Moja Rec - Mlčanie Jahniat - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Moja Rec - Mlčanie Jahniat

Mlčanie Jahniat
The Silence of the Lambs
Ref.: (Supa)
Chorus: (Supa)
Podaj mi len majk a spravím mlčanie jahniat
Just give me the mic and I'll create the silence of the lambs
Odstavím ten hype a spravím mlčanie jahniat
I'll shut down the hype and create the silence of the lambs
Po nás príde tma a spravím
Darkness will follow us and I'll create
Mlčanie jahniat, mlčanie jahniat, mlčanie jahniat.
The silence of the lambs, the silence of the lambs, the silence of the lambs.
Podaj mi ten majk a spravím mlčanie jahniat
Give me the mic and I'll create the silence of the lambs
Odstavím ten hype a spravím mlčanie jahniat
I'll shut down the hype and create the silence of the lambs
Po nás príde tma a spravím mlčanie jahniat, mlčanie jahniat.
Darkness will follow us and I'll create the silence of the lambs, the silence of the lambs.
Som od vás ďaleko, jak Pluto, nad vecou, jak UFO
I'm far from you, like Pluto, above it all, like a UFO
Hráme show a vaše hoes namäkko, jak sumo.
We're playing a show and your hoes are as soft as sumo.
10 rokov od prvého releasu a big up vášmu sídlisku
10 years since the first release and big up to your neighborhood
Ak ešte stále chytá našu wifinu
If it's still catching our Wi-Fi
Prisahám na toto CD tu, ako na Bibliu
I swear on this CD here, like on the Bible
že my traja sme zmenili navždycky hru
That the three of us changed the game forever
Vypadáš jak emo, si demo, si error, si pedo, si geňo
You look like an emo, you're a demo, you're an error, you're a pedo, you're a genius
Ja som MC každým nervom a génom
I'm an MC with every nerve and gene
Je s tebou game over
It's game over with you
Pustím play a rovno chcem byť hluchý Beethoven
I press play and I want to be deaf Beethoven
Ešte slovo a zmorfujem v ľudský revolver
One more word and I'll morph into a human revolver
Túžime, aby tupí MCs ponikli, pomôž mi a kúp si tento rap
We long for the stupid MCs to fall, help me and buy this rap
Toto LP je jak päsť hore
This LP is like a fist up
Keď poviem Moja, povedz Reč, Mojaaa - Reeeč!
When I say Moja, say Reč, Mojaaa - Reeeč!
Cash je mocná droga, ale stokrát horšia vec je fame
Cash is a powerful drug, but fame is a hundred times worse
Som ten, čo cíti fejk bez slov,
I'm the one who feels the fake without words,
Boh vám pomáhaj, mám flow, jak TomaHawk, moja hra je.
God help you, I have a flow like a Tomahawk, my game is on.
Ref.: (Supa)
Chorus: (Supa)
Podaj mi len majk a spravím mlčanie jahniat
Just give me the mic and I'll create the silence of the lambs
Odstavím ten hype a spravím mlčanie jahniat
I'll shut down the hype and create the silence of the lambs
Po nás príde tma a spravím
Darkness will follow us and I'll create
Mlčanie jahniat, mlčanie jahniat, mlčanie jahniat.
The silence of the lambs, the silence of the lambs, the silence of the lambs.
Podaj mi ten majk a spravím mlčanie jahniat
Give me the mic and I'll create the silence of the lambs
Odstavím ten hype a spravím mlčanie jahniat
I'll shut down the hype and create the silence of the lambs
Po nás príde tma a spravím mlčanie jahniat, mlčanie jahniat.
Darkness will follow us and I'll create the silence of the lambs, the silence of the lambs.
Priamo z popola a ruín, Delik,
Straight from the ashes and ruins, Delik,
V mojom vnútri zúri vojna,
A war is raging inside me,
No ja som povstal, ako Fénix,
But I rose like a Phoenix,
Počujem ich texty bez gúľ,
I hear their lyrics without balls,
Som antihrdina, ako Deadpool,
I'm an anti-hero, like Deadpool,
Idem bomby, ako Netflix,
I'm dropping bombs, like Netflix,
Jedna pre MCs, čo sa neboja ísť dnu,
One for MCs who aren't afraid to go in,
Dva pre producentov, pri ktorých bedne vybuchnú,
Two for producers whose speakers will explode,
Tri pre DJov, čo vedia, kde je ihla,
Three for DJs who know where the needle is,
štyri pre každého jedného promotéra, čo sa vyzná,
Four for every single promoter who knows what's up,
Päť pre fans, šesť pre fans,
Five for the fans, six for the fans,
Pre fans takisto aj sedem,
Seven for the fans too,
Lebo bez vás nie sme my,
Because without you, there is no us,
Bez vás nie sme nič,
Without you, we are nothing,
Osem pre hejterov, spáchali deviaty hriech,
Eight for the haters, they committed the ninth sin,
Ako sa ti žije, keď nepočuješ žiadny smiech?!
How do you live when you don't hear any laughter?!
Desať prstov na rukách, každý je faker,
Ten fingers on my hands, each one is a faker,
Jebať na svet, skáčem po policajnom aute,
Fuck the world, I'm jumping on a police car,
čo sa stať sa stane,
What will be will be,
Insta la Halleluja, amen,
Insta la Halleluja, amen,
Yah bless, Moja Reč!
Yah bless, Moja Reč!
Ref.: (Supa)
Chorus: (Supa)
Podaj mi len majk a spravím mlčanie jahniat
Just give me the mic and I'll create the silence of the lambs
Odstavím ten hype a spravím mlčanie jahniat
I'll shut down the hype and create the silence of the lambs
Po nás príde tma a spravím
Darkness will follow us and I'll create
Mlčanie jahniat, mlčanie jahniat, mlčanie jahniat.
The silence of the lambs, the silence of the lambs, the silence of the lambs.
Podaj mi ten majk a spravím mlčanie jahniat
Give me the mic and I'll create the silence of the lambs
Odstavím ten hype a spravím mlčanie jahniat
I'll shut down the hype and create the silence of the lambs
Po nás príde tma a spravím mlčanie jahniat, mlčanie jahniat.
Darkness will follow us and I'll create the silence of the lambs, the silence of the lambs.

Авторы: Jozef Engerer, Michal Pastorok, Vladimir Dupkala

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