Fvck_kvlt - Homecoming I: Bol Som Tam - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Fvck_kvlt - Homecoming I: Bol Som Tam

Homecoming I: Bol Som Tam
Homecoming I: Bol Som Tam
Bol som tam
Bol som tam
Kde padali hviezdy
Where the stars did fall
Tam kde žijú
That's where they live
ľudia bez chýb
Those people with no flaws
Vesmír im bol trochu tesný
The universe was a little too small for them
Vesmír im bol trochu tesný
The universe was a little too small for them
Bol som tam
I was there
Kde vymreli prázdni
Where the empty ones died out
Bol som tam
I was there
Kde žijú iba blázni
Where only the crazy ones live
Vesmír mi bol trochu tesný
The universe was a little too small for them
Vesmír mi bol trochu tesný
The universe was a little too small for them
Ležal som pod oknom sveta
I lay under the world's window
Tam kde nikto nespí
Where no one sleeps
Nechutné masky
Sick masks
Pikantné facky
Spicy slaps
A lacné úsmevy
And cheap smiles
Čo hovoríš Parisu?
What did you say, Paris?
Bol to tažký víkend
It was a harsh weekend
Plná sála
A full hall
Okolo čáry
About the line
Všetci mimo
Everyone was excluded
Čo narobíme keď nás to baví?
What are we gonna do if we enjoy it?
My za to nemôžme
It's not our fault
Že chceme to
That we want that
O čom nám hovorili
That they told us about
Že je nemožné
That it's impossible
Pozerám z pódia
I look out from the stage
Občas plnšie
Sometimes more full
Občas prázdnejšie
Sometimes more empty
Je to jedno
It doesn't matter
Lebo toto je taká láska
Because this is a love
Čo ju nepreští nič
That nothing can cut off
Ani som nehladal iné
I didn't even look for anything else
teraz to viem
Now I know
Ja nie som taký ten
I'm not that kind of person
Čo podlahne citom
Who gives in to emotions
Na úkor uskutočňovania ideálov
At the expense of realizing ideals
Sen je viac
A dream is more
Videl som zlosynov
I saw the villains
Bojovali sami so sebou
They fought with themselves
Každý svojou vlastnou vinou
Each with their own fault
Každý svojou vlastnou vinou
Each with their own fault
So slzou pod okom
With a tear in their eye
Nedá si dýchať
Can't let themselves breathe
Škrtiaca pýcha
A choking pride
Za opaskom dýka
A knife in their belt
Vesmír im bol trochu tesný
The universe was a little too small for them
Vesmír im bol trochu tesný
The universe was a little too small for them
Bol som tam
I was there
Kde padali hviezdy
Where the stars did fall
Tam kde žijú
That's where they live
ľudia bez chýb
Those people with no flaws
Vesmír im bol trochu tesný
The universe was a little too small for them
Vesmír im bol trochu tesný
The universe was a little too small for them
Bol som tam
I was there
Kde vymreli prázdni
Where the empty ones died out
Bol som tam
I was there
Kde žijú iba blázni
Where only the crazy ones live
Vesmír mi bol trochu tesný
The universe was a little too small for them
Vesmír mi bol trochu tesný
The universe was a little too small for them

Авторы: Matej Mikuš

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