Jeff Wayne - Forever Autumn (Early Version) - перевод текста песни на французский

Текст и перевод песни Jeff Wayne - Forever Autumn (Early Version)

Forever Autumn (Early Version)
Automne éternel (Version initiale)
[Journalist:] For three days I fought my way along roads packed with refugees, the homeless, burdened with boxes and bundles containing their valuables. All that was of value to me was in London. By the time I reached their little red brick house, Carrie and her father were gone.
[Journaliste:] Pendant trois jours, j'ai lutté sur des routes bondées de réfugiés, de sans-abri, chargés de boîtes et de ballots contenant leurs biens précieux. Tout ce qui avait de la valeur à mes yeux était à Londres. Lorsque j'ai atteint leur petite maison de briques rouges, Carrie et son père étaient partis.
The summer sun is fading as the year grows old,
Le soleil d'été s'estompe à mesure que l'année vieillit,
And darker days are drawing near,
Et les jours sombres approchent,
The winter winds will be much colder,
Les vents d'hiver seront bien plus froids,
Now you′re not here
Maintenant que tu n'es plus là.
I watch the birds fly south across the autumn sky,
Je regarde les oiseaux voler vers le sud à travers le ciel d'automne,
And one by one they disappear,
Et un par un, ils disparaissent,
I wish that I was flying with them,
J'aimerais pouvoir m'envoler avec eux,
Now you're not here
Maintenant que tu n'es plus là.
Like the sun through the trees you came to love me,
Comme le soleil à travers les arbres, tu es venue m'aimer,
Like a leaf on a breeze you blew away
Comme une feuille dans la brise, tu t'es envolée.
Through autumn′s golden gown we used to kick our way,
À travers la robe dorée de l'automne, nous avions l'habitude de nous frayer un chemin,
You always loved this time of year,
Tu as toujours aimé cette période de l'année,
Those fallen leaves lie undisturbed now,
Ces feuilles mortes reposent intactes maintenant,
'Cause you're not here
Car tu n'es plus là.
′Cause you′re not here
Car tu n'es plus là.
'Cause you′re not here
Car tu n'es plus là.
[Journalist:] Fire suddenly leapt from house to house, the population panicked and ran and I was swept along with them, aimless and lost without Carrie. Finally I headed eastward for the ocean, and my only hope of survival: A boat out of England.
[Journaliste:] Le feu sauta soudain de maison en maison, la population paniqua, courut et je fus emporté avec elle, sans but et perdu sans Carrie. Finalement, je me suis dirigé vers l'est, vers l'océan, et mon seul espoir de survie : un bateau en provenance d'Angleterre.
Like the sun through the trees you came to love me,
Comme le soleil à travers les arbres, tu es venue m'aimer,
Like a leaf on a breeze you blew away
Comme une feuille dans la brise, tu t'es envolée.
A gentle rain falls softly on my weary eyes,
Une douce pluie tombe doucement sur mes yeux fatigués,
As if to hide a lonely tear,
Comme pour cacher une larme solitaire,
My life will be forever autumn,
Ma vie sera un automne éternel,
'Cause you′re not here
Car tu n'es plus là.
'Cause you′re not here
Car tu n'es plus là.
'Cause you're not here
Car tu n'es plus là.
[Journalist:] As I hastened through Covent Garden, Blackfriars and Billingsgate, more and more people joined the painful exodus. Sad, weary women, their children stumbling and streaked with tears, their men bitter and angry, the rich rubbing shoulder with beggars and outcasts. Dogs snarled and whined, the horses′ bits were covered with foam... and here and there were wounded soldiers, as helpless as the rest. We saw tripods wading up the Thames, cutting through bridges as though they were paper - Waterloo Bridge, Westminster Bridge... One appeared above Big Ben.
