Edo Maajka - Gansi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Edo Maajka - Gansi

Bilo je to stvarno davno
It was really long ago
Prije bljeskova, oluja
Before flashes, storms
Vrijeme kad su branili
A time when they defended
Ime Plavog Kluba
The name of the Blue Club
Kad su se pankeri I reperi
When punks and rappers
Mrzili do neba
Hated each other to the sky
Ja sam bio prvomajska
I was a May Day
I pomalo od svega
And a little bit of everything
Vrijeme kad je Tomica Petrovic
A time when Tomica Petrovic
Malo prije neg' su izasli
A little before they came out
Prije neg' sto udjem u Jabuku
Before I joined Jabuka
Je direktor Menarta sada
Is now the director of Menart
Ma, svi je se sjecaju valjda
Well, everyone remembers her, I guess
Na svakome kozna jakna
Everyone wearing a leather jacket
Ona s cijelim klubom flerta
The one who flirts with the whole club
Za kog ce gace da skida
Who will take off their pants
Svaki vinkovacki roker sto svira
Every Vinkovacki rocker who plays
I svako ko se pojavio
And everyone who showed up
Smisljao lazi da pjevam
Thought of lies so that I would sing
I da konacno snimamo CD
And that we would finally record a CD
Vec nas je zvao Pista
Pista had already called us
Rekla je odjebi, mali
She said f*** off, little one
Neces dobit' nista, mrs
You won't get anything, miss
Svirali su Gansi u Jabuci
Gansi played in Jabuka
Svirali su Gansi u tu vece
Gansi played on that evening
Rekla mi je bjezi, mlad si
She told me to run away, you are young
Mali, nisi faca, mali, nemas karizmu
Little one, you are not a star, little one, you have no charisma
Nemas auto, mali, mali, nemas cistu iglu
You have no car, little one, little one, you don't have a clean needle
Svirali su Gansi, Ga, Ga, Gansi
Gansi played, Ga, Ga, Gansi
Proslo je vrijeme kradja
The time of thefts has passed
Vratili smo ime kluba
We returned the name of the club
Ja snimio cet'ri albuma
I have recorded four albums
Nemam stan, al' imam zenu
I don't have an apartment, but I have a wife
Bendovi sto su tad harali
The bands that raged then
Oni sto su Jasnu karali
The ones who cursed Jasna
Ja rokam s Frenkom I Soulom
I rock with Frenk and Soul
Naletim na Jasnu, a mislio sam
I run into Jasna, although I thought
Necu je nikad vidjet'
I will never see her again
Zamisli, na Srcu ima kucu
Imagine, she has a house on Srce
I na mom koncertu bila
And she was at my concert
Kaze Edo, moze l' piva
She says, Edo, can I get a beer
Poce se nabacivat', pricat'
Starts throwing herself at me, talking
Al' ja bih s tobom sliku
But I would like a picture with you
Necu govorit' sta je htjela
I won't say what she wanted
Jer ce me cenzurirat'
Because they will censor me
Kaze 'ajmo stara, voz
She says 'let's go old man, drive
Tuzna, ko da me znade
Sad, as if she knows me
Ja se zaletim za njom
I follow her
Jasna, htio sam te jebat'
Jasna, I wanted to f*** you
Al' sad si potrosena roba
But now you are a used up good
Ko rokeri nasi, bitch
Like our rockers, b***
Svirali su Gansi, je l' se sjecas
Gansi played, do you remember
Svirali su Gansi, ne sjecas se
Gansi played, you don't remember
Svirali su Gansi, svi su te karali
Gansi played, everyone cursed you
Rekla mi je bjezi, mlad si
She told me to run away, you are young
Mali, nisi faca, mali, nemas karizmu
Little one, you are not a star, little one, you have no charisma
Nemas auto, mali, mali, nemas cistu iglu
You have no car, little one, little one, you don't have a clean needle
Svirali su Gansi, Ga, Ga, Gansi
Gansi played, Ga, Ga, Gansi
Sad malo bounce-as na rep
Now some bounce-as in the rap
Nikad mi nisi bila jasna, matere mi
You were never clear to me, my mother

Авторы: Edin Osmic, Matko Sasek

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