Fire Ball - Jungle Roots - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Fire Ball - Jungle Roots

Jungle Roots
Jungle Roots
薄らと赤く染まって 深く埋もれてく世界で
My dear, as the world blushes crimson and sinks deep into shadow,
朝が来るのを待って 希望を持って
I hold on to hope, awaiting the dawn.
信じる事も出来なくて 愛なんて言葉にしないで
Though faith eludes me, and love remains an unspoken word,
影に蹲ってそれでも 希望を持って
Crouching in darkness, I cling to hope.
困難には立ち向かう 出来るだけ喜びは分かち合う
I confront adversity head-on, sharing joy whenever I can.
叩き合う愚かな者と違う これだけは譲れぬ物と誓う
Unlike those who clash foolishly, this principle I will not abandon.
あえて振り返し見てみると 無駄など無い事が解るでしょ
Looking back, I see no wasted moments, but lessons learned.
手探りで歩いて来た道も むせ返すような街並みにも
The path I've tread, the crowded streets I've endured,
目的の場所まで何万キロ 目に霞浮かぶのは蜃気楼
Lead to a destination thousands of miles away, a mirage shimmering before my eyes.
何モノに惑わされるにしろ 信じろ自分の事
Let nothing sway you from believing in yourself.
落ちぶれてゆくのが大半でも 落ちつかす事こそ大変さ もう
Though many succumb to decline, staying afloat is the true challenge.
根を張り下ろした大木のようなら たわわな命は溢れるよ
Like a mighty tree with deep roots, life will flourish abundantly.
Oh 終わりなき Ragged Road いくつ橋を渡るんだろう Oh 次第に視界を
Oh, this endless Ragged Road, how many bridges lie ahead? Oh, my vision gradually clears,
薄らと赤く染まって 深く埋もれてく世界で
My dear, as the world blushes crimson and sinks deep into shadow,
朝が来るのを待って 希望を持って
I hold on to hope, awaiting the dawn.
信じる事も出来なくて 愛なんて言葉にしないで
Though faith eludes me, and love remains an unspoken word,
影に蹲ってそれでも 希望を持って
Crouching in darkness, I cling to hope.
困難には立ち向かう 出来るだけ喜びは分かち合う
I confront adversity head-on, sharing joy whenever I can.
語る夢の話は宙を舞う 近い未来現実へと誓う
The dreams we share dance in the air, and in the near future, they will become reality.
泡のように物の溢れた Late 80¥s 何気なく手に取った Bob Marley
In the excess of the Late 80s, I stumbled upon Bob Marley.
響く魂震わすメッセージ 染み込んでゆく Roots Rock Reggae Stylee
His soul-stirring message resonated, infusing me with Roots Rock Reggae Stylee.
吸い込んで効くまま Sweet Sweet Sensi
I inhaled the sweet, sweet Sensi, its effects still linger.
今でもハッキリ覚えてるぜ Yo! Chucky
Yo! Chucky, I remember it vividly.
借りたテープ聞こえる Dancehall Party CR PLANET ZEMA BODEGA CLUB SUZY
The borrowed tape echoed with Dancehall Party, CR PLANET, ZEMA BODEGA, CLUB SUZY.
夜の街はガキには刺激的 シュガー ソルトフィッシュ アキ パパ ユージ JR DEE
The night scene, so intoxicating for a young soul, Sugar, Saltfish, Aki, Papa Uji, JR Dee.
現場を魅了する DeeJay Daddys 思えばコレが始まり Oh! Mighty
DeeJay Daddys captivated the crowd, and Mighty, it all began there.
皆は車だ女だ青春謳歌してる間 せっせかせかせか働き積み上げるスピーカー
While others indulged in cars, women, and the revelry of youth, I tirelessly built my sound, speaker by speaker.
貴重な時間を棒に振るなんて! どうかしてるアンタ
How absurd it is to squander precious time! Oh, my dear, you are misguided.
ハタから見たらばそんなモノだろうが そんなモンじゃねぇ! まーいいさ
To the outside world, it may seem insignificant, but it is not so, no matter.
ヤリたい事からヤルベキ事 ヤルベキ事からヤリたい事
Things to do, things to be done, things to be liked, things to be avoided,
していい事しちゃいけない事 そんなの今更聞かないでよ
Such concerns are irrelevant now.
Oh 終わりなき Ragged Road いくつ橋を渡るんだろう Oh 次第に視界を
Oh, this endless Ragged Road, how many bridges lie ahead? Oh, my vision gradually clears,
強引にMy Way 進め我まま 手が出る好奇心に駆られるまま
I forge ahead on My Way, driven by insatiable curiosity.
身を持ち知る現実の怖さ 失う痛みと引き換えに Power From Jah-Jah
I learn the harshness of reality, the pain of loss, and in exchange, I receive Power From Jah-Jah.
描いた夢だけデカくて財布はカラ 徹夜でアレこれアイディア出し合い仕上げたマスター
My dreams tower high, but my wallet is empty, I work tirelessly through the night, crafting the finished masters.
ダビったテープを売り捌いているStreet And Corner 全てが変わってしまったとしても変わらぬまま
I sell my dubbed tapes on Street And Corner, and though times have changed, I remain the same.
薄らと赤く染まって 暗く埋もれてく世界で 朝が来るのを待って 希望を持って
My dear, as the world blushes crimson and sinks deep into shadow, I hold on to hope, awaiting the dawn.
信じる事しか出来なくて 愛なんて言葉より深いぜ 影に蹲ってそれでも 希望を持って
Faith is all I have, and love is deeper than words, Crouching in darkness, I cling to hope.


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