Egurra Ta Kitto - Iparrorratza - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Egurra Ta Kitto - Iparrorratza

The Compass
Inoiz pentsatu al duzu nola izango ginen,
Have you ever thought what we would become,
Noizbait norbaitek ezarritako arauei aurre egin ez balie?
If we had never defied the rules imposed by some?
Zapajeita, inkisizioa, esklabutza indarrean.
Crusades, Inquisition, slavery in force.
Eskubideen aldeko borroketan beti gaude ez giroan.
In the struggles for rights we are always in the wrong atmosphere.
Ta inkiziorin egin gabe lorpenez gozatu nahi dutenak.
And those who want to enjoy the achievements without making the Inquisition.
Beraiengatik ene labean direnei bizkarra emanez.
Turning their backs on those who are in my oven for them.
*Bagoaz, bagoaz aurrera. Bagoaz zeru ertzera.
*Let's go, let's go forward. Let's go to the edge of the sky.
Zenbat eta gehiago gerturatu urruntzen doan utopiaren bila.*
The closer we get, the farther away the utopia we seek.*
Jarri zaitez pentsatzen,
Get you thinking,
Gauzak nola direnaren ordez, nola izan beharko lukete irudikatzen.
Imagine how things should be instead of how they are.
Eta hasi gaitezen bien arteko tarte_hori laburtzen.
And let's start shortening the gap between the two.
Herri harresia Donostia.
The people's wall Donostia.
Itxu bilduak Iruñako kartzela.
The gathered hopes Iruñako prison.
Kataluñan, urriaren 1ean.
In Catalonia, October 1st.
Errusian, urriko iraultzan.
In Russia, the October Revolution.
Zugarramurdin inkisizioan.
In Zugarramurdi the Inquisition.
Rozapaz autobusean, beltaundiko bidegurutzean.
In Rozapaz by bus, at the Beltaundiko crossroads.
Zizjotatuak hotsen artean.
Those who are hissed at amongst the voices.
Irunen eta Ondarribiako jaietan.
In Irun and Ondarribia at the festivals.
Injustiziaren aurrean, beste aldera begiratzen dutenak konplize dira.
Those who look the other way in the face of injustice are accomplices.
Legeak justuak ez direnean, herri nahaiaren mugak direnean,
When laws are not just, when they are the limits of the popular will,
Desobedientzia ez da aukera bat, betebeharra baizik, betebeharra.
Disobedience is not an option, it is a duty, a duty.
Bagoaz, bagoaz aurrera. Bagoaz zeru ertzera.
Let's go, let's go forward. Let's go to the edge of the sky.
Utopia baita aurrera egiten laguntzen digun iparrorratza.
Because utopia is the compass that helps us move forward.

Авторы: egurra ta kitto

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