Nitry - Titina Silá - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Nitry - Titina Silá

Titina Silá
Titina Silá
O que è que queres ser quando fores grande
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Eu que ser como a Titina sila
I want to be like Titina Sila.
Maltas ka sabe uke ke sacrificio
You don't know what sacrifice is.
Nem ka importa oke kes ta dze
It doesn't matter what they say.
Titina Sila Titina Sila
Titina Sila, Titina Sila
Corre tras de bos sonhos sem oia pa tras
Chase your dreams without looking back.
Titina Sila Titina Sila
Titina Sila, Titina Sila
Corre tras de bos sonhos sem oia pa tras
Chase your dreams without looking back.
Mana então Sonha Realiza
Girl, dream and achieve!
Bo tambe pode ser uma
You too can be a
Titina Sila Titina Sila
Titina Sila, Titina Sila
Corre tras de bos sonhos sem oia pa tras
Chase your dreams without looking back.
Ka te teme nada cond mi mesmo è que è nha rival
Don't fear anything, I am my own rival.
Descendência de Cabral feit k amor um ta dignifical
Cabral's descendants make love a dignified thing.
Rap feit d coracão ka te da p detonal
Rap made from the heart, you can't break it down.
Verdade è moda arma pa alguns el è fatal
The truth is fashionable, a weapon, for some it's fatal.
Um sabe que mi è free, katen limite
You know I am free, no limits.
Supera bos medos ke ceu ene limite
Overcome your fears, the sky's the limit.
Ene ser amdjor è amdjora vida d quem t uvib
To be better is to improve the lives of those who listen to you.
Calam è paga lume com gasolina bo t ser explodid
Anger is paid for with gasoline, you will explode.
Carreira catem brincadera e na nha manera
A career is not a joke, it's my way.
Frontera katem
No frontiers.
Canseria ma sem brincadeira sentod
Tiredness, but no jokes sitting
Ness cadeira e agora bem dsem
In this chair, and now very well
Primeira na Rap k bandeira
First in Rap, what a flag.
Ta ser um fera sem imita ninguem
To be a beast without imitating anyone.
Devera ka txiga nha bera, um bem d poeira
It should not reach my side, a bit of dust.
Não vem ki nâo tem
Don't come if you don't have it.
Ka ta importa Deus ta ma mi
It doesn't matter, God is with me.
E se Deus ta ma mi
And if God is with me,
Ka tem ninguem na nha camin
There's no one in my way.
Ka ta importa Deus ta ma mi
It doesn't matter, God is with me.
E se Deus ta ma mi
And if God is with me,
Ka tem ninguem na nha camin
There's no one in my way.
Titina Sila Titina Sila
Titina Sila, Titina Sila
Corre tras de bo sonho sem oia pa tras
Chase your dreams without looking back.
Titina Sila Titina Sila
Titina Sila, Titina Sila
Corre tras de bo sonho sem oia pa tras
Chase your dreams without looking back.
Mana então Sonha Realiza
Girl, dream and achieve!
Bo tambe pode ser uma
You too can be a
Titina Sila Titina Sila
Titina Sila, Titina Sila
Corre tras de bo sonho sem oia pa tras
Chase your dreams without looking back.
Um t moda outono
I'm in autumn fashion,
Epoca de altas
Time for highs.
Ma nh flow t moda verão
But my flow is in summer fashion
Pa cora maltas
To warm you up.
Enquanto uns flow t moda chuva d inverno
While some flows are in winter rain fashion,
Um t mante moda flor d primavera
I'm staying in spring flower fashion,
Sempre em excesso
Always in excess.
Tut tem se tempo
Everything has its time,
Ma ene p perde tempo
But I don't want to waste time
Porque unico cosa ek ta volta
Because the only thing that comes back
É vontade de volta na tempo
Is the desire to go back in time.
Foi preciso um perde
I had to lose
Pa sabe Kum ka kre perde
To know what I don't want to lose.
Vida è cruel ma so assim k bo t aprende
Life is cruel, but that's how you learn.
Ta fase nha cena slow slow
I'm playing my scene slow, slow,
Tut na xcontra on the low low
Everyone meet on the low, low,
Bem preparada eu dou show
Well prepared, I give a show,
Ta moia tut sinti ess flow
You'll all feel this flow.
Um fase um pacto com o impacto
I made a pact with the impact
Ness tempo compacto
In this compact time,
È um facto kess acto
It's a fact that this act
T pom em contacto
Will put you in contact.
Um Retrato imediato
An immediate portrait,
Um imagem sem tato
An image without touch,
Um contacto na palco
A contact on stage
Ek ta tob estupefacto
That will leave you stupefied.
Ka ta importa Deus ta ma mi
It doesn't matter, God is with me,
E se Deus ta ma mi
And if God is with me
Ka tem ninguem na nha camin
There's no one in my way.
Ka ta importa Deus ta ma mi
It doesn't matter, God is with me,
E se Deus ta ma mi
And if God is with me,
Ka tem ninguem na nha camin
There's no one in my way.
Titina Sila titina Sila
Titina Sila, Titina Sila
Corre tra de bo sonho sem oia pa tras
Chase your dreams without looking back.
Titina Sila Titina Sila
Titina Sila, Titina Sila
Corre tras de bo sonho sem oia pa tras
Chase your dreams without looking back.
Titina Sila Titina Sila
Titina Sila, Titina Sila
Corre tras de bo sonho sem oia pa tras
Chase your dreams without looking back.
Titina Sila Titina Sila
Titina Sila, Titina Sila
Corre tras de bo sonho sem oia pa tras
Chase your dreams without looking back.
Maltas ka sabe o que k sacrificio
You guys don't know what sacrifice is.
Tive que bem pa Europa e txa na fitx
I had to go to Europe and leave my daughter.
Nem ka importa o que kes ta dse
It doesn't matter what you say,
Um sabe dret oke kum ta fase
I know exactly what I'm doing.
Maltas ka sabe o que k sacrificio
You guys don't know what sacrifice is.
Tive que bem pa Europa e txa na fitx
I had to go to Europe and leave my daughter.
Nem ka importa o que kes ta dse
It doesn't matter what you say,
Um sabe dret oke kum ta fase
I know exactly what I'm doing.

Авторы: Cynthia Ramos

Nitry - Titina Silá
Titina Silá
дата релиза

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