Liga - Hustler - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Liga - Hustler

I starten var det, sikkert helt cool
In the beginning it was, probably quite cool
Spurgte dig aldrig, hvad du sku'
I never asked you what you should do
Tiden gik og, jeg fulgt' med
Time passed and, I followed
Og det jeg fandt var, usselt
And what I found was, so pathetic
For du havde fucked' mig, det' fint
Because you had fucked me, it's fine
Jeg stod og jer, gøre mig til grin
I stood and watched you, making me a laughing stock
Du siger det første gang det' sket
You say it's the first time it happened
Men det kun at skade sjælen
But that only hurts the soul
Uuuh, for du hustlede mig fra starten
Uuuh, because you hustled me from the start
Var det det der sku' til
Was that what it was supposed to
Før du hende?
Before you her?
Uuuh, ja du hustlede mig fra starten
Uuuh, yes you hustled me from the start
Og du ved jeg det
And you know I saw it
At du lod det ske
That you let it happen
Du ved jeg dig, bare drop det
You know I saw you, just drop it
Der er ingen udvej, du' busted
There is no way out, you're busted
Har det vildere, uden dig
Have it wilder, without you
Det føles bedre, uden dine løgn'
It feels better, without your lies
For du har fucked' mig, det' fint
Because you had fucked me, it's fine
Jeg stod og jer, gøre mig til grin
I stood and watched you, making me a laughing stock
Du siger det første gang det sket
You say it's the first time it happened
Men det kun at skade sjælen
But that only hurts the soul
Uuuh, for du hustlede mig fra starten
Uuuh, because you hustled me from the start
Var det det der sku' til
Was that what it was supposed to
Før du hende?
Before you her?
Uuuh, ja du hustlede mig fra starten
Uuuh, yes you hustled me from the start
Og du ved jeg det
And you know I saw it
At du lod det ske
That you let it happen
Ja, du hustlede mig fra starten
Yes, you hustled me from the start
Var det det der sku' til?
Was that what it was supposed to
Ja, du hustlede mig fra starten
Yes, you hustled me from the start
Når du ved jeg det
When you know I saw it
Uuuh, for du hustlede mig fra starten
Uuuh, because you hustled me from the start
Var det det der sku' til
Was that what it was supposed to
For du hende?
For you her?
Uuuh, ja du hustlede mig fra starten
Uuuh, yes you hustled me from the start
Og du ved jeg det
And you know I saw it
At du lod det ske
That you let it happen

Авторы: Fridolin Nordsoe Schjoldan, Max Winding, Nicky Russell, Ihan Haydar

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