Modre Hory - Country 2008 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Modre Hory - Country 2008

Country 2008
Country 2008
V ľavej ruke limonáda,
A glass of lemonade in my left hand,
Po pravej autostráda, a parkujúci Peugot.
A highway on my right, and a parked Peugeot.
V autorádiu mu hrá Americký rap,
American rap playing on the car radio,
Lebo rapperi tam oslavujú život, do beatov.
Because rappers celebrate life, in their beats.
Si osladzujú život, úspechom, streľbou,
They sweeten their lives, with success, with gunshots,
Oslavujú sýtosť, sa neserú so zberbou.
They celebrate satiety, they don't mess with the riffraff.
Je obyčajný sparný deň a ja som countryman,
It's an ordinary sweltering day and I'm a countryman,
Povedz mi Johny Cash, nie je to len sen?
Tell me Johny Cash, isn't it just a dream?
Z prstov na klavesniciach presakujú kódy,
Codes seep from fingers on keyboards,
Automaty premienajú prachy na kredity.
Machines turn money into credits.
Moderátori spievajú ódy na veci,
Presenters sing odes to things,
Bez ktorých by sme nemohli žiť, keby neboli.
Without which we couldn't live, if they weren't there.
A dievča s platom predavačky to zabolí,
And a girl with a saleswoman's salary will be hurt,
Nikto jej nevysvetlí, že to len bláboly.
No one will explain to her that these are just empty words.
Nikto jej nevysvetlí, že láska k hercom je ping pong,
Nobody will explain to her that love for actors is ping-pong,
Ktorý počíta s každou vindrou.
Which counts every serve.
A keď ťa zaňuchajú démoni bez predohry,
And when the demons sniff you without foreplay,
Moderátor ťa vždy pošle žiť, nech to prebolí.
The presenter will always send you to live it out, to let it hurt.
Potom sa vráť naspäť, buď fit, buď silný veď,
Then come back, be fit, be strong, you know,
Je známa pravda kto moc myslí je bazmeg.
It's a famous truth that whoever thinks too much is crazy.
Vonku je horúco a tak sa leje limonáda,
It's hot outside so lemonade is being poured,
Sloboda je luxus to nie je žiadna sranda.
Freedom is a luxury that's no joke.
Limonáda, limonáda, limonáda, limonáda, limonáda,
Lemonade, lemonade, lemonade, lemonade, lemonade,
Limonáda limonáda, limonáda, limonáda, limonáda.
Lemonade lemonade, lemonade, lemonade, lemonade.
Sedím v parku a všetko je okay,
I'm sitting in the park and everything is okay,
Pes behá, čas letí a vôbec.
A dog is running around, time is flying and.
Miestny ožran si lieči nový komplex,
The local drunk is working off a new complex,
Poslanci odklepli nový komplex.
The parliament approved a new complex.
Všetko je na mieste, šéfko je na mieste,
Everything's in place, the boss is in place,
Lóva na ceste a investor tiež.
The dough is on the way and so is the investor.
A ja sa trasiem nech mi nedajú platiť 500K,
And I'm shaking so that they won't make me pay 500k,
Lebo Riky sa práve vysral predo mňa.
Because right now Riky just took a shit in front of me.
Tak zdrhám ľahkým krokom rebela,
So I'm off at a rebel's light step,
Vidím jedným okom rapper a rovný šilt.
I see a rapper and a straight brim with one eye.
A dámu, čo hrozný ksicht,
And a lady with an awful mug,
A pár bambov, čo mi tu chcú dať pocítiť.
And a couple of thugs who want to make me feel like
Že kto si ty, v ušiach Johny a Country,
Who are you, with Johny and Country in your ears,
Mám nové boty a poď nimi country.
I've got new boots and country under them.
Čo zažila izbu bláznov, čo za dve dekády,
What it's experienced a room of fools, what over two decades
Zabudli na oslavné bláboly.
Has forgotten about celebratory nonsense.
Zalep systém, keď padne,
Patch up the system when it falls,
Jebem systém, príde druhý, máš to?
Eff the system, another one will come, get it?
A ja viem, že Sage mal pravdu,
And I know that Sage was right,
Keď písal, že Boh by nechcel aby zomrel Johny Cash.
When he wrote that God wouldn't want Johny Cash to die.
Limonáda, limonáda, limonáda, limonáda, limonáda,
Lemonade, lemonade, lemonade, lemonade, lemonade,
Limonáda limonáda, limonáda, limonáda, limonáda.
Lemonade lemonade, lemonade, lemonade, lemonade.
Limonáda, limonáda, limonáda, limonáda, limonáda,
Lemonade, lemonade, lemonade, lemonade, lemonade,
Limonáda, limonáda, limonáda, limonáda, limonáda.
Lemonade, lemonade, lemonade, lemonade, lemonade.

Авторы: Roland Kanik, Marian Benkovic, Pavol Remias, Tomas Pekarik

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