Gerardo Ortíz - El Tito - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gerardo Ortíz - El Tito

El Tito
Muy fina persona y muy buena escuela
He is a very fine man, and from a very good family.
Viene de buen tronco, muy buena madera
He comes from a very good family, very good stock.
Acento ranchero, conoce veredas
He speaks with a country accent and he knows his way around.
Humilde y sencillo, resalta donde quiera
He is humble and easygoing, he stands out wherever he goes.
No abusa del nombre aunque bien pudiera
He doesn't abuse his name, even though he could.
Y no exactamente es doble bandera
He's not a double-crosser, exactly.
Así se ha escuchado llamar al amigo
That is what they call him, my friend,
Y no se equivocan, es mi compa' Tito
And they are not wrong, because that is my friend Tito.
Lo de las banderas, yo creo que es un mito
This flag business, I think it is a lie,
Aquí no hay banderas, hay muchos amigos
There are no flags here, just many friends.
Por donde se para, muy bien recibido
Wherever he goes, he is very well received,
Allá en Sinaloa, también en Jalisco
In Sinaloa and in Jalisco.
Pero no crean que este amigo es un dejado
But do not think that my friend is useless.
Hay hazañas donde ya lo ha demostrado
There are stories that he has already shown.
Sean ricos, pobres, aquí somos parejos
Be rich or poor, here we are all equal.
Unas cuantas palabras de Don Alfredo
Don Alfredo has said a few words,
La mano siempre se la da a los amigos
And he has always given a hand to his friends.
Costumbres que no ha perdido el compa' Tito
He has never lost that habit, my friend Tito.
Y el respeto es lo primero compa Tito
And respect comes first for my friend Tito.
Yo veo que uno que otro que saca la vuelta
I see that one or two others have failed,
No nos quita el sueño porque unos respetan
And they don't take our sleep away, because we have respect.
Se ríen a la espalda y quema la leña
They laugh behind our backs and burn the firewood.
Para qué ser malo, nada bueno deja
Why be bad, it doesn't leave anything good.
Y siendo realistas aquí el mundo rueda
And being realistic, this is how the world turns.
Y por ahí nos vemos cuando de la vuelta
And we will see you there when we come around.
La leyenda dura pa' donde voltees
The legend is still alive wherever you look.
Se ha puesto difícil, han caído plebes
It has become difficult, there have been losses.
Así nos tocó estar en este ambiente
That's how we came to be in this environment.
Ya no hay vuelta atrás, también hay billetes
There is no turning back, and there is also money.
Música y amigos, cerveza y el vino
Music and friends, beer and wine.
Tampoco nos faltan nunca las mujeres
And we never lack women.
Se despide porque va de pasadita
He says goodbye because he is just passing by.
Pues el negocito nunca lo descuida
The little business never neglects him.
Y tampoco descuidamos a la gente
And we don't neglect the people either.
Cualquier cosa el Neto Roca ahí está al frente
If anything happens, Neto Roca is there at the front.
Muy tranquilo y con la cabeza encendida
Very calm and with a clear head.
Aquí esperamos el regreso del Siete
Here we wait for the return of Siete.

Авторы: Julian Mercado

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