膏肓 再避不上
Equally fragile, must I confess it? The illness is terminal, there is no escape,
自認自認未絕望 未去努力著
I admit, I'm not giving up, I'm still fighting,
但時日錯過了 再怎可勉強
But time has run out, how can I keep fighting?
沒權利失落失望 今天我倆 俱傷得 欠救藥
I have no right to be disappointed or discouraged, today we are both so badly injured, we need to be saved,
原來尚有創傷 沒法去敷上
Apparently there is still an injury that can't be treated,
關係哪可 斷了再拉上
Our relationship cannot be broken off and then resumed,
可會驚詫 世事如只得一廂 沒法扭轉結局方向
Are you surprised? What if the world is one-sided, if there's no way to change the direction of the ending?
原來尚有理想 沒法再攀上
Apparently there is still a dream, that can no longer be reached,
想贈那獎 都不及去頒上
I wanted to give you that prize, but I didn't have time to award it,
難道歲月 多少課也可白上
How can so many lessons be for nothing?
唯獨告別路途 要懂怎去走上
Only the path to goodbye must be learned,
手一僵眼閉著 未能延著 別求延著
My hand stiffens, my eyes close, I can't hold on, I don't want to hold on,
學會花圈棺蓋了後 就獻上
Learn to place the wreath and lower the coffin lid,
但願步過瞻仰 你亦明白 看穿真相
I hope that as you pass by my grave, you will understand, you will see the truth,
尚有些仗 全力亦打不上
There are still battles that I can't fight, even with all my strength.

Авторы: Eric Kwok, Bao Lin

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