Lax'n'Busto - Faran de Tu un Heroi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lax'n'Busto - Faran de Tu un Heroi

Faran de Tu un Heroi
They'll Make a Hero Out of You
Va arribar un dia de bon matí
He arrived one morning, bright and early
Va dir el seu nom mirant a terra
He said his name, looking at the ground
Ningú no el va tornar a sentir
Nobody heard from him again
Excepte en somnis quan parlava a crits
Except in dreams, when he would talk out loud
Mai va queixar-se de la instrucció
He never complained about the training
I en els permisos no marxava pas
And he never left during leave
Els 'mandos' molt aviat s'hi van fixar
The 'commanders' soon noticed
bona planta i pot ser exemplar
He has good posture and could be exemplary
Li deien: Ei, noi, farem de tu un heroi
They told him: Hey, boy, we're going to make a hero out of you
Si tots fossin així s'adonaria el món
If they were all like that, the world would realize
No cal sentir el que et diu el cor
You don't need to feel what your heart tells you
Tan sols has d'obeir que el demés ja ho faig jo
You just have to obey, and I'll do the rest
En el quarter més d'un se'n reia d'ell
More than one person in the barracks laughed at him
No rebia cartes, no deia pas res
He didn't receive letters, didn't say anything
Amb aquells ulls perduts a l'horitzó
With those eyes lost on the horizon
Semblava com si hagués nascut a un altre món
As if he had been born in another world
Va haver-hi un que es va intentar acostar
There was one who tried to get close
I ell va girar-li el cap
And he turned his head
Va dir-li: Tu t'has d'acostumar
He told him: You have to get used to it
Amb el temps ja ho acceptaràs
In time you will accept it
Va dir-li: Ei, noi, faran de tu un heroi
He told him: Hey, boy, they're going to make a hero out of you
No volen pas saber que hi portes dins el cor
They don't want to know what you carry in your heart
Només volen el teu valor
They only want your bravery
Què importen els teus somnis, ni la teva opinió
What do your dreams matter, or your opinion
Quan arribes aquí la llibertat és il·lusió
When you get here, freedom is an illusion
Un dia de guàrdia va sentir-se sol
One day on guard duty he felt lonely
Vull tornar a casa, vull estar tranquil
I want to go home, I want to be in peace
Va agafar el 'Cetme' i va llepar el canó
He grabbed the 'Cetme' and licked the barrel
Va fer un suspir i va cridar molt fort
He sighed and screamed out loud
El metge al veure'l va vomitar
The doctor threw up when he saw him
I algun soldat va arribar a plorar
And some soldiers even cried

Авторы: Jesús Rovira

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