Moja Rec feat. Pil C - Nič - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Moja Rec feat. Pil C - Nič

Nemôžem dýchať, cítim sa jak pod vodou
I can't breathe, I feel like I'm underwater
Prestávam vnímať, neviem čo je to so mnou
I stop perceiving, I don't know what's wrong with me
Zlomené krídla, priepasť podo mnou
Broken wings, an abyss beneath me
Ďalšia kríza, začínam mať toho dosť
Another crisis, I'm starting to get tired of it
Strácam pôdu pod nohami,
Losing my ground,
Tancujem na žiletkách,
Dancing on razor blades,
Prelietávam nocami ako jak vampír,
Flying through nights like a vampire,
Biela koža v kontrastne s krvavými očami
White skin contrasting with bloody eyes
A tmavými kruhmi pod očami,
And dark circles under your eyes,
čierno čierna tma vo mne Riddick,
Pitch-black darkness inside me like Riddick,
Zriekam sa obhajoby, vinný vo všetkých bodoch obžalobý,
I waive my right to defend myself, guilty of all charges,
Cynik sám svoj najväčší kritik,
A cynic, my own biggest critic,
Zase raz nádherne aah
Once again, beautifully aah
Z krízy do krízy medzi tým chvíľky šťastia,
From crisis to crisis, with moments of happiness in between,
Zase nespím, nervy, stresy, ciga, texty,
I can't sleep again, nerves, stress, cigarettes, texts,
V jednom kole furt jak sonic,
Always running around like Sonic,
Hľadám ďalšiu priepasť, do ktorej skočiť,
Looking for another abyss to jump into,
ďalšie oči, do ktorých sa vnoriť,
Another pair of eyes to dive into,
Ten pocit posledná sekunda, a lopta letí,
That feeling, the last second, and the ball flies,
Kobe, mama volá nedvíham, hoe mi volá nestíham,
Kobe, Mom calls, I don't answer, hoe calls, I don't have time,
Sedím sám nevnímam
I sit alone and don't notice
Nehovor mi nič, nechcem počuť nič
Don't tell me anything, I don't want to hear anything
Necítim nič, cítim sa jak nič,
I feel nothing, I feel like nothing,
To je nič, ne neni mi nič,
That's nothing, no, nothing's wrong with me,
Nevidím nič, neukazuj mi nič,
I see nothing, don't show me anything,
Cítim sa jak nič, to je nič
I feel like nothing, that's nothing
Tréma sa mi hrabe v mojich trenkách,
My stage fright is crawling in my pants,
Nechaj ma ty děvka čo si Lekar?
Leave me alone, you bitch, what are you, a doctor?
Strach je so mnou všade,
Fear is with me everywhere,
Rastie o moc ľahšie jak to zviera krmíš depkami,
Grows so much easier as that beast feeds on depression,
A také bolo malé...
And it was so small...
Ľudia čim maj hádať čo se tvária,
People, what do you have to guess what you're acting like,
Chce vraj havária a melú prázdnu Kaparia?
He wants an accident and is he talking empty gibberish?
Jak zdechlá ryba, samé blabláá,
Like a dead fish, all blahblahblah,
Ak dostaneš šach mat,
If you get checkmate,
Tak to radšej jak chlap zaplať,
Then pay for it like a man,
Jak sa ukryjem do davu, z ulice do baru,
How I hide in the crowd, from the street to the bar,
Skúsim spraviť 200 klikov na prvé túžiš zjesť môj žaluď
I'll try to do 200 push-ups, the first time you want to eat my acorn,
Topím sa vo vlastnom svete, bojím svojho tieňa,
I'm drowning in my own world, afraid of my own shadow,
Potím sa keď rozmýšľam čo robim, v čom to lietam...
I sweat when I think about what I'm doing, what I'm flying in...
Ja hovorím o vlku, a vlk v zrkadle,
I'm talking about a wolf, and a wolf in the mirror,
Možno dneska v noci bude pršať smiech, pršať sex,
Maybe tonight it will rain laughter, rain sex,
Ty máš oči ktoré brzdia hnev, mrdám stres a mrdať cash predstav si že ma smrťka chce...
You have eyes that slow down anger, I fuck stress and fuck cash imagine that death wants me...
Nehovor mi nič, nechcem počuť nič
Don't tell me anything, I don't want to hear anything
Necítim nič, cítim sa jak nič,
I feel nothing, I feel like nothing,
To je nič, ne neni mi nič,
That's nothing, no, nothing's wrong with me,
Nevidím nič, neukazuj mi nič,
I see nothing, don't show me anything,
Cítim sa jak nič, to je nič
I feel like nothing, that's nothing
Polnoc, Strain, Guillermo del Toro.
Midnight, Strain, Guillermo del Toro.
Stále nespím ona drží ma nad vodou,
I still don't sleep, she keeps me afloat,
Vznášam sa nad nimi pontón,
I float above them, pontoon,
Plachtím nad ich zdochlinami, kondór
I sail above their carcasses, condor
Napriek tomu spájam ty dva svety, bospór
In spite of that, I connect the two worlds, Bosporus
Kričia že potrebujú činy dosť bolo slov
They scream that they need actions, enough words
Výčitky na kokót, ako kondóm
Reproaches are for an asshole, like a condom
Vysoko nad nimi, jak nad dedinou kostol
High above them, like a church above a village
čierny názvu podo mnou bol biely kondór,
Beneath me, a black bird, a white condor.
Ohnivé oko, na vás stále svieti mordór,
Fiery eye, still shines on you, Mordor,
Nevidím nič daj mi pokoj,
I see nothing, leave me alone,
A aj keby si videl nepoviem vám nič nejsom kokot,
And even if you could see, I wouldn't tell you anything, I'm not an idiot,
Nesem to bremeno zo sebou ako Frodo,
I carry this burden with me like Frodo,
Aaa všetky reči bokóm,
Aaa, and all the talk goes nowhere,
Na mesto padla tma, neseď doma poď von
Darkness has fallen upon the city, don't sit at home, come out
Pochodujeme a v rukách tisíc ohňov.
We march with a thousand fires in our hands.
Nevidím nič, nevidím nič,
I see nothing, I see nothing,
Moja reč, Pil C
My speech, Pil C
Nevidím nič, nevidím nič,
I see nothing, I see nothing,
Moja reč, Comebackgang ha
My speech, Comebackgang ha

Авторы: Jozef Engerer

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