Gordo Sarkasmus - Lágrimas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gordo Sarkasmus - Lágrimas

Yo sin mostacho y borracho
Me without a mustache and drunk
Partiendo mc's con un gancho
Splitting MC's with a hook
Voy con capucha y un pucho lucho
I go with a hood and a joint, I fight
Por puestos mas anchos
For wider positions
Y me rueda una lagrima lo que le gusta no es el rap es la farándula
And a tear rolls down my cheek what she likes is not rap, it's the showbiz
Con sus medulas creo este plan que agarra las
With her bone marrow I create this plan that grabs the
Camandulas este liebre no descansa tortuga bonita
Rosaries this rabbit does not rest pretty turtle
Que pena me da dice la salsa la danza de esta
What a pity it gives me, says the sauce, the dance of this
Panza en tu panza me amansa la lanza este es el son
Belly in your belly the spear tames me this is the sound
A la vieja usanza no sale confianza
In the old way, there is no confidence
Rima descalza y escasa y de aquí no pasa you
Barefoot and scarce rhyme and from here it does not pass you
Hace que el gordo llore grasa la
Make the fat man cry grease the
Parrilla lo asa sin razon son machinal reason
Grill roasts it for no reason, they are machinal reason
Con fiel intención oigo su canción por el piso con permiso
With faithful intention I hear your song on the floor with permission
Si hay buenos compases yo no paso le meto mano y todo el brazo
If there are good compasses I don't pass I put my hand and my whole arm on it
Voy con un mazo y usted mas o menos rapea le quedan tareas
I'm going with a mallet and you more or less rap, you have homework left
Y no crean que les copio con sus copias tan feas
And don't think I'm copying you with your copies so ugly
El problema es la influencia que tuvieron en su
The problem is the influence they had on their
Infancia escucharon lo mas malo y sin saber no tienen gracia
Childhood, they listened to the worst and without knowing it they have no grace
Mis rimas dotadas y cargadas de elegancia es
My rhymes endowed and loaded with elegance is
La escencia de lo puro lo que crea esta fragancia
The essence of the pure what creates this fragrance
Tiene mil quinientas fans y se cree que es muy
She has fifteen hundred fans and she thinks she's very
Bueno el problema es que ninguna a pasado de noveno
Good, the problem is that none have passed ninth grade
No se a dado cuenta que lo siguen por su edad no
She hasn't realized that they follow her because of her age, don't
Escuches gordo sarkasmus que esta lleno de maldad
Listen to fat sarkasmus who is full of evil
Tu video es tan bonito que lo veo y me vomito tu
Your video is so beautiful that I see it and I throw up your
Cuento aburrido igual que el universo es infinito
Boring story just like the universe is infinite
Mi mente dice quitalo me ofendo y me
My mind says take it off, I get offended and me
Irrito pero luego yo me deshaogo respiro y grito
Irritated but then I let off steam I breathe and shout
Tu rap de niña de colegio no me asusta me disgusta
Your schoolgirl rap doesn't scare me, it disgusts me.
Me molesta y me entristese y me hace perder la testa
It bothers me and saddens me and makes me lose my mind
Es tan delicado que lucha y protesta
It's so delicate that it struggles and protests
Soltaste tantas lagrimas que aguaste la fiesta
You shed so many tears that you endured the party
El mundo es un pañuelo pa' limpiarse los mocos
The world is a handkerchief to wipe your nose with
Y las lágrimas que caen por que salen de mis ojos
And the tears that fall because they come out of my eyes
Mis oidos les contaron que los buenos eran pocos
My ears told them that the good ones were few
Porqué todos se quejaban y lloraban como locos
Why everyone complained and cried like crazy
El mundo es un pañuelo pa' limpiarse los mocos
The world is a handkerchief to wipe your nose with
Y las lágrimas que caen por que salen de mis ojos
And the tears that fall because they come out of my eyes
Mis oidos les contaron que los buenos eran pocos
My ears told them that the good ones were few
Porqué todos se quejaban y lloraban como locos
Why everyone complained and cried like crazy
La escencia en el maletin su estupidez la contraseña
The essence in the briefcase its stupidity the password
El niño ñoño no entiende que el respeto al rap no se enseña
The nerdy boy does not understand that respect for rap is not taught
Ahora esta rima esta mas buena que flora
Now this rhyme is tastier than flora
Mientras le escriben la letra y se la decoran
While they write the lyrics and decorate it
Sopla locomotoras sierra de motor tortura
Blow locomotives motor saw torture
Cuna del dolor literatura del que no se cura
Cradle of pain literature of the one who is not cured
Seguros lagrimones si escucho sus canciones
Safe big tears if I listen to your songs
Mis impresiones son supositorios como camiones
My impressions are suppositories like trucks
Cuando canta sus penas me estimula el lagrimal
When she sings her sorrows, my tear duct is stimulated
Mostrando en la escena que no entrena nada original
Showing on stage that she doesn't train anything original
Es igual nada bajo la manga sostengo el mango
It's the same nothing up my sleeve I hold the mango
Con un dolor en el pecho perfecto pa' hacer un tango
With a pain in the chest perfect for doing a tango
Rap de niñas olvidaron ya las buenas riñas
Girl rap have already forgotten the good fights
Cuendo mi interes es que esfinteres no se estiñan
When my interest is that sphincters do not strain
Por no cagar ya le mierda se le va al cerebro
By not shitting anymore, the shit goes to her brain
No vine a pegar vine a pegarle pa' ver si celebro
I didn't come to hit, I came to hit her to see if I celebrate
Usa el rap para quejarse de su vida y despojarse de
She uses rap to complain about her life and strip away
Su culpa y de sus penas y eso hardcore no es eso parce
Of her guilt and her sorrows and that hardcore is not that partner
Enamorarse (prff.
Falling in love (prff.
) Parece conocio a cupido dedicandole
) It seems he met Cupid dedicating
Los cantos a quien tanto lo a escupido
The songs to whoever has sucked him so much
Esta escondido bajo un arbol con actitud de
She is hidden under a tree with the attitude of
Narcos sin pasado ni presente y un futuro como el sarco
Narcos without a past or present and a future like the sarco
El delincuente enamorado tonto y terco
The delinquent in love, silly and stubborn
Que se unde su nostalgia en el agua como un barco
That his nostalgia sinks in the water like a ship
Odio tu novela mexicana que le gusta a las
I hate your Mexican soap opera that grandmothers like
Abuelas y a tu hermana y se repite cada dia de la semana
And your sister and it repeats every day of the week
Andate pa tu casa con tu oido que no
Go to your house with your ear that does not
Sana consigase una novia y deje el drama
Healthy get yourself a girlfriend and leave the drama
Tus letras son pa conquistar a nenas me da pena de la ajena que
Your lyrics are to conquer babes, I feel sorry for the stranger that
Sonroja lo contrario a lo que siento cuando escucho una cosa buena
Blushing the opposite of what I feel when I hear a good thing
Como suena el hip hop depresivo es pa' cortarse las venas
As depressive hip hop sounds is to cut your veins

Авторы: Mateo Montano Jaramillo, Sebastian Alvarez Ruiz, Alvaro Jose Nino

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