Ks Bloom - We dont stop - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ks Bloom - We dont stop

We dont stop
We Don't Stop
Vaillant soldat ha
Valiant soldier, huh
Pourquoi tu fais comme si t′étais incapable
Why do you act as if you were incapable
De t'balader pour annoncer ton papa
Of walking around to announce your Father
On s′enfiche que certain pense qu'on fait du tapage
We don't care if some think we're making noise
Le monde ne va pas bien, il nous attend
The world is not doing well, it awaits us
Dieu avec nous qui peut contrer nos attaques
God with us, who can counter our attacks
On va dépouiller l'enfer et faire un massacre
We will plunder hell and make a massacre
D′ailleurs si on se fait les pierres confesseront sa grâce
Besides, if we get stoned, the stones will confess His grace
Comme un tour de passe-passe
Like a sleight of hand
Les choses anciennes sont passées, j′ai changé
Old things have passed away, I have changed
Je t'parle de Jésus, tu es fâché
I'm talking to you about Jesus, you're angry
J′suis tellement déçu qu'je peux pas m′taire
I'm so disappointed I can't be silent
C'est à un prix grand qu′il t'a racheté
It's at a great price that He redeemed you
Fraté relaxez-vous c'est parfait
Brother, relax, it's perfect
C′est le seul qui t′tire de la saleté
He's the only one who pulls you out of the filth
Pour te faire disciple consacré
To make you a consecrated disciple
Je rêve de le dire au monde entier parce que
I dream of telling the whole world because
La mission ne s'arrête pas
The mission doesn't stop
Si tu gagnes le combat, tu auras une médaille
If you win the fight, you will get a medal
Mais on continue tant qu′on a c'qu′on a
But we keep going as long as we have what we have
Quelques soit les sondages quelques soit ce qu'ils disent
Whatever the polls, whatever they say
Evangéliser we don′t stop
Evangelizing, we don't stop
Parler de Jésus we don't stop
Talking about Jesus, we don't stop
Gagner des âmes we don't stop
Winning souls, we don't stop
Dans tous les cas Dieu dit don′t stop
In any case, God says don't stop
We don′t stop
We don't stop
We don't stop
We don't stop
Aussi à tous mes frères, à tous mes gavas
Also to all my brothers, to all my buddies
Sachez qu′devant Dieu on est tous des amateurs
Know that before God we are all amateurs
Ça sert à rien de prêcher tous ces passages
It's no use preaching all these passages
Si l'humilité n′est pas notre partage et en plus da ça ha
If humility is not our share and on top of that, huh
Ça se passe dans la rue, ça cri Hosanna
It happens in the street, they shout Hosanna
Mais pourquoi en amour on est si avar
But why are we so stingy in love
Sachez que l'garbadrome ne sert à nada
Know that the garb-a-thon is useless
Si ya pas de garba, oui c′est l'amour agapé
If there is no garba, yes it is agape love
Relâché, qui donne un sens à c'qu′on va
Released, which gives meaning to what we will
PrêcherSi on l′confesse sans le vivre c'est d′la lâcheté
Preach. If we confess it without living it, it's cowardice
Pour toutes ces bêtises, je dis assez assez
For all this nonsense, I say enough is enough
Repentez-vous et marchez
Repent and walk
Dans sa vérité et dans sa paix
In His truth and in His peace
Il y'a tellement de vie à impacter
There are so many lives to impact
A tous ceux qui disent qu′on a taffé, sachez
To all those who say we have worked, know that
La mission ne s'arrête pas si tu
The mission doesn't stop if you
Gagnes un combat tu auras une médaille
Win a fight, you will get a medal
Mais on continue tant qu′on a c'qu'on a, quelques soit les sondages
But we keep going as long as we have what we have, whatever the polls
Quelques soit ce qu′ils disent
Whatever they say
Evangéliser we don′t stop
Evangelizing, we don't stop
Parler de Jésus we don't stop
Talking about Jesus, we don't stop
Gagner des âmes we don′t stop
Winning souls, we don't stop
Dans tous les cas Dieu dit don't stop
In any case, God says don't stop
We don′t stop
We don't stop
We don't stop
We don't stop
When I say we don′t stop
When I say we don't stop
Wanna spread, wanna spread the gospel everywhere
Wanna spread, wanna spread the gospel everywhere
When I say we don't stop
When I say we don't stop
Wanna spread, wanna spread the gospel everywhere
Wanna spread, wanna spread the gospel everywhere
Quand je parle de we don't stop
When I talk about we don't stop
Je parle de vison, faut pas négliger
I'm talking about vision, we must not neglect
Sortons de l′Eglise pour les évangéliser
Let's go out of the Church to evangelize them
c′est ça la mission dont
Yeah, that's the mission
We don't stop eeh, don′t worry ehi
We don't stop eeh, don't worry ehi
Don't worry ehi, don′t worry ehi
Don't worry ehi, don't worry ehi
We don't stop eeh, don′t worry ehi
We don't stop eeh, don't worry ehi
Don't worry ehi, don't worry ehi
Don't worry ehi, don't worry ehi

Авторы: Ks Bloom, Souleymane Kevin Kader Junior Ks Bloom

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