Lágrimas De Sangre feat. Glaukoma - Aire Pur - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lágrimas De Sangre feat. Glaukoma - Aire Pur

Aire Pur
Pure Air
Si vols sentir-la plena aquesta vida que ara estimes
If you want to feel this life that you now cherish to the fullest
I les lleis que t'envolten no les trobes còmodes
And the laws that surround you are not comfortable
La policia interna que et goberna haurà d'aprendre
The internal police that govern you will have to learn
Millor deixar-se entendre, cuidat, ja ho veuràs!
Better to make yourself understood, be careful, you'll see!
Toca obrir-se, com la primavera pot obrir la flor,
It's time to open up, like spring can open the flower,
Al seu ritme, defugint la por
At its own pace, escaping fear
L'ostracisme és el signe d'un estigma,
Ostracism is the sign of a stigma,
Pel sisme destructiu quan el refugi es veu com el nou niu insígnia.
For the destructive earthquake when the refuge is seen as the new nest insignia.
Però una ment amb cicatrius, dins un cos normatiu
But a mind with scars, inside a normative body
Vol que ploris, que valoris si et sents fort i encara ets viu
Wants you to cry, to value if you feel strong and you are still alive
La merda que hi ha fora no et deixa escoltar-te dintre
The shit that is out there doesn't let you listen to yourself inside
I l'esperit d'infant sensible no fam ni es sent pas lliure
And the spirit of a sensitive child is not hungry nor does it feel free
A un cor fort l'almoina de l'amo l'amoïna,
A strong heart is annoyed by the master's alms,
Ja no vol més molles vol trencar les estovalles
It doesn't want crumbs anymore it wants to break the cloths
I sentir de nou com brollen pessigolles
And feel again how goosebumps bubble
A cada glop que baixa a poc a poc de cop i et remou les entranyes
With each gulp that goes down little by little and removes your worries
I jo sóc qui vull ser?, els anuncis són com bombes
And I am who I want to be?, ads are like bombs
Se t'enfonsa el cos i et cou i de la guerra neixen traumes,
Your body sinks and burns, and traumas are born from war,
Però a través d'esquerdes podrem fer, espais comuns afins
But through cracks we can make, common spaces alike
D'autoconstrucció massiva d'esperances.
Of massive self-construction of hopes.
Ja arriba la vida que somies,
The life you dream of is coming,
Que en sortir del tedi els únics límits siguin propis i assumibles,
That when you leave boredom the only limits are your own and acceptable,
La cultura et lliga
Culture binds you
Només amb pau al cau, quan et plau, rau la clau per fer la lluita plausible
Only with peace in the den, when you please, lies the key to make the fight plausible
No t'equivoquis, he vist repetit mil cops el teu soliloqui.
Don't get me wrong, I've seen your soliloquy repeated a thousand times.
No siguis tòtil, aqui no s'acaba mai el bròquil.
Don't be silly, broccoli never ends here.
I així fins que el cap t'exploti, necessito aire.
And so on until your head explodes, I need air.
Som ànimes ingràvides, càlides i emotives,
We are weightless, warm and emotional souls,
Recloïdes en presons de repressió, freda i cognitiva,
Locked up in prisons of repression, cold and cognitive,
Niu d'estigmes, viu d'estimes i allibera la pressió
Nest of stigmas, live of love and release the pressure
Que imposa el món de la foscor, amiga, si vols ser lliure.
That the world of darkness imposes, my friend, if you want to be free.
La mirada sobreviurà digne amb el seu prisma,
The gaze will survive with dignity with its prism,
Travessant una finestra fixada en l'entorn feréstec
Crossing a window fixed on the wild environment
Qque deprecia tota vida premia el verí
That depreciates all life rewards the truth
De la deriva destructiva i al poeta defenestra.
Of destructive drift and poet's defenestration.
Aquí fem patir al metge tot per fer paté del fetge
Here we make the doctor suffer all to make liver pate
Tens un cotxe i un rellotge però vols viure pressa,
You have a car and a watch but you want to live in a hurry,
I ho vius amb el silenci de qui sap que s'equivoca
And you live it with the silence of someone who knows he is wrong
I s'equipara amb altres, que tampoc obren la boca.
And equates himself with others who don't open their mouths either.
Un cap dur com un roca, un mar de prejudicis
A head as hard as a rock, a sea of prejudices
Dins del pit des de l'inici d'una vida que s'esgota,
Inside the chest from the beginning of a life that runs out,
I com fer front a tal derrota? si quan te'n dones compte
And how to face such a defeat? if when you realize it
Dus errors en el sarró i el cronòmetre corre en contra,
You carry errors in the sack and the timer runs against,
Contra un cor que es vol corrompre, un món que ho facilita,
Against a heart that wants to be corrupted, a world that makes it easier,
No hi ha lloc pel plora mica si l'amic ja no t'escolta,
