Jonatan Penalba - TIO CANYA - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Jonatan Penalba - TIO CANYA

En la Pobla hi ha in vell, en la Pobla hi ha in vell
In Pobla there's an old man, in Pobla there's an old man
Que li diuen Tio Canya
They call him Uncle Cane
Porta gorra i brusa negra, porta gorra i brusa negra
He wears a hat and a black shirt, he wears a hat and a black shirt
I una faixa morellana
And a brown sash
Tres voltes només va anar el Tio Canya a València
Only three times did Uncle Cane go to Valencia
Primer quan va entrar en quintes i en casar-se amb sa femella
First when he went to the draft and when he married his wife
La tercera va jurar de no tornar a xafar-la
The third time he swore he would never set foot there again
Que a un home que ve del poble, ningú fa abaixar la cara
That to a man from the village, no one makes him lower his head
Set vegades va fer cua, set vegades va fer cua
Seven times he stood in line, seven times he stood in line
En presentar un papers
To present some papers
Per no saber expressar-se, per no saber expressar-se
For not knowing how to express himself, for not knowing how to express himself
En llengua de forasters
In the language of strangers
Aguantà totes les burles, les paraules agrejades
He endured all the mockery, the harsh words
I a la Pobla va tornar
And returned to Pobla
Tio Canya, Tio Canya, no tens les claus de ta casa
Uncle Cane, Uncle Cane, you don't have the keys to your house
Posa-li un forrellat nou o et farà fum la teulada
Put a new lock on it, or the roof will go up in smoke
Tio Canya, Tio Canya, no tens les claus de ta casa
Uncle Cane, Uncle Cane, you don't have the keys to your house
Posa-li un forrellat nou o et farà fum la teulada
Put a new lock on it, or the roof will go up in smoke
Tio Canya tingué un fill, Tio Canya tingué un fill
Uncle Cane had a son, Uncle Cane had a son
Que li diuen Tio Canya
They call him Uncle Cane
Porta gorra i brusa negra, porta gorra i brusa negra
He wears a hat and a black shirt, he wears a hat and a black shirt
I una faixa morellana
And a brown sash
recorda el Tio Canya quan varen portar-lo a escola
Uncle Cane remembers well when they took him to school
Set anys la cara ben neta, ulls oberts, camisa nova
Seven years with a clean face, open eyes, new shirt
Però molt més va obrir els ulls el xiquet del Tio Canya
But the eyes of Uncle Cane's child opened much wider
Quan va sentir aquell mestre parlar de manera estranya
When he heard the master speak in that strange way
Cada dia que passava, cada dia que passava
Every day that passed, every day that passed
Anava encollint els muscles
He was shrinking in muscles
Per por a què el senyor mestre, per por a què el senyor mestre
For fear that the master, for fear that the master
Li fera alguna pregunta
Would ask him a question
Aguantà càstigs i renyes, sens gosar d'abrir la boca
He endured punishments and rebukes, not daring to open his mouth
I l'escola va odiar
And he came to hate school
Tio Canya, Tio Canya, no tens les claus de ta casa
Uncle Cane, Uncle Cane, you don't have the keys to your house
Posa-li un forrellat nou o et farà fum la teulada
Put a new lock on it, or the roof will go up in smoke
Tio Canya, Tio Canya, no tens les claus de ta casa
Uncle Cane, Uncle Cane, you don't have the keys to your house
Posa-li un forrellat nou o et farà fum la teulada
Put a new lock on it, or the roof will go up in smoke
Cròniques del carrer diuen, cròniques del carrer diuen
Street chronicles tell, street chronicles tell
D'uns nets que el Tio Canya
About some grandchildren Uncle Cane has
Que són metges a València, que són metges a València
They're doctors in Valencia, they're doctors in Valencia
Professors i gent lletrada
Teachers and educated people
Quan a estiu vénen al poble, visiten el Tio Canya
When they come to town in the summer, they visit Uncle Cane
I el pobre vell se'ls escolta, parlant llengua castellana
And the poor old man listens to them, speaking in Castilian
Però cròniques més noves expliquen que el Tio Canya
But newer chronicles tell that Uncle Cane
Ja compta amb besnéts molts joves que alegren la seua cara
Now has many young great-grandchildren who brighten his face
Mai parlen en castellà, mai parlen en castellà
They never speak in Castilian, they never speak in Castilian
Com han aprés dels seus pares
As they have learned from their parents
Sinó com la gent del poble, sinó com la gent del poble
But like the people of the village, like the people of the village
La llengua del Tio Canya
The language of Uncle Cane
Reviscola, Tio Canya
Come back to life, Uncle Cane
Amb gaiato si et fa falta
With a cane if you need it
Que a València has de tornar
For you must return to Valencia
Tio Canya, Tio Canya, no tens les claus de ta casa
Uncle Cane, Uncle Cane, you don't have the keys to your house
Posa-li un forrellat nou perquè avui tens temps encara
Put a new lock on it because you still have time today
Tio Canya, Tio Canya, no tens les claus de ta casa
Uncle Cane, Uncle Cane, you don't have the keys to your house
Posa-li un forrellat nou perquè avui tens temps encara
Put a new lock on it because you still have time today

Авторы: Vicent Torrent

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