Nassier Wahab feat. Far East - Melakar Cinta Di Pintu Syurga - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Nassier Wahab feat. Far East - Melakar Cinta Di Pintu Syurga

Melakar Cinta Di Pintu Syurga
Sketching Love at Heaven's Door
Berdirinya aku di daerah zulumat
I stand in the region of darkness
Mengutip titis doa di malam rahmat
Collecting the drops of prayer in the night of grace
Bersama renai kasih yang menguyur
Together with the friend that washes
Ingin melakar cinta di syurga
Longing to sketch love in Heaven
Sesungguhnya cinta yang ku galas dulu
Surely, love which I carried before
Hanya cinta semusim wangi sekejap
Was just a fleeting fragrance of one season
Harumnya takkan sampai ke penghujung
Its fragrance won't arrive till the end
Indah mekarnya hanya di kuntum
Its beautiful bloom only in the bud
Sedangkn taman-Mu amat indah
Whereas Your garden is very beautiful
Tiap penghuninya dikurniai rahmat
Each of its residents bestowed with grace
Datang berbekal amalan
Come equipped with deeds
Tanpa sepalit noda
Without a smear of stain
Setelah kian lama mengatur jejak langkah
After ever longer arranging of footsteps
Makin fasih mentafsir liku hidup
More fluent in interpreting the curves of life
Diri terlepas bebas dan leka tanpa batas
Self freed loose and lulled without bounds
Bagai menabur benih sang hilalang
As if sowing seeds of the weed
Bendang-terbendang hampar padinya
Field after field their rice spread out
Dimusnahi bena
Exterminated by the true
Aku yang terpedaya
I the one deceived
Hijrahkan aku dengan hati putih
Let me journey with a white heart
Kembali berpaut pada akal budi
Return to cling to sense and intellect
Pasrah bersujud dibawah naungan
Submit in prostration under the shelter
Langit kesedaran
Of the heaven of awareness
Moga terlakar cintamku dipintu syurga
May my love be sketched at heaven's door

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