There is no place to cry a little if the friend no longer listens to you,
La veritat no es diu a mitges, es diu com una bomba,
The truth is not told by halves, it is said like a bomb,
És com un mort arrepentit un esperit que sempre torna,
It is like a dead man repentant a spirit that always returns,
I vola per sobre teu mentre el ventre el tempta amb merdes,
And flies over you while the belly tempts him with shit,
Excuses i caretes, vivències sense reptes,
Excuses and masks, experiences without challenges,
Més dies en silenci, i emocions reprimides,
More days in silence, and repressed emotions,
Vull polir-me com un nen, si, però van passant els dies.
I want to polish myself like a child, yes, but the days go by.
Però van passant i no t'equivoquis,
But they are passing and don't be mistaken,
He vist repetit mil cops el teu soliloqui.
I have seen your soliloquy repeated a thousand times.
No siguis tòtil,
Don't be silly,
Aqui no s'acaba mai el bròquil.
Broccoli never ends here.
I així fins que el cap t'exploti,
And so on until your head explodes,
Necessito aire pur, no em falta temps,
I need pure air, I don't lack time,
Em falta aire per respirar en aquest ball.
I lack air to breathe in this dance.
I aixi fins que el verd broti i tirem d'amor propi
And so on until the green sprouts and we pull self-love
Normala da kareta jantzita ibili beharra,
Normal is having to wear a mask,
Denok dauzkeu mamu ta beldurrak barra-barra.
We all have ghosts and fears galore.
Nik iparra bi gitarra ta mikro batekin aurkitzet,
I find the north with two guitars and a microphone,
Gutako bakoitzak dauke bere izarra.
Each drop has its own star.
Polizi ta militarrak, gure burun dabiltzanak,
The police and the military, those who are in our heads,
Akatu gabeko ikarak adorea gelditzen.
Incomplete fears stop courage.
Ezetzak agintzen, baietzak amiltzen,
Nos command, yeses fall in love,
Artaldetik at ez geatzeko martingalak.
Martingales so that we don't leave the herd.
Inor ez da normala, baño danak hala nahi,
Nobody is normal, but everyone wants to be,
Modelo izan nahien gaztek uzteie jateai.
Young people who want to be models stop eating.
Aplikatzen diou errealitateai, ai!
I apply it to reality, ouch!
Desikasten hasi hai.
Start unlearning them.
Ta ni rebai, sinistu ezin pelikula,
And I repeat, unbelievable movie,
Ezin aske sentitu preso gaudela dakigula.
We can't feel free knowing we're prisoners.
Batu partidura! Hartu partitura!
Join the score! Take the score!
Joggo bonito treballant amb la paraula.
Joggo bonito working with the word.
Estetikan diktadura estetikatik hautsi,
Break the dictatorship of aesthetics from aesthetics,
Estetatik idatziz eztet bestetik ikasi.
Writing from aesthetics I haven't learned anything else.
Wanna be free, yeah! Wanna be free!
Wanna be free, yeah! Wanna be free!
Disney eta Hollywood akatzetik hasi.
Start by finishing off Disney and Hollywood.
Selektak, MCk, graffiterok, dantzarik,
Selectahs, MCs, graffiti artists, dancers,
Danak antza dik, gure janak gantza dik ta gatza nik.
We all have a look, our food has a look and I have salt.
No creemos en un mundo hecho en croma,
We don't believe in a world made in chroma,
No más Lágrimas de Sangre en ojos con Glaukoma
No more Tears of Blood in eyes with Glaucoma
I van passan els dies
And the days go by
Pero van passan els dies
But the days go by
Estan passan els dies
The days are passing
Van pero van passan els dies
They go but the days go by
Estan passan els dies
The days are passing
Van pero van passan els dies
They go but the days go by
Però van passant i no t'equivoquis,
But they are passing and don't be mistaken,
He vist repetit mil cops el teu soliloqui.
I have seen your soliloquy repeated a thousand times.
No siguis tòtil,
Don't be silly,
Aqui no s'acaba mai el bròquil.
Broccoli never ends here.
I així fins que el cap t'exploti,
And so on until your head explodes,
Necessito aire pur, no em falta temps,
I need pure air, I don't lack time,
Em falta aire per respirar en aquest ball.
I lack air to breathe in this dance.
I encara que això et sobti, necessito aire pur,
And even if this overwhelms you, I need pure air,
No em falta temps,
I don't lack time,
Em falta aire quan estic ballant amb tu.
I lack air when I'm dancing with you.
I aixi fins que el verd broti i tirem d'amor propi,
And so on until the green sprouts and we pull self-love,
No t'equivoquis, he vist repetit mil cops el teu soliloqui.
Don't get me wrong, I've seen your soliloquy repeated a thousand times.
No siguis tòtil, aqui no s'acaba mai el bròquil.
Don't be silly, broccoli never ends here.
I així fins que el cap t'exploti, necessito aire
And so on until your head explodes, I need air

Авторы: Nil Campderrich Delhort, Didac Riol Fernandez, Alejandro Garcia Verdasco, Jordi Estivill Nonell, Ramon Anglada Jaraquemada

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