Los Yonic's - Tu Juguete - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Los Yonic's - Tu Juguete

Tu Juguete
Your Toy
Sono el telefono, y ansioso conteste, querias escuchar, tu voz,
It was the phone, and I eagerly answered, you wanted to hear your voice,
Sabia que eras tu, pero que no estaba de imaginar siquiera,
I knew it was you, but I could not even imagine,
Que solo me llamabas, para decirme solo adios, colge el telefono y
That you only called to tell me goodbye, I hung up the phone and,
Llorando compredi, que tan poquito signifique para ti,
Crying I understood how little I meant to you,
Que te falto valor, para venir aqui, y decirme
You lacked the courage to come here and tell me
Alacara, lo que fui para ti, Tu juguete, mi amor fue
Face to face, what I was to you, Your toy, my love was
Para ti, solo un juguete, marioneta que abandonas
To you just a toy, a puppet you abandoned
Asu suerte, por que ya paso de moda para ti,
To its fate, because it is out of fashion for you,
Tu juguete, pasatiempo nadamas de tu capricho,
Your toy, a pastime just for your whim,
Pero nunca olvides lo que dice un dicho, quien la
But never forget what a saying says, whoever
Ase tambien tiene que pagar.
Does it also has to pay.
Sono el telefono, y ansioso conteste, querias escuchar tu voz
It was the phone, and I eagerly answered, you wanted to hear your voice.
Sabia que eras tu, pero que no estaba de imaginar
I knew it was you, but I could not even imagine,
Siquiera que solo me llamabas para decirme solo adios,
That you only called me to tell me goodbye,
Colge el telefono y llorando compredi que tan poquito signifique
I hung up the phone and crying I understood how little I meant
Para ti que te falto valor para venir aqui, y decirme
To you, that you lacked the courage to come here and tell me
Ala cara lo que fui para ti,
Face to face what I was to you,
Tu juguete, mi amor fue para tan solo un juguete,
Your toy, my love was just a toy,
Marioneta que abandonas asu suerte, por que ya paso de
A puppet you abandon to its fate because it is out of
Moda para ti, Tu juguete, pasatiempo nadamas de tu
Fashion for you, Your toy, a pastime just for your
Capricho, pero nunca olvides lo que dice un dicho,
Whim, but never forget what a saying says,
Quien la ase tambien tiene que pagar.
Whoever does it also has to pay.

Авторы: Jesus Navarrete Urena

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