[Journaliste:] Alors que je me hâtais à travers Covent Garden, Blackfriars et Billingsgate, de plus en plus de gens rejoignaient le douloureux exode. Des femmes tristes et lasses, leurs enfants trébuchant et striés de larmes, leurs hommes amers et en colère, les riches côtoyant les mendiants et les parias. Les chiens grognaient et gémissaient, les mors des chevaux étaient couverts de mousse... et çà et là, il y avait des soldats blessés, aussi impuissants que les autres. Nous avons vu des tripodes patauger dans la Tamise, coupant à travers les ponts comme s'ils étaient en papier - le pont de Waterloo, le pont de Westminster... L'un d'eux est apparu au-dessus de Big Ben.
[Martians:] Ulla!
[Martiens:] Ulla!
[Journalist:] Never before in the history of the world had such a mass of human beings moved and suffered together. This was no disciplined march, it was a stampede, without order and without a goal, six million people, unarmed and unprovisioned, driving headlong. It was the beginning of the rout of civilization, of the massacre of mankind.
[Journaliste:] Jamais auparavant dans l'histoire du monde une telle masse d'êtres humains ne s'était déplacée et n'avait souffert ensemble. Ce n'était pas une marche disciplinée, c'était une débandade, sans ordre et sans but, six millions de personnes, sans armes et sans provisions, fonçant tête baissée. C'était le début de la débâcle de la civilisation, du massacre de l'humanité.
A vast crowd buffeted me toward the already packed steamer. I looked up enviously at those safely on board - straight into the eyes of my beloved Carrie! At sight of me she began to fight her way along the packed deck to the gangplank. At that very moment it was raised, and I caught a last glimpse of her despairing face as the crowd swept me away from her.
Une foule immense me poussa vers le bateau à vapeur déjà bondé. Je levai les yeux avec envie vers ceux qui étaient en sécurité à bord - droit dans les yeux de ma bien-aimée Carrie ! En me voyant, elle commença à se frayer un chemin à travers le pont bondé jusqu'à la passerelle. À ce moment précis, on la leva, et je pus apercevoir une dernière fois son visage désespéré tandis que la foule m'éloignait d'elle.
Like the sun through the trees you came to love me,
Comme le soleil à travers les arbres, tu es venue m'aimer,
Like a leaf on a breeze you blew away
Comme une feuille dans la brise, tu t'es envolée.
Through autumn′s golden gown we used to kick our way,
À travers la robe dorée de l'automne, nous avions l'habitude de nous frayer un chemin,
You always loved this time of year,
Tu as toujours aimé cette période de l'année,
Those fallen leaves lie undisturbed now,
Ces feuilles mortes reposent intactes maintenant,
'Cause you′re not here
Car tu n'es plus là.
'Cause you′re not here
Car tu n'es plus là.
'Cause you′re not here
Car tu n'es plus là.
[Martians:] Ulla!
[Martiens:] Ulla!
[Journalist:] The steamer began to move slowly away but on the landward horizon appeared the silhouette of a fighting machine. Another came, and another, striding over hills and plunging far out to sea and blocking the exit of the steamer. Between them lay the silent, grey Ironclad "Thunder Child". Slowly it moved towards shore; then, with a deafening roar and whoosh of spray, it swung about and drove at full speed towards the waiting Martians.
[Journaliste:] Le bateau à vapeur commença à s'éloigner lentement, mais à l'horizon, du côté de la terre, apparut la silhouette d'une machine de guerre. Une autre arriva, puis une autre, enjambant les collines et plongeant loin en mer, bloquant la sortie du bateau à vapeur. Entre les deux se trouvait le cuirassé gris et silencieux "Thunder Child". Lentement, il se dirigea vers le rivage, puis, dans un rugissement assourdissant et un jet d'écume, il fit demi-tour et fonça à toute vitesse vers les Martiens qui l'attendaient.

