Erfan - Intro(Az Khaneh Ta Goor) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Erfan - Intro(Az Khaneh Ta Goor)

Intro(Az Khaneh Ta Goor)
Intro(From Home to the Grave)
قصه قصه ي رسم و روش لفظه رسم و
The story of the custom and method, the appearance
جلوه ي هرکه نتونه هرسه بس که
And the glory of anyone who can't, three each of them.
از سر و سوی خفه سر و صدا شد
Muffle the head and side with all that noise.
هر که از کر و کوری کف نصیب ما شد
Anyone from the deaf and blind, that's what we've come to expect.
برا فکرای كهنه پاتوق هاشون که وا شد
With aging ideas, their hangouts have opened up.
میخوان بدون خشت بذارن آجر رو آجر
They want to put bricks on top of bricks without any foundation
چگونه بدون یه دونه الگو نوشتیم
How did we write without a single model?
چگونه ز خونه خفه و آروم نشستیم
How did we endure in the suffocation of home and silence?
کو چشم دیدن گوش شنیدن
Where's the eye to see, the ear to hear?
نباشي گم تو خود با وسوسه زيدن
You'll be lost in yourself, tempted to transgress.
بی غم نه بی انگیزه زیدن
Living without sorrow, without motivation,
آینده گور رو صبح فردا دیدن
Seeing tomorrow morning as the grave.
شبا تا صبح بیدار و دنیا رو گذروندن
Staying awake all night and spending the rest of the world
شبا تا صبح همه ي دنیا ترکوندن
Staying up all night while blowing up the world to pieces.
از موندن همیشگی مست رویا
Intoxicated with dreams of everlasting remaining,
از آوارگی طول فردا خوندن
Singing of the distress of wandering tomorrow.
نقش خود با خودکار رو صفحه زنده شد
The role of writing with a pen on a screen came alive.
از اوج نفسم پیش همه زنده شد
From the peak of my breath, it came alive before everyone.
از هیچ و همه چی فیلمنامه نوشتم
I wrote a screenplay from nothing and everything,
هر کی توش نقشی داشت تو این نامه نوشتم
Each one had a role in it, as I wrote in this letter.
نیستم تنها با این نقش به روی زمین
I am not alone with this role on earth.
اگه دردمو میدونی هست برای همین
If you know my pain, that's why.
هیچ وقت نخواستم از همه نباشم
I never wanted to be different from everyone else.
ماه کامل شب از ستاره هاجدا شم
The complete moon of the night, separated from the stars.
درگیری با هویت فضای ما شد
The clash with identity became our space.
روزی که دروازه ی غرب به روی ما وا شد
The day the gate to the West was opened for us.
هشت سال دور از تو بین زمین و هوا
Eight years away from you, between the ground and the sky,
اشکام دور از تو بین زمین و چشام
My tears away from you, between the ground and my eyes.
از خانه تا گور اینمو و نیست انشا
From home to the grave, this is an essay.
سر تا تهشو گفتم تو سی مصراع
I said it all in thirty lines.

Авторы: Hajrasuliha Erfan

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