Noel Kharman - Mamnounlak - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Noel Kharman - Mamnounlak

Thank you
ممنون لك اسقي العتب دمعي
Thank you, my love, for watering my tears of complaint
لو كان يرويك
if they could quench your thirst
ممنون لك ما عادت ايامي
Thank you, my love, my days are no longer
بعد تحويك
after I lost you
من دونك يا حملي اكتفيت
Without you, my love, I have become satisfied
وما عاد احنيك
and I no longer yearn for you
ممنولك اسقي العتب دمعي
Thank you, my love, for watering my tears of complaint
لو كان يرويك
if they could quench your thirst
انا مليت يا سيدي انا مليت
My dear, I'm tired, I'm so tired
اكون له نهار يضويله عتم هالدار
to be your day, lighting up the darkness of this house
اكون له احساس يكون قاسي
to be your feeling, to be cold and heartless
سمعوه شهقة انفاسي وظنه هو
to hear my sobbing breaths, and you think that I
ينحني راسي واقول رضيت
would bow my head and say, I'm content
وابقى ممنون للي مضى
And I remain grateful for what has passed
حتى لو فيه الوقت انتهى
even if time has ended
قلبي على الدرب اهتدى
My heart has found its way on the path
يضوي في عيني نجم السما
the star of the sky shines in my eyes
قلبي اكتفى مل وكفى
My heart has become full, it's enough
مل انتظاره ومل الجفى
Tired of waiting for you, tired of your coldness
واللي مضى ماضي انطوى
What's past is gone, it's folded
واخر كلامي الله معه
My last words, God be with you
وانا مليت يا سيدي انا مليت
My dear, I'm tired, I'm so tired
اكون له نهار يضويله عتم هالدار
to be your day, lighting up the darkness of this house
اكون له احساس يكون قاسي
to be your feeling, to be cold and heartless
سمعوه شهقة انفاسي وظنه هو
to hear my sobbing breaths, and you think that I
ينحني راسي واقول رضيت
would bow my head and say, I'm content
وانا العيون لو بان
And if my eyes show
فيها اللي دفاني
what warmed me
وما شفت الوعود اوهام
And I didn't see promises as illusions
ما اخترت طريق ثاني
I wouldn't choose another path
وانا يا عيوني ما هان
And my dear, my eyes didn't find it easy
فراقك ثمن غالي
your departure is a high price
حبك ما كفاني
Your love wasn't enough for me
حبك ما كفاني
Your love wasn't enough for me
وانا مليت يا سيدي انا مليت
My dear, I'm tired, I'm so tired
اكون له نهار يضويله عتم هالدار
to be your day, lighting up the darkness of this house
اكون له احساس يكون قاسي
to be your feeling, to be cold and heartless
سمعوه شهقة انفاسي وظنه هو
to hear my sobbing breaths, and you think that I
ينحني راسي واقول رضيت
would bow my head and say, I'm content
انا مليت
I'm tired

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