Авторы: J. Wayne, G. Osborne, P. Vigrass

Jeff Wayne - Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of the War of the Worlds
Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of the War of the Worlds
дата релиза

1 The Artilleryman and the Fighting Machine
2 The Red Weed (Mister Joy Boy Remix)
3 The Eve of the War (1980 Disco Steve Thompson Remix)
4 The Spirit of Man (Max Mondo Remix)
5 The Eve of the War (Ben Liebrand Remix)
6 Brave New World (Dario G Remix)
7 The Eve of the War (Original Unused Intro)
8 The Eve of the War (Early Band Take)
9 The Eve of the War (Stripped Down Mix)
10 Forever Autumn (Original 1972 Version)
11 Brave New World (Todd Terry Remix)
12 The Eve of the War (Hybrid's Fire In the Sky Mix -)
13 The Eve of the War (Hani Remix)
14 Horsell Common and the Heat Ray (Early Version)
15 The Artilleryman and the Fighting Machine (Early Band Take,
16 Forever Autumn (Early Version)
17 The Artilleryman and the Fighting Machine (Max Mondo Remix)
18 Horsell Common and the Heat Ray (Max Mondo Remix)
19 Forever Autumn (N-Trance remix)
20 The Eve of the War
21 The Spirit of Man (Beth & Parson Out-Takes, Including Original Unused Script)
22 The Spirit of Man (Beth Is Killed - Original Out Take)
23 Dead London (Early Version,
24 The Spirit of Man (Guitar Solo)
25 Parson Nathaniel (Original Unused Song)
26 Brave New World (Early Band Take)
27 Brave New World (Acoustic Alternative)
28 Brave New World (Early Piano Demo)
29 The Spirit of Man (Jerry, Doreen & Phil Acting Out-Takes)
30 Thunder Child (Later Version)
31 The Spirit of Man (Early Version Guide Vocals)
32 Dead London (Mister JoyBoy Remix)
33 The Spirit of Man (Early Version With Unused Acting Parts)
34 The Red Weed (Early Version)
35 Thunder Child
36 Forever Autumn
37 The Spirit of Man
38 Dead London
39 Brave New World
40 The Artilleryman Returns
41 Epilogue, Pt. 2 (N.A.S.A.)
42 Forever Autumn (Dark Autumn Dub Tom Frederikse / Gaëtan Schurrer Remix)
43 Original Spanish Parson Scream Out-takes
44 Original Parson Scream Out-takes
45 Parson Nathaniel Scream Out-Takes (From the Spirit of Man)
46 Tea for Two: Jerry & Phil's Late Night Cabaret
47 The Spirit of Guitars (guitars and strings from The Spirit of Man)
48 The Spirit of Man (Beth Out-Takes)
49 The Spirited Man (strings and acoustic guitar alternative)
50 German Journalist and Parson Out-takes
51 'Outcries' (from The Spirit of Man)
52 The Spirit of Man (Beth is killed)
53 The Spirit of 'Mayan' (Parson outtakes)
54 The Spirit of Man (Out-Takes, Including Original Unused Script)
55 "Are You Ready Jeff?" (Acting Out-Takes from the Spirit of Man)
56 The Spirit of Man (Alternate Version)
57 Spanish Journalist and Parson Scream Out-take
58 "And There Was Nothing I Could Do to Prevent It" (out-takes and master)
59 Murderous Out-Takes (From Dead London)
60 Dead London (Early Band Run-Through)
61 Regressing Bar Count
62 Original 40" Radio Commercial
63 Acting Out Takes (From Brave New World)
64 The Spanish Artilleryman's Plan (from Brave New World)
65 Brave New World (Alternate Version)
66 The Artilleryman's "I've Got a Plan!" Out-takes (from Brave New World)
67 The the Artilleryman's Out-Takes (From Brave New World)
68 The Artilleryman's Out-Takes (From Brave New World) [Continued]
69 The Artilleryman's Out-Takes (From Brave New World)
70 The Artilleryman Returns (With Unused Parts)
71 "Less Piano and More Air, Please!"
72 Parson Nathaniel (2005 revisited version)
73 The Eve of the War Versus Animal and Man (Forrest / Schurrer / Wayne remix)
74 The Spirt of Destiny (The Parson Versus Palene) [Cassidy / Langan / Wayne Remix]
75 The Spirit of Man: Spirit of Dub (Tom Frederikse / Gaëtan Schurrer remix)
76 ULLAdubULLA (Papa Ootzie remix)
77 Epilogue, Pt. 1
78 The Red Weed, Pt. 2
79 The Red Weed, Pt. 1
80 Horsell Common and the Heat Ray
81 The Four Narrators (opening passage)
82 Bar Count (from Dead London)
83 'That' Laugh
84 Out-Takes (From Horsell Common and the Heat Ray)
85 Original 75" Radio Commercial
86 Jeff's "Worth A Listen" Red Weed Alternative
87 The Red Weed (Original Unused Parts)
88 Unused Out-Take (From The Red Weed)
89 The Four Narrators (The Red Weed)
90 The Four Narrators (The Earth Belonged to the Martians)
91 Thunder Child (Early Version Version)
92 "Ugly Brutes!" and "See Them" (Original Unused Out-Takes)
93 Paperboy Shouts and Panicking Crowd (Original Unused Out-Take from Forever Autumn)
94 Paperboys (Original Unused Out-Take)
95 Bar Count Continues (from Forever Autumn)
96 Bar Count - Under Attack (from Forever Autumn)
97 Lego Toys (Original 1969 Radio Commercial)
98 Richard Burton Out-take
99 The Heatray Versus the Jangle Piano (Martian Versus Man)
100 Out-Takes (From Horsell Common)
101 Horsell Common and the Heat Ray (Original Narration and Acting Parts)
102 The Falling Star (Original Narration and Acting Parts)
103 The Eve of the War (Original Narration and Acting Parts)
104 Spanish Narrator Out-Takes
105 NASA Epilogue Spanish Version
106 Unused Alternate N.A.S.A. Epiliogue Out-Takes
107 The Four Narrators (Epiliogue)
108 Epilogue 1 (Early Bird Take)
109 Breathless Out-take (from Dead London)

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