Estampie - Palastinalied - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Estampie - Palastinalied

Palestinian Song
lebe ich mir alrêrst werde
Now I live for the first time truly
Sît mîn sündic ouge sihet
Since my sinful eye sees
Daz hêre lant und ouch die erde
The Holy Land and also the earth
Der man vil der êren gihet
Of which man speaks great honor
ist geschehen, des ich ie bat
Now it has happened, what I always asked for
Ich bin komen an die stat
I have come to the place
got mennischlîchen trat
Where God walked as a human
Schœniu lant rîch unde hêre
Beautiful lands rich and noble
Swaz ich der noch hân gesehen
Whatever I have seen of them
bist dûz ir aller êre
You are the greatest of them all
Waz ist wunders hie geschehen
What a miracle happened here
Daz ein maget ein kint gebar
That a virgin bore a child
Hêre über aller engel schar
Lord over all the hosts of angels
Was daz niht ein wunder gar?
Was that not a great miracle?
Hie liez er sich reine toufen
Here he let himself be baptized
Daz der mensche reine
So that man could be pure
liez er sich hie verkoufen
Then he let himself be sold
Daz wir eigen wurden frî
So that we could become free
Anders wæren wir verlorn
Otherwise, we would have been lost
Wol dir, sper, kriuze unde dorn
Well for you, spear, cross, and thorn
dir, heiden, daz ist dir zorn
Woe to you, pagan, that is your wrath
Hinnen fuor der sun zer helle
From here the Son went to hell
Von dem grabe, er inne lac
From the grave in which he lay
Des was ie der vater geselle
Of whom the Father was always the companion
Und der geist, den nieman mac
And the spirit, whom no one can
Sunder scheiden êst al ein
Separate into three; he is one
Sleht und ebener danne ein zein
Smooth and even as a line
Als er Abrahâme erschein
As he appeared to Abraham
In diz lant hât er gesprochen
In this land, he has decreed
Einen angeslîchen tac
A day of reconciliation
diu witwe wirt gerochen
Where the widow is avenged
Und der weise klagen mac
And the orphan can complain
Und der arme den gewalt
And the poor the violence
Der wirt an ime gestalt
Which is inflicted upon him
Wol ime dort, der hie vergalt
Well for him there, who repaid here

Авторы: Michael Rhein, Walter Von Der Vogelweide

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