Ice Paper feat. 福克斯 - 棕旨(feat. 福克斯) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ice Paper feat. 福克斯 - 棕旨(feat. 福克斯)

棕旨(feat. 福克斯)
Pine Thistle (feat. Fox)
Have you ever yearned for freedom
The freedom that can never be taken as you please
於是你憤怒嘶吼 在這荒謬的世界犯愁
So you roar and rage in this absurd world
In the hope of standing out someday tired of begging
Do you know the purpose of the freedom you seek
After carrying out self-discipline will you still give middle finger
Or can you avoid using extreme methods
In the coming blizzard and swear to the heaven
讓時鐘再轉一個圈 倒退個二十年
Let the clock turn one more circle and go back twenty years
I learned to speak, read, write and walk since I was a child
體驗了人生變換 嘗盡了苦辣酸甜
Experienced life's changes and tasted the bittersweets
Twenty years later I resolutely left this great mountain
I arduously fulfill the benevolence and righteousness of a knight
In today's era we don't compete in skills but popularity
I witness one after another swaggering on the ring
I still follow my principle and act as the benevolent is invincible
拼命 我幾乎沒日沒夜拼命
I almost died working day and night
清醒 我幾時不曾保持清醒
I have never lost my sense
書寫著陳詞濫調 為路途擔憂苦惱
Writting stereotypes, worrying about the future
Praying that the weapon in my hand is also my favorite
I can swallow this and shoulder all the burdens
After the flowers bloom everywhere are fallen petals
香味在繼續發散 我還在繼續征戰
The fragrance still spreads and I continue to fight
為你 他的未來創造一片光環
To light up the future for you, me, and everyone
為何糾纏 為何不滿 為何要如此糜爛
Why are you entangled Why are you discontented Why are you so corrupt
有多不甘 不甘平凡 浪跡天涯都看淡
How many unwillingnesses Unwilling mediocrity Drifting through life and indifferent to it all
Facing three seasons people stay around in silence and not a word
The cicada cannot talk about ice has become meaningless
也許是種領悟 才能看個清楚
Perhaps it's a kind of enlightenment, only then can you see it clearly
In this land of是非 the god is in charge of life
有你 有他 有我 輪回著因果報應
There're you, him, and me, the reincarnation of cause and effect
都說紅顏自古多薄命 英雄該搏命
It is said that beautiful women have always had a rough life and heros should risk their lives
Send out everything that belongs to us
There's no point in talking too much to a sober person, he will understand naturally
I am voluntarily punished for hurting others even if it's unintentional
But there always seem to be so many
Hypocritical faces appear in your sight
Indistinct and inexpressible hypocrisy
Who do you think you are
Seriously have you ever felt real freedom
Staying at this dilapidated inn who should I turn to
Being a brave soldier eager for endless battles
Please lay out the celebration wine before my grave
不就是做自己嗎 街頭巷子裏嗎
Isn't it just about being yourself in the streets and alleys
救世不實際嗎 能一招制敵嗎
Is it impractical to save the world Can we defeat it with one move
知己難求嗎 人還能信嗎
Is it hard to find a bosom friend Can people still be trusted
折戟沉沙吧 生根發芽了嗎
Let's sink into the sand and take root
For a moment the sky you yearned for collapsed
Even if we are separated by thousands of miles
We will follow the light and look at the distance for you
Say everything you want to say whether it's freezing or boiling
Put down your prejudice and sail against the wind with me
I will use all my strength to make the flowers bloom
I will stand upright to be steadfast
Even if there is no heroic story in the story
Even barefoot I will cross the mountains
走向世界盡頭 撕開上古卷軸
Walk to the end of the world and tear open the ancient scroll
佇立裂空危樓 微風陣陣輕柔
Standing on the empty building the wind is light and soft
月光交響變奏 櫻散悄賞漸透
Variations of moonlight symphony permeate gradually
不禁捉襟見肘 還要邊走邊唱
Can't help but feel stretched thin and yet have to sing along the way
世人刻意偏向 道德經文變相
The world has deliberately turned biased and the moral scriptures are distorted
落花細雨無聲 依舊與世無爭
Falling flowers and drizzle without sound, still indifferent to the world
靈魂各安天葬 肉體理應謙讓
Souls are buried separately the body should be humble
責任擔我肩上 誰人站我邊上
Responsibility lies on my shoulder who stands by me
焚身以火 讓火燒熔我
Cremate me with fire, melt me with fire
燃燒我心 噴出愛的頌歌
Burn my heart, breathe out the song of love
奮不顧身 投進愛的紅火
Rush into the fire of love without hesitation
我不願意 讓黃土地埋了我
I'm not willing to be buried in the loess

Авторы: Fox, Ice Paper

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