Junior Klan - El Agua Fiestas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Junior Klan - El Agua Fiestas

El Agua Fiestas
The Party Pooper
Muy buena persona mi compa
He's a really nice guy, my friend
El ramon
Muy buena persona mi compa
He's a really nice guy, my friend
El ramon
Pero se transforma cuando toma ron
But when he drinks rum, he transforms
Pero se transforma cuando toma ron
But when he drinks rum, he transforms
Yo no lo sabia y un dia lo invite
I didn't know this, and one day I invited him
Yo no lo sabia y un dia lo invite
I didn't know this, and one day I invited him
A una fiesyesita que pena pase
To a little party, and I was so embarrassed
A una fiestesita que pena pase
To a little party, and I was so embarrassed
Se sento sobre el pastel
He sat on the cake
(Se limpio con el mantel)
(He wiped himself with the tablecloth)
Metio al perro en la nevera
He put the dog in the refrigerator
(Lo amarro con la mangera)
(He tied it up with the hose)
En su carro se subio
He climbed into his car
(En la sala lo metio)
(He drove it into the living room)
A la porbre cosinera
He chased the poor cook
(La corrio por la escalera)
(He ran her up the stairs)
Este es el colmo señores
This is the last straw, folks
Ya me lo voy a llevar
I'm taking him away
Les pido que me perdonen esto no buelve a pasar
I beg your pardon, but this won't happen again
Todo habia pasado y me lo encontre
Everything had calmed down, and I found him
Todo habia pasado y me lo encontre
Everything had calmed down, and I found him
Dijo avergonzado no lo vuelvo a hacer
He said, ashamed, I won't do it again
Dijo averganzado no lo vuelvo a hacer
He said, ashamed, I won't do it again
Por mi casa hicieron tremendo rumbo
They had made a mess of my house
Por mi casa hicieron tremendo rumbo
They had made a mess of my house
Nunca lo invitaron pero haí llego
They hadn't invited him, but there he was
Nunva lo invitaron pero haí llego
They hadn't invited him, but there he was
Con todos queria pelear
He wanted to fight with everyone
(Se creia campeon mundial)
(He thought he was the world champion)
Al gato de la vecina
He poured gasoline on the neighbor's cat
(Lo baño con gasolina)
(He poured gasoline on the neighbor's cat)
Los zapatos se quito
He took off his shoes
(En la alfombra los tiro)
(He threw them on the carpet)
Y tambien a doña ester
He asked Mrs. Esther
(La invito para un motel)
(He asked Mrs. Esther)
A todo mundo molesta
He bothers everyone
Nadie lo puede aguantar
No one can stand him
Que saquen al agua fiestas le empesaron a gritar
They started to shout, "Get the party pooper out of here!"
Que lo saquen
Get him out of here
Que lo saquen
Get him out of here
Que lo saquen
Get him out of here
Que lo saquen
Get him out of here
A Pedro Romero
Pedro Romero
A ese tambien
Him too
Y a Rafa Gamboa
And Rafa Gamboa
A ese tambien
Him too
A Alberto pacheco
And Alberto Pacheco
A ese tambien
Him too
Y al chino Gutierres
And Chino Gutierrez

Авторы: Jose Luis Gomez Gonzalez

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