Edo Maajka - Severina - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Edo Maajka - Severina

Većina ljudi što su dali za ovaj CD love
Most folks who paid for this CD, love
Ne bi čuli ovu stvar da se ona ovako ne zove
Wouldn't hear this track if it wasn't named like this
Žalosna je okolnost s čime privlačim pozornost smjesta
It's a sad fact, how I instantly grab attention
Al' ovo morate čut pa mi nisu bitna sredstva
But you gotta hear this, so the means don't matter to me
Počnite se aktivirat, s nama vole žonglirat
Start getting active, they love to juggle us around
Prestanite birat one što nas hoće izolirat
Stop choosing those who want to isolate us
Separacija je laka, izolacija isto
Separation is easy, isolation too
Svi smo mi skupa jedno vrlo malo misto
We are all together one very small place
Jebeno, gladno i žedno al meni nije svejedno
Fucking, hungry and thirsty, but I don't care
Vadi nos iz koke i budi odgovoran jednom barem
Get your nose out of the coke and be responsible for once at least
Da ti kažem, ljudi mi smo Balkanci
Let me tell you, people, we are Balkan people
S time se pomiri i živi, neće nam pomoć stranci
Come to terms with it and live, foreigners won't help us
Po godinu dana kasne penzije, pa tenzije rastu
Pensions are a year late, so tensions are rising
Ljudi samo jedu maslenjak i jebenu prasu
People only eat dandelions and damn pork
Pasu govna servirana, mediji ne daju šansu
They eat the shit served, the media gives no chance
Što smo strašljiviji i gluplji, lakše kontroliraju masu
The more scared and stupid we are, the easier it is to control the masses
Pa ne daju pare za školstvo da bi ti gluplji osto
So they don't give money for education so you stay dumber
Pa te šopaju sapunicama da ne misliš na poso
So they stuff you with soap operas so you don't think about work
I njihove greške i razlog zašto svoj poso nemaš
And their mistakes and the reason why you don't have your own job
Imaš državu i naciju i ništa više ne trebaš
You have a state and a nation and you don't need anything else
Al trebaš i sam znaš sve je ovdje jebena laž
But you need and you know it yourself, everything here is a damn lie
Imaš 30 godina a nemaš pojma šta je staž
You're 30 years old and you have no idea what seniority is
I narod je sve gluplji, a stan je ovdje sve skuplji
And the people are getting dumber, and the apartment here is getting more expensive
Imo bi ženu i dijete, al ne moš ih imat bolan u šupi
I would have a wife and child, but you can't have them in a shed, man
Nije normalno lijekove kupovat na čekove
It's not normal to buy medicine with checks
I sa nižom stručnom spremom imat šefove, bolan
And with lower education have bosses, man
Severina, Severina
Severina, Severina
Da ne mislite da ste prevareni
So you don't think you've been deceived
Ova pjesma je o meni
This song is about me
Severina, Severina
Severina, Severina
Da ne mislite da ste prevareni
So you don't think you've been deceived
Ova pjesma u biti je o tebi i o meni
This song is actually about you and me
Išo bi pecat i u gljive, al ne znaš đe su mine
I would go fishing and mushroom picking, but you don't know where the mines are
Nemoj se ići daleko igrat da ne pogineš sine
Don't go far to play, so you don't die, son
Moj narode, zar ne vidite ovo sranje?
My people, don't you see this shit?
Za povadit mine su dosta pare od 3 njivove kampanje
To remove mines, it's enough money from 3 of their campaigns
Lažna obećanja ko naša lažna elita
False promises like our false elite
Borba za položaj i primanje mita
Fight for position and receiving bribes
Za jedan mandat da mogu na sjednicama spavat
For one term so they can sleep at meetings
Da čekaju domjenke da se tamo mogu oblokavat
To wait for receptions so they can get drunk there
Pa dobije i penziju, par hiljada, uživa starac
Then he also gets a pension, a few thousand, the old man enjoys
A te penzije su porez na tvoj minimalac
And those pensions are a tax on your minimum wage
Da njihov školarac u Beču ima mali džeparac
So their schoolboy in Vienna has a little pocket money
Kad se vrati da radi u istoj vladi ko i starac
When he comes back to work in the same government as the old man
Bolan jesi l skonto? sve ide u krug
Man, did you get it? everything goes in a circle
Džaba nam more kad se na njega ići ne more
Our sea is useless when we can't go to it
Jer se nabijaju cijene, a nema sanitarne higijene
Because prices are being inflated, and there is no sanitary hygiene
Ni u jednom restoranu, pa česi donose hranu
Not in a single restaurant, so Czechs bring food
Usluga je užas jer nam stranci idu na kurac
The service is terrible because foreigners piss us off
Nijemac i Slovenac, koji kurac oni hoće
German and Slovenian, what the fuck do they want
Samo žderu i loče i plaćaju da noće, to je pravo loše
They just eat and drink and pay to spend the night, that's really bad
Može im se svidit, pa će dolazit češće
They might like it, so they'll come more often
Moramo radit dok oni leže i hoće paradajze svježe
We have to work while they lie down and want fresh tomatoes
Hajmo ih sjebat da ne dolaze, maknut putokaze
Let's screw them up so they don't come, remove the road signs
Blokirat ceste čak, hajmo svi u štrajk
Block the roads even, let's all go on strike
Jebo turizam, bitniji nam je nacionalizam
Fuck tourism, nationalism is more important to us
Ko je počeo rat, aaaa?
Who started the war, aaaa?
Nisam, nisam, nisam, nisam, nisam, nisam
Not me, not me, not me, not me, not me, not me
Severina, Severina
Severina, Severina
Da ne mislite da ste prevareni
So you don't think you've been deceived
Ova pjesma je u biti samo o meni
This song is actually just about me
Severina, Severina
Severina, Severina
Da ne mislite da ste prevareni
So you don't think you've been deceived
Ova pjesma je u biti o tebi i o meni
This song is actually about you and me
Severina, Severina
Severina, Severina
Da ne mislite da ste prevareni
So you don't think you've been deceived
Ova pjesma je u biti o tebi i o meni
This song is actually about you and me
I o tebi, i o tebi, i o tebi i o tebi tamo
And about you, and about you, and about you and about you there
I o tebi, i o tebi, i o tebi i o tebi
And about you, and about you, and about you and about you
Hvala Severina
Thank you Severina
Nisam, nisam, nisam, nisam, nisam, nisam
Not me, not me, not me, not me, not me, not me

Авторы: billy, edin osmic

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