Edo Maajka - Bomba - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Edo Maajka - Bomba

Ona je zgodna, mlada, svi je žele pokarat
She's hot, young, everyone wants to hit on her
Ona je pravo dobra al' je skupo održavat
She's really good but expensive to maintain
Potroši Boga oca, ja u stečaju ko Bosna
Spends like crazy, I'm bankrupt like Bosnia
Slabo izlazimo, zbog nje radim dva posla
We rarely go out, I work two jobs because of her
Al' isplati se na nju dati milion
But it's worth spending a million on her
Jer kad hodamo po špici, ja i kraj mene avion
Because when we walk down the street, it's me and an airplane next to me
I svi se okreću za nama, ja to buraz jebem
And everyone turns to look at us, I swear, bro
Ona jede u restoranu, ja kod kuće jedem
She eats in restaurants, I eat at home
Ima ajvara što mi donese stara
I have ajvar that my mom brings me
Ima kajmaka, sira, imam jedno petero jaja
I have kajmak, cheese, I have about five eggs
Ona bi skupe satove, kakve Pukanić ima
She wants expensive watches, like the ones Pukanić has
Ona bi čizme nove a već ih deset ima
She wants new boots, and she already has ten
Ona bi u Kitzbühel, care, kad dođe zima
She wants to go to Kitzbühel, babe, when winter comes
Kaže, boji se na Jahorini vukova ima
She says she's afraid of the wolves on Jahorina
Ona bi pila kafe, care, cijeli dan
She wants to drink coffee, babe, all day long
Nikad sapun, deterdžent, da malo opere stan
Never soap, detergent, to clean the apartment a little
Ona bi na kraju dana Papaja i Piranha
She wants Papaya and Piranha at the end of the day
Hoće da svršim u nju a ne želi biti mama
She wants me to finish inside her but doesn't want to be a mom
Ništa kuhanje, sarma, pelene i dijete
No cooking, sarma, diapers and a child
Udaće se, kaže, poslije trideset i pete
She says she'll get married after thirty-five
Ona je bomba (bomba)
She's a bomb (bomb)
Ona je bomba (bomba)
She's a bomb (bomb)
Ona je bomba (bomba)
She's a bomb (bomb)
Ona je bomba, okej
She's a bomb, okay
Starci joj imaju sve jer ona i dalje sve bi
Her parents have everything because she still wants everything
Ništa nije na kredit al' nema apetit
Nothing is on credit but she has no appetite
Ona jede pa povraća a kolača bi non-stop
She eats and then throws up but she wants sweets non-stop
Narko look je cool pa uvijek šopa dopa
The narco look is cool so she always buys dope
Pravo je dobra
She's really good
Mada nekad kad smo skupa, zna mi bit koma
Although sometimes when we're together, she can be a pain
Recimo kad izlazimo, hoće samo narodnjake
For example, when we go out, she only wants folk music
Ima prijatelje samo gej i seljake
Her only friends are gays and peasants
Voli pričat samo o sebi i dijeti
She only likes to talk about herself and her diet
O šminki, frizuri i petsto i jednoj kremi
About makeup, hair and five hundred and one creams
U biti kad smo skupa, samo se gledamo i jebemo
Basically, when we're together, we just look at each other and fuck
I gledamo i jebemo, i jebemo i jebemo
And we look and fuck, and fuck and fuck
Meni je jasno da ona nije za mene
It's clear to me that she's not for me
Al' neznam bil' mogo podnijet da je drugi
But I don't know if I could bear it if she were with someone else
Zato joj pare dajem i pljuvačku gutam
That's why I give her money and swallow my spit
I kad priča o nečem ja se pravim da slušam
And when she talks about something, I pretend to listen
Jer ona je bomba (bomba)
Because she's a bomb (bomb)
Ona je bomba (bomba)
She's a bomb (bomb)
Ona je bomba (bomba)
She's a bomb (bomb)
Ona je bomba (okej)
She's a bomb (okay)
Ko fol nešto studira, po kafama kulira
She pretends to study something, hangs out in cafes
Upisala dizajn samo da vrijeme ubija
She enrolled in design just to kill time
Ne zna olovku držat, dat će ispit jedan
She doesn't know how to hold a pencil, she'll take one exam
Al završiće ga garant jer joj tata dekan
But she'll pass it for sure because her dad is the dean
Tata voli ćerku, za nju ne žali kunu
Dad loves his daughter, he doesn't spare a dime on her
Kupiće joj Pežoa za fukodrome po Jarunu
He'll buy her a Peugeot for the fuck-dromes around Jarun
Pa joj kabrio deremo svakog puta
So we tear up her convertible every time
Ne voli fleke po haljini pa zato guta
She doesn't like stains on her dress so she swallows
Jebo te Tito, dajem pare za šminku
Fuck you Tito, I'm giving money for makeup
Ko što Štimac daje za Kranjčara Niku
Like Štimac gives for Kranjčar Niko
Ona spiku ne kuži, po klubovima ruži
She doesn't understand the talk, she's rosy in clubs
Kad odraste želi da bude baš ko Žuži
When she grows up, she wants to be just like Žuži
Pa da krzna nosa, da miriše po Kenzu
So she can wear furs, smell like Kenzo
Da pljuje ekipu što idu jest u menzu
To spit on the crew who go to eat in the canteen
Jeftine pizze, jogurte i suhu hranu
Cheap pizzas, yogurts and dry food
Ona iz Hemingveja ide drito u teretanu
She goes straight from Hemingway to the gym
Ona je bomba (bomba)
She's a bomb (bomb)
Ona je bomba (bomba)
She's a bomb (bomb)
Ona je bomba (bomba)
She's a bomb (bomb)
Ona je bomba (bomba)
She's a bomb (bomb)
Ona je bomba (bomba)
She's a bomb (bomb)
Ona je bomba (bomba)
She's a bomb (bomb)
Ona je bomba (bomba)
She's a bomb (bomb)

Авторы: Edin Osmic, Oneya Oneya

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