Kontra - Heroji 2.0 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kontra - Heroji 2.0

Heroji 2.0
Heroes 2.0
Heroj iz pepela
A hero from the ashes
Se dize kao feniks
Rises like a phoenix
On je vrijedan nase paznje
He's worthy of our attention
Ali je nikad ne plijeni
But never seeks the limelight
On je trn u oku
He's a thorn in the side
Statistike i proracuna
Of statistics and calculations
Bez obzira na ljude
Regardless of people's opinions
Zna da ga Bog cuva
He knows God watches over him
Heroj ne kalkulise
A hero doesn't calculate
Vec slusa svoje srce
He listens to his heart
Izmedju ljubavi i mrznje
Between love and hate
On uplice svoje prste
He intertwines his fingers
Ruke u vatru za
Hands in the fire for
Svetinju ljudskosti
The sanctity of humanity
On je sredisnja tacka
He's the central point
Izmedju dobrote i ludosti
Between goodness and madness
Heroju valuta je
A hero's currency is
Zivot ako treba
Life itself, if needed
Dace krv, znoj i suze
He'll give blood, sweat, and tears
Al' djavolu dusu ne da
But he won't give his soul to the devil
Pojam pojedinca
The concept of an individual
Ovcama problem
Is a problem for sheep
On radi to za sebe
He does it for himself
Ne za naslov i orden
Not for headlines and medals
Heroj je Tesla
A hero is Tesla
Iz mraka put do svjetla
From darkness, a path to light
A ironija svega
And the irony of it all
Heroj ne mora zabljestat'
A hero doesn't have to shine
Heroj je Dzeko
A hero is Dzeko
Bez gola u mrezi
Without a goal in the net
Jer biti heroj nije posao
Because being a hero isn't a job
Vec ono sto jesi
It's who you are
Heroji su iz ulice
Heroes are from the streets
A ne iz nerealnog filma
Not from unrealistic movies
Heroj je Keli
A hero is Keli
Heroj je Djilda
A hero is Djilda
Heroj je iznad
A hero is above
Populizma i besmisla
Populism and nonsense
Heroj je heroj
A hero is a hero
I kad kamera ne snima
Even when the camera isn't rolling
Ostavi sa strane
Leave aside
Malo filmove i romane
The movies and novels for a while
Jer svako malo neko za
Because every now and then someone
Prave stvari stane
Stands up for what's right
Neko se proda
Someone sells out
A neko cuva obraz
And someone keeps their honor
Postaces i ti heroj
You too will become a hero
Ako heroja prepoznas
If you recognize a hero
Sa mnom je istina
With me is truth
Sa mnom je ljudskost
With me is humanity
I uz njih necu srljat'
And with them, I won't rush
Vec koracat' u buducnost
But walk into the future
Bice gusto
It'll be tough
Stisni sake cvrsto
Clench your fists tight
Ostacu covjek
I'll remain a man
Dok drugi upiru prstom
While others point fingers
Za mir u srcu
For peace in my heart
Preko tudje krvi na rukama
Over the blood of others on my hands
Za postovanje preko
For respect over
Patetike i laznog grljenja
False pathos and fake hugs
Ko prica o slobodi
Those who talk about freedom
Cesto zaboravi cijenu
Often forget the price
Nekad slobodni hod
Sometimes a free walk
Je po kostima
Is over bones
Samo najveci su pribrani
Only the greatest are calm
Kad cuju sirenu
When they hear the siren
Kad se dusa od tijela
When the soul from the body
Naglo otima
Is suddenly snatched away
I svako prisvaja titule
And everyone claims titles
Dok je guzva i panika
While there's chaos and panic
Al' ti heroj nije titula
But being a hero isn't a title
Vec dusevna satisfakcija
It's spiritual satisfaction
Nije u snazi, ni u nagradi
It's not in strength, nor in rewards
Vec u namjeri
But in intention
Preko mojih i tvojih
Through yours and mine
Do nas Srdjan Aleksic
To our Srdjan Aleksic
I zlo se pobrine
And evil makes sure
Da oni nestaju
That they disappear
Jer oni nastaju na tacki
Because they arise at the point
Gdje drugi prestanu
Where others stop
I nase rane zarastu
And our wounds heal
Sunce opet sija
The sun shines again
Krv se brise
The blood is wiped away
I na njoj raste inat
And on it, defiance grows
Na njoj se vidi slika
On it, we see the picture
Sta mrznja moze prizvat
What hate can summon
Na njoj pise nikad
On it, it says never
Preko nasih ruku, nikad
Over our hands, never
Al' to je slika
But that's a picture
Zatrpana ispod ega
Buried under ego
Sitnih interesa
Petty interests
Sovinizma i licemjerja
Chauvinism and hypocrisy
Nemoj se pitat'
Don't ask yourself
Gdje su nestali heroji
Where the heroes have gone
Jer danas neko za tebe
Because today someone for you
Lije suze, krv i znoj
Is shedding tears, blood, and sweat
Neko se proda
Someone sells out
A neko cuva obraz
And someone keeps their honor
Postaces i ti heroj
You too will become a hero
Ako heroja prepoznas
If you recognize a hero
Sa mnom je istina
With me is truth
Sa mnom je ljudskost
With me is humanity
I uz njih necu srljat
And with them, I won't rush
Vec koracat' u buducnost
But walk into the future

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