Nino D'Angelo - 'Mmiezz' 'A Via - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Nino D'Angelo - 'Mmiezz' 'A Via

'Mmiezz' 'A Via
'Mmiezz' 'A Via
Ce sta ′na strada senza età
There's a street without age
Addo te 'mpare senza scola
Where you learn without school
E se cunsuma ′a libertà
And where freedom is consumed
'E sti guagliune ca so' sule
These lonely boys
E se nventano ′o giurnale
And they invent the newspaper
Ca se venne all′autostrade
That is sold on the highways
'O blue jeans americano
American blue jeans
Fatt′ a portacapuana
Made at Porta Capuana
'Mmieza via
In the middle of the street
E vennene ogni cosa ′mmiez'a via
And they sell everything in the middle of the street
′Mmieza via
In the middle of the street
'A casa 'e sti guagliune è ′mmiez′a via
The home of these boys is in the middle of the street
E songhe figlie ca si giurano a mammà
And there are daughters who swear to their mothers
Puo' sta sicuro t′hanno ditto 'a verità
You can be sure they told you the truth
E s′accuntentano 'e nu poco ′e chistu ppoco
And they are content with a little of this little
Pe nu juorno senza vita
For a day without life
'Mmieza via
In the middle of the street
E s'aiutano
And they help each other
So tutti cumpagnielle ′mmieza via
They are all companions in the middle of the street
′Mmieza via
In the middle of the street
Chi chi l'ha lasciate
Who knows who left them
′Mmieza via
In the middle of the street
E quanta voglia 'e faticà
And how much desire to work
Si legge ′nfaccia a sti guagliune
You can read it on the faces of these boys
Perdeno a voce pealluccà
They lose their voices shouting
Ma nunne sente maie nisciuno
But no one ever listens
'Mmiezo viento, sotta pioggia
In the wind, in the rain
Nun se perdeno ′e curaggio
They don't lose courage
E se 'nventano 'o destino
And they invent their destiny
Pe′ abbuscà ′na mille lire
To earn a thousand lire
E s'aiutano
And they help each other
′Mmieza via
In the middle of the street
S'assettano pe terra ′mmieza via
They sit on the ground in the middle of the street
E se 'ncontrano
And they meet
′Mmiez'a via
In the middle of the street
E aspettano Natale 'mmieza via
And they wait for Christmas in the middle of the street
′E ttruove fore e dinto core da città
And you find them outside and inside the heart of the city
Tornano a casa sule pe′ s'arrepusà
They return home alone to rest
Spezzeno ′e suonne e dinta luce 'e n′ato juorno
They break their dreams and into the light of another day
'A Aadonna l′accumpagna
The Madonna accompanies them
E ritornano
And they return
'Mmieza via
In the middle of the street
E tornano cuntente 'mmieza via
And they return happy in the middle of the street
′Mmieza via
In the middle of the street
Addo se ferma ′o tiempe
Where time stands still
'Mmiez′ 'a via
In the middle of the street

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