Gilberto Santa Rosa - Sombra Loca - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gilberto Santa Rosa - Sombra Loca

Sombra Loca
Crazy Shadow
Tararara, rara, tarara, rara, larara, lara
Tararara, rara, tarara, rara, larara, lara
Tararara, rara, larara, rara, larara, lara
Tararara, rara, larara, rara, larara, lara
Cada vez que llega un nuevo amanecer
Every time a new dawn breaks,
Me levanto triste, sin saber por qué
I wake up sad, without knowing why.
Siento una agonía que me da alegría y dolor después
I feel an agony that brings me joy and pain afterwards.
Si al menos supiera que fuera por ti
If only I knew it was because of you,
O fuera por alguien que me haga sentir
Or because of someone who makes me feel
Este sentimiento y ese amor inmenso, que antes no viví
This feeling and that immense love that I never experienced before.
Esa sombra loca que llega a mi cama
That crazy shadow that comes to my bed,
Siento que me toca, siento que me llama
I feel it touching me, I feel it calling me.
Y al tratar de verla se pierde en la puerta y no aparece más
And when I try to see it, it gets lost at the door and doesn't appear anymore.
Pienso en tus caricias, pienso en tu mirada
I think of your caresses, I think of your gaze,
Y ese amor inmenso que antes me dabas
And that immense love that you used to give me.
Y me siento alegre por tener tu cuerpo, pero ya no estás
And I feel happy to have your body, but you're gone.
Lararara, lara, larara, lara, larara, ra, ra
Lararara, lara, larara, lara, larara, ra, ra
Ando por las calles como un loco más
I walk the streets like another madman,
Buscando un detalle para recordar
Looking for a detail to remember,
Para hablar con alguien y esperar que pase otro día igual
To talk to someone and wait for another day like this to pass.
Al volver a casa, y al pensar en ti
When I return home, and I think of you,
No que me pasa que vuelvo a sufrir
I don't know what happens to me that I suffer again.
Y no tengo duda que esa cara tuya me hace muy feliz
And I have no doubt that your face makes me very happy.
Esa sombra loca sigue ahí en mi cama
That crazy shadow is still there in my bed,
Siento que me toca, siento que me llama
I feel it touching me, I feel it calling me.
Y al tratar de verla se pierde en la puerta y no aparece más
And when I try to see it, it gets lost at the door and doesn't appear anymore.
Pienso en tus caricias, pienso en tu mirada
I think of your caresses, I think of your gaze,
Y ese amor inmenso que antes me dabas
And that immense love that you used to give me.
Y me siento alegre por tener tu cuerpo, pero ya no estás
And I feel happy to have your body, but you're gone.
Esa misma sombra que llega a mi cama
That same shadow that comes to my bed,
Esa que me toca, esa que me llama
The one that touches me, the one that calls me,
Esa sombra oculta que me quita el sueño...
That hidden shadow that takes away my sleep...
Esa eres
That's you.
(Esa sombra loca que llega a mi cama, siento que me toca, siento que me llama)
(That crazy shadow that comes to my bed, I feel it touching me, I feel it calling me)
Esa misma sombra que a se me esconde
That same shadow that hides from me
Tiene tu silueta y lleva tu nombre
Has your silhouette and carries your name.
(Esa sombra loca que llega a mi cama, siento que me toca, siento que me llama)
(That crazy shadow that comes to my bed, I feel it touching me, I feel it calling me)
Y se me aparece al lado de la cama
And it appears next to my bed,
Y se desvanece, me roba la calma
And it vanishes, stealing my peace.
(Esa sombra loca que llega a mi cama, siento que me toca, siento que me llama)
(That crazy shadow that comes to my bed, I feel it touching me, I feel it calling me)
I feel
Que está presente por toda la casa
That it's present throughout the house,
Y se me aparece como un fantasma
And it appears to me like a ghost.
(Esa sombra loca que llega a mi cama, siento que me toca, siento que me llama)
(That crazy shadow that comes to my bed, I feel it touching me, I feel it calling me)
Yo pienso, en este amor inmenso
I think, in this immense love,
Tus caricias, tu mirada
Your caresses, your gaze.
(La sombra de tu amor, que me viene a buscar)
(The shadow of your love, that comes to find me)
La sombra de tu cariño, está en todos los rincones de esta casa
The shadow of your love is in every corner of this house,
Y no se puede borrar, ni olvidar
And it cannot be erased, nor forgotten.
(La sombra de tu amor, que me viene a buscar)
(The shadow of your love, that comes to find me)
Tu amor me hace falta, el recuerdo me asalta, mi tristeza es tanta
I need your love, the memory assaults me, my sadness is so much,
Y no te puedo encontrar
And I can't find you.
(La sombra de tu amor, que me viene a buscar)
(The shadow of your love, that comes to find me)
Todas las noches, tu recuerdo me quita el sueño, me llega puntual (que me viene a buscar)
Every night, your memory takes away my sleep, it comes to me on time (that comes to find me)
Tu imagen que me persigue
Your image that haunts me,
Y no me deja vivir en paz (que me viene a buscar)
And it doesn't let me live in peace (that comes to find me)
Tengo miedo de volver a casa, pasar otro día igual (que me viene a buscar)
I'm afraid to go home, spend another day the same (that comes to find me)
Es esa sombra loca que llega y me toca, me alborota y me hace pensar
It's that crazy shadow that comes and touches me, stirs me up and makes me think.
(Esa sombra loca que llega a mi cama, siento que me toca, siento que me llama)
(That crazy shadow that comes to my bed, I feel it touching me, I feel it calling me)
Y al tratar de verla, se pierde en la puerta y no aparece más
And when I try to see it, it gets lost at the door and doesn't appear anymore.

Авторы: Borrego Linares Fernando

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