Evan Vp - Amancio - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Evan Vp - Amancio

Desde el colegio te enseñaron que la libertad no existe
From school, they taught you that freedom doesn't exist.
No pienses diferente de lo que el profesor dice
Don't think any differently than what the teacher says.
eliges, ética o religión
You choose, ethics or religion.
Te enseñaran lo que quiere el gobierno o lo que pierde Dios
They'll teach you what the government wants or what God loses.
Quieres vivir la vida de esa imbécil de mierda
You want to live the life of that stupid bitch
Con más complejos que vergüenza
With more complexes than shame,
Que enmascara su soledad con vídeos en la disco
Who masks her loneliness with videos at the disco
Y te hace a ti sentirte mal por no perder dos kilos
And makes you feel bad about not losing two kilos.
O tal vez intentas imitar a ese mongolo
Or maybe you try to imitate that moron
Que cree que la vida te la da el dinero porque ha echado dos polvos
Who thinks money gives you life because he's had sex a couple of times.
Analfabetos por decisión
Illiterates by choice,
Faltándole al respeto
A esa generación
That generation
Que sin coger un libro
That without picking up a book
Logró ser libre
Managed to be free
Sin tener líder
Without a leader.
Ya no nos sirve
It no longer serves us,
La excusa burda
The crude excuse
Que no es posible
That it's not possible
Cambiar la curva
To change the curve,
Invertir el orden
Invert the order,
Estudios de lujo
Luxury studies,
Conciencia pobre
Poor conscience.
Yo no agradezco a un millonario
I don't thank a millionaire
Que con lo que sobra de lo que ha robado
Who with what's left over from what he's stolen
Intente lavar su consciencia y sus pecados
Tries to wash his conscience and his sins
Mientras explota a niños cosiendo zapatos
While exploiting children sewing shoes.
Y no olvides, estando en su tienda
And don't forget, while you're in his store,
Que con todo esto le ha devuelto Hacienda
That with all this he's paid back the Treasury.
La maniobra perfecta
The perfect maneuver:
Los borregos peleándose entre ellos
The sheep fighting amongst themselves
Y Amancio y Florentino, los bolsillos llenos
And Amancio and Florentino, their pockets full.
Vete al campo a cagarte en los muertos
Go to the countryside and shit on the dead,
Del que no corre, con la barriga hasta el borde del asiento
The one who doesn't run, with his belly to the edge of the seat,
Y por favor si es negro, recuérdaselo, no tiene espejos.
And please if he's black, remind him, he doesn't have mirrors.
Putos racistas, comedme los huevos
Fucking racists, suck my balls.
Aquí todo el mundo va de progre
Everyone here pretends to be progressive,
Pero ves a dos mujeres de la mano y estallan rumores
But you see two women holding hands and rumors explode.
La tolerancia es puto postureo barato
Tolerance is cheap fucking posturing,
Y cuando ven el ascenso de Vox les asombran los datos
And when they see the rise of Vox, they're astonished by the data.
Si es que os lo habéis buscado
You've brought this upon yourselves.
Disfrazaron el legado de la dictadura en las instituciones
They disguised the legacy of the dictatorship in institutions
Con nombres molones, transición,
With cool names, transition,
Y a esa palabra le sobra la ene y la ese. Pienso yo
And that word has one too many Ns and Ss. I think.
Yo no creo en la corona
I don't believe in the crown,
Ni venero a un rey que no se asoma
Nor do I venerate a king who doesn't show his face
Por un barrio corriente
In an ordinary neighborhood
Porque sabe que la gente
Because he knows that people
No le rinde gloria
Don't give him glory.
Ese sería un referéndum que cambie la historia
That would be a referendum that would change history.
Condenamos los delitos de los libros
We condemn the crimes of the books,
Pero los repetimos.
But we repeat them.
Condenamos las armas, no las permitimos
We condemn weapons, we don't allow them,
Aunque si nosotros las vendemos ya no es lo mismo
But if we sell them, it's not the same.
Hipocresía, doble moral, la realidad de nuestra era
Hypocrisy, double standards, the reality of our era,
Repletos de vanidad y de cadenas
Full of vanity and chains.
Leen a Srta Beibi y creen que leen poemas
They read Srta Beibi and think they're reading poems.
Hazle un favor a tu madre y lee Lope De Vega
Do your mother a favor and read Lope De Vega.
Desde que se fue el Can, no veo rap que despierte
Since Can left, I haven't seen rap that awakens,
Está de moda, no hablar de nada y conseguir billetes
It's fashionable not to talk about anything and get bills.
No vaya ser que lo que digas, despierte a consciencias dormida
Don't let what you say awaken sleeping consciences
Y nos cambie la suerte
And change our luck.
Y se que esta canción no sonará en la radio
And I know this song won't play on the radio,
No se hará viral, porque es verdad to lo que os he contado
It won't go viral, because everything I've told you is true,
Y preferís vivir la vida sin pensar anestesiados
And you prefer to live life without thinking, anesthetized,
Y el día que llegue la muerte pensad: ¿Algo ha cambiado?
And the day death arrives, think: Has anything changed?

Авторы: Carlos Javier Bablé

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