Manolo Garcia - Humo de Abrojos - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Manolo Garcia - Humo de Abrojos

Humo de Abrojos
Smoke of Abrojos
No fue precisamente humo de abrojo
It wasn't precisely smoke of abrojo
Lo que aquel incendio me dio
What that fire gave me
Sino una llama rumorosa, viva y poderosa
But a noisy, alive and powerful flame
Fuerte, que mi carne mordió
Strong, that bit my flesh
Tu tiro envolvente
Your enveloping shot
Me dio pase a puerta
Gave me a pass to the goal
Y derroché con ganas eso que me sobra
And I wasted with desire that which I have too much of
Pasión y ese infierno
Passion and that hell
Mantis religiosa, al que me abocaste
Praying mantis, to whom you condemned me
Luego de acabarme
After finishing me off
Mantis religiosa, al que me lanzaste
Praying mantis, to whom you threw me
A medio devorarme
Half-devouring me
Como no queriendo
As if not wanting to
Recuerdo haberte entrado
I remember having entered you
Desbarrando ya
Already derailing
Sin medir el roto
Without measuring the damage
Recuerdo haber llegado a ti de sobrao′
I remember having reached you with arrogance
Necio, como el que ha bebido un poco
Foolish, like someone who has drunk a little
I remember
Como enloquecido
As if maddened
Pretendiendo dar puntada sin hilo
Trying to stitch without thread
Estar hasta el cuello
To be up to my neck
Ya estar en el embolao'
To already be in the mess
Mantis religiosa
Praying mantis
Fiera de ese infierno
Beast of that hell
Al que me abocaste
To which you condemned me
Mantis religiosa, diosa de inframundo
Praying mantis, goddess of the underworld
Después de acabarme
After finishing me off
Como no queriendo
As if not wanting to
No fue precisamente humo de abrojo
It wasn't precisely smoke of abrojo
Lo que el incendio me dio
What the fire gave me
Ahora que no habrá marcha atrás
Now that there will be no turning back
Que arda el decorado
Let the scenery burn
No queda otra que apechugar
There is no other choice than to brave it
Y ahora que me encuentro
And now that I find myself
En la descubierta
In the exposed
De esta cruda intemperie
Of this harsh weather
Me digo sereno
I tell myself calmly
Que la vida diera
That life would give
Que la vida diera
That life would give
Por volver al fuego
To return to the fire
De humo de tu caverna
Of the smoke of your cave
Mantis religiosa
Praying mantis
Volver a tu fuego, volver a tu vera
To return to your fire, to return to your side
Recuerdo haber entrado derrapando ya
I remember having entered already skidding
Sin frenar un poco
Without braking a little
Recuerdo haberte entrado desbarrando
I remember having entered you derailing
Y tú, sin medir el roto
And you, without measuring the damage
Y por recordar, recuerdo muy bien
And for the sake of remembering, I remember very well
Que a tu lado el mundo se desvanecía poquito a poco
That by your side the world faded away little by little
Recuerdo, cómo enloquecido
I remember, how maddened
Sólo vi en ti el bocado exquisito
I only saw in you the exquisite morsel
Con mi ceguera de aquellos tiempos
With my blindness of those times
No vi la pantera que escondías dentro
I did not see the panther that you hid within
Recuerdo haber llegado a ti
I remember having reached you
Ya más no recuerdo
I don't remember anything else

Авторы: Manolo Garcia

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