Neztor MVL - No Tiene Caso - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Neztor MVL - No Tiene Caso

No Tiene Caso
It Has No Case
Mal digo el dia que te conoci,
Wrong I say the day I met you,
Cuando te vi, te elegi,
When I saw you, I chose you,
Cuando pregunte tu nombre y te pretendi,
When I ask your name and I pretended to you,
Cuando te invite ha salir,
When I invite you to go out,
Por darle permiso al corazón de clavarte en mi,
For giving the heart permission to stick you in my,
Mal digo cuando vi que el amor no es como lo pintan,
Wrong I say when I saw that love is not as they paint it,
Eres muy buena actriz me fui con la finta,
You're a very good actress I went with the feint,
Cuando crei que eras distinta,
When I thought you were different,
Debi saber que la sinceridad en ti ya estaba extinta,
I should have known that the sincerity in you was already extinct,
Yo descubri lo que hacias,
I found out what you were doing,
Pero solo me mentia pues no queria asimilar lo que veia,
But he was just lying to me because he didn't want to assimilate what he saw,
Pero un dia me arme de valor,
But one day I arm myself with courage,
Y decidi no estar de tras de ti mendigando amor,
And I decided not to be behind you begging for love,
Asi que a mi ya no me engañas,
So you're not fooling me anymore,
Prefiero soltar la rosa con espinas que me daña,
I'd rather let go of the rose with thorns that hurts me,
Y por eso hoy te digo adios,
And that's why I'm saying goodbye to you today,
Y a mi que me lleve el diablo y a ti que te jusge dios.
And may the devil take me and may God judge you.
No quiero mas de tus besos falsoos,
I don't want any more of your fake kisses,
No quiero estar de nuevo en tus brazoos, Noo voy a seguir tus pasos,
I don't want to be in your arms again, Noo I'm gonna follow in your footsteps,
Por lo que veo fuimos un fracaso
From what I see we were a failure
Y nooo ya no voy a estar ha tu lado,
And nooo I'm not gonna be by your side anymore,
Tu solo me has lastimado,
You've only hurt me,
Doy estoy por terminado, no tiene caso.
I give I'm done, there's no point.
Formaste parte de mi vida pero yo no de la tuya,
You were part of my life but I was not part of yours,
Esto cayo en pedazos no hay que lo reconstruya,
This fell to pieces there's no rebuilding it,
No lo aceptaria aunque se pudiera,
I wouldn't accept it even if it could,
pues no puedes curar esta herida aunque te vistas de enfermera,
well, you can't heal this wound even if you dress like a nurse,
Y ahora te arrepientes de que te sirve,
And now you regret that it serves you,
Mejor sigue con tu vida y se libre,
Better get on with your life and be free,
Haciendo lo que tu querias y sin compromiso,
Doing what you wanted and without commitment,
Mujer levanta tu orgullo que esta tirado en el piso,
Woman pick up your pride that's lying on the floor,
No cabe duda que la vida da mil vueltas,
There is no doubt that life goes around a thousand,
La que me desprecio ahora se da cuenta,
The one who despises me now realizes,
Lo que perdio y ahora regresa,
What he lost and now he's coming back,
Lo siento yo dejo mi pasado atras no conosco la reversa,
I'm sorry I leave my past behind I don't know the reverse,
Real tu amor no real tu hipocresia,
Real your love not real your hypocrisy,
Tus mentiras eran dulces por eso me las comia,
Your lies were sweet that's why I ate them,
Y hoy solo me rio,
And today I'm just laughing,
Pues tu karma sera besar diferentes labios mientras piensas en los mios.
Well, your karma will be kissing different lips while thinking about mine.
No quiero mas de tus besos falsoos,
I don't want any more of your fake kisses,
No quiero estar de nuevo en tus brazoos,
I don't want to be in your arms again,
No voy a seguir tus pasos,
I'm not gonna follow in your footsteps,
Por lo que veo fuimos un fracaso,
From what I see we were a failure,
y nooo ya no voy a estar a tu lado,
and nooo I'm not gonna be by your side anymore,
Tu solo me has lastimado,
You've only hurt me,
Doy estoy por terminado, no tiene caso.
I give I'm done, there's no point.

Авторы: nestor mvl

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