Eddie MV feat. Noe - Quiero Pensar (feat. Noe) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Eddie MV feat. Noe - Quiero Pensar (feat. Noe)

Quiero Pensar (feat. Noe)
I Want to Believe (feat. Noe)
Quiero pensar que en esta vida todo vale
I want to believe that in this life, everything's worth it.
Que con cada consecuencia, reaccion y aprendizaje.
With every consequence, reaction and learning.
Quiero, pensar que tengo mas de lo que me merezco mas de lo que he
I want to believe that I have more than I deserve, more than I've
Demostrado en un camino atromentado
Demonstrated in a tormented path,
Que quiero pensar que cuando el mundo mejore se acabara la pobreza
That I want to believe that when the world improves, poverty will end,
No exisitiran dictadores y aun
There will be no more dictatorships and yet
Puedo sentirme mas libre con cada verso que os
I can feel more free with each verse that I
Canto, con cada rap que comparto provoco en ti sobresalto.
Sing, with each rap that I share, I provoke in you a start.
Comparto mil melodias en dias donde la
I share a thousand melodies on days when
Tristeza se adelanta sin temor a una alegria.
Sadness rushes forward, without fear of joy.
Quiero pensar que no hay fronteras donde poder refugiarte de un amor
I want to believe that there are no borders where you can find refuge from a love
Tan desterrado, tan fugaz y tan cobarde, por eso
So banished, so fleeting and so cowardly, that's why
Dejarme solo en mi cuarto sin luz
To leave me alone in my room without light,
Mi mente y mi arte con tantas ganas
My mind and my art with such a desire
De verte, tanto Hip-Hop que mostraste.
To see you, so much hip-hop that you have shown.
Por eso quiero pensar que en un segundo todo puede cambiar.
That's why I want to believe that in a second, everything can change.
Quiero pensar que tras la oscuridad
I want to believe that behind the darkness
Se esconden buenas intenciones
There are good intentions hiding,
El suelo no vuelve a golpear, se tranformara en buenas sensaciones.
The ground doesn't hit again, it will become good feelings.
Ver que cuando luchas con honestidad, ahhh
To see that when you fight with honesty, ahhh
Implica ganar, dar un paso mas, quiero pensar...*
It implies winning, taking a step further, I want to believe...*
Es utopico decir "te quiero"
It's utopian to say "I love you"
Muchos saben como soy pero pocos lo que quiero
Many know how I am but few know what I want
Pienso que si cada vez que nos hieren doliera menos
I think that if every time they hurt us it hurt less
No seriamos capaces de aguantar como guerreros
We wouldn't be able to endure like warriors
Tantos ultimos suspiros y errores que he cometido
So many last sighs and mistakes I've made
Tantas veces que he pensado que nadie sigue apoyando en mi camino
So many times I've thought that no one still supports my path
Porque, cuando ya menos te lo esperas llega siempre ese momento de
Because, when you least expect it, that moment always comes of
Una amistad pasajera
A fleeting friendship
Y es que quiero pensar que hay presidentes honrados
And I want to think that there are honest presidents
Que el indigente tiene casa y ya no muere congelado
That the homeless have homes and are no longer freezing to death
Solo quiero creer que cada esfuerzo ha dado un fruto
I just want to believe that every effort has borne fruit
Que he ayudado a las personas con la mier que escupo y no culpo a
That I have helped people with the shit I spit out and not blame
Nadie si fallara, si murieran mis ganas
Anyone if they fail, if my desire were to die
Si por cada cicatriz otra herida sangrara "¡¡Ya basta!!"
If for every scar another wound would bleed "Enough!"
Quiero pensar que aun queda mucha energia para
I want to believe that there is still a lot of energy to
Poder lograr llegar ha alcanzar lo que querias...
To be able to achieve the goals that you wanted...
Quiero pensar que tras la oscuridad
I want to believe that behind the darkness
Se esconden buenas intenciones
There are good intentions hiding,
El suelo no vuelve a golpear, se tranformara en buenas sensaciones.
The ground doesn't hit again, it will become good feelings.
Ver que cuando luchas con honestidad, ahhh
To see that when you fight with honesty, ahhh
Implica ganar, dar un paso mas, quiero pensar...*
It implies winning, taking a step further, I want to believe...*
Intenta ver mas alla de lo que ven tus ojos
Try to see beyond what your eyes see,
Intenta ver un mundo mas sincero, menos embustero, piensa
Try to see a world that is more sincere, less deceitful, think,
Siente, vive la vida intensamente, como hacemos nosotros...
Feel it, live life intensely, like we do...
Quiero pensar que tras la oscuridad
I want to believe that behind the darkness
Se esconden buenas intenciones, el suelo no vuelve a golpear
There are good intentions hiding, the ground doesn't hit again
(Eddie), se tranformara en (Mv) buenas sensaciones.
(Eddie), it will transform into (Mv) good feelings.
Ver que
See that
(Noe) cuando luchas con honestidad
(Noe) when you fight with honesty
(D'lux), ahhh, implica ganar
(D'lux), ahhh, it implies winning
(Quiero pensar), dar un paso mas, quiero pensar
(I want to believe), taking a step further, I want to believe
(Let's go)...*

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