Marcelo - Danas neću napisati ništa - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Marcelo - Danas neću napisati ništa

Danas neću napisati ništa
Today I Won't Write Anything
To je sad. Odjebi sve, slomi se i budi
This is it. Fuck everything, break down, and be
Sam na ulici, u kišnu zoru bez ljudi,
Alone on the street, in the rainy dawn without people,
Gde uranjaš u purpur jutra, sav zaokružen i ponosan
Where you dive into the purple of the morning, whole and proud
što lobanju ne potresa distorzija kosmosa.
That the distortion of the cosmos doesn't shake your skull.
To je sad. Trijumf, sklapam stranice notesa.
This is it. Triumph, I close the pages of the notebook.
Neotesan osećaj da sam odvezan odzvanja.
The rough feeling of being untied resonates.
Nema tu više ničega, sve upila je hartija.
There's nothing left here, the paper absorbed it all.
Dobijena partija protiv muza i harpija.
A game won against muses and harpies.
Armija ideja više ne mrcvari leš ganglija.
The army of ideas no longer mauls the corpse of ganglia.
Sad sam prazan i spokojan. Sutra, opet anarhija.
Now I'm empty and calm. Tomorrow, anarchy again.
Al' sad, katarza. Hodam ulicom prazan.
But now, catharsis. I walk the street empty.
I dišem. Osećam kišu i reč "sada".
And I breathe. I feel the rain and the word "now".
Jer pisanje je probadanje duše oštrom olovkom
Because writing is piercing the soul with a sharp pencil
I štrcanje sebe na papir, ponovo i ponovo.
And splattering yourself onto paper, over and over again.
Sutra, biću opet savladan potrebom.
Tomorrow, I'll be overcome by the need again.
Al' to nije sad. Ne ovaj čas. Ne ovaj zov.
But that's not now. Not this moment. Not this call.
Refren (Lola):
Chorus (Lola):
Set me free, break these chains from my mind,
Set me free, break these chains from my mind,
Set me free.
Set me free.
You're my muse, you're forever a part of me.
You're my muse, you're forever a part of me.
And you know I gave you everything.
And you know I gave you everything.
Now, let me be. Set me free. Let me be.
Now, let me be. Set me free. Let me be.
Jer, veruj, ovi stihovi su meso. I krv. I kosti.
Because, believe me, these verses are flesh. And blood. And bones.
I najbolje parče duše.
And the best piece of the soul.
I hod preko strune sa šansom da budeš srušen
And walking a tightrope with the chance of being thrown down
U ružne bezdane mučne gde ohole muze mrze te.
Into ugly, painful abysses where haughty muses hate you.
To su noći kad iz glave ne cediš ništa.
Those are the nights when you squeeze nothing from your head.
Neće reč. A nekad se dešava instant,
The word won't come. And sometimes it happens instantly,
Kao lavina, kulja iz tebe, reči i rečetine...
Like an avalanche, it gushes out of you, words and gibberish...
Osećaš moć, koje posle jedva setiš se
You feel a power you can barely remember afterward
Kad nestane. Tad deluje kao magnovenje
When it disappears. Then every moment of an idea seems like a hallucination
Svaki tren ideje. I trip da neće nikad
And the trip that it will never
Te ophrva, i tada imaš odvratan osećaj
Overwhelm you, and then you have the disgusting feeling
Da je autor bez ideja najbednije biće kosmosa.
That an author without ideas is the most miserable being in the cosmos.
I to je to. Ti si rob. Diže te i spušta.
And that's it. You're a slave. It lifts you up and brings you down.
Bez pravila, bez reda, pravo sa dna do vrha,
Without rules, without order, straight from the bottom to the top,
I nazad. A kraj dela je tvoje malo "najzad".
And back again. And the end of the work is your little "finally".
To traje jako kratko. Ali to je ovo danas.
It lasts very briefly. But that's what this is today.
Bridge (Lola):
Bridge (Lola):
Let me be. Today I won't write anything.
Let me be. Today I won't write anything.
Let me be. Today I won't write anything, anything, anything.
Let me be. Today I won't write anything, anything, anything.
Ni o plesu sa njom, ni o šankeru što sluša,
Not about dancing with her, not about the bartender who listens,
Dok stavlja čep na komplikovane tunele duša,
While he puts a cork on the complicated tunnels of souls,
Ni o šapatu što se nečujnim zvukom čuje,
Not about the whisper that is heard with a silent sound,
Ni o lažima što se peglaju mukom rulje,
Not about the lies that are ironed out by the crowd's torment,
Ni o 20 iljada stomaka podbulih od mita,
Not about 20 thousand stomachs swollen with myth,
Ne hvatam se u to kolo, danas totalno sam izvan.
I'm not joining that dance, today I'm totally out.
Kavez na javi, kavez u glavi, a opet, blistam.
A cage in reality, a cage in the head, and yet, I shine.
I živ sam, i danas neću napisati ništa.
And I'm alive, and today I won't write anything.
Samo kiša, i ova prazna ulica, i šest sati izjutra.
Just rain, and this empty street, and six in the morning.
Koračam izubijan.
I walk on, beaten.
Noći nespavanja, cigara, kafa i pića
Sleepless nights, cigarettes, coffee, and drinks
Da bi nastala priča. Ili pak samo dva stihića.
To create a story. Or maybe just two verses.
Al' to sam ja. Pravi ja. Ne mogu drukčije.
But that's me. The real me. I can't do it any other way.
Biram da me ovo spase. Biram da me ovo ubije.
I choose for this to save me. I choose for this to kill me.
Te su pesme sutra svačije, samo u ovaj tren
Those songs will belong to everyone tomorrow, but at this moment
Su jedino moje. Žmurim i letim, nem.
They're only mine. I close my eyes and fly, mute.

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