North Mississippi Allstars - Polaris - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни North Mississippi Allstars - Polaris

Ya se quito los lentes Carrera
You already took off your Carrera glasses
Mentiria si no lo conosiera
I'd be lying if I didn't know you
Algo hizo que se enojara el jefe
Something made the boss angry
Le cambio la cara de repente
His face changed suddenly
MANITAS brincale pa'l volante
MANITAS jump in the driver's seat
Vamos arreglar unos pendientes
Let's settle some matters
Ahora al jefe yo voy escoltando
Now I'm escorting the boss
El jefe ya sabe que aqui andamos
The boss already knows we're here
Un dia yo le salve la vida
One day I saved his life
Y eso al patrón no se le olvida
And the boss doesn't forget that
Cuando llegaron los enemigos
When the enemies arrived
A punta de balas los corrimos
We chased them away with bullets
Ivamos a mas de ciento veinte
We were going over eighty miles per hour
Cuando se nos empareja un carro
When a car pulls up beside us
En eso me ordena el 27
That's when 27 said to me
Ve sacando los fierros y el clavo
Get out the guns and the nails
Con una mano obtuve la 9
With one hand I got my 9
Y con la otra me fui piloteando
And with the other, I kept driving
"Y Esto Es Revolver Cannabis
"And This Is Revolver Cannabis
Con Enigma Norteño Viejon...
With Enigma Norteño, old friend...
Ahi Le Va Compa 27 Y Puro DELRecords Viejon"
Here we are, partner 27, and pure DELRecords, old friend"
Hay otro
There's another one
Oh dear
Con saña disparan carro a carro
With fury, the cars are firing at each other
Y por la ventana contestaba
And I was shooting back through the window
Ahi supe que no estaba blindado
That's when I realized it wasn't armored
Por que me chingue a quien manejaba
Because I hit the one who was driving
ANGEL DEL VILLAR era su blanco
ANGEL DEL VILLAR was their target
No pudieron cortarle las alas
They couldn't clip his wings
Me gusta la 9 por lijera
I like the 9 because it's light
Arre con el viejo a donde sea
Let's go with the old man wherever he says
Por algo me nombran el MANITAS
There's a reason they call me MANITAS
No la traigo para tirar lija
I don't carry it to shoot dust
Junto al ROBOCOB tambien el JOE
With ROBOCOB and JOE too
Sino yo mismo los hago tiras
Or I'll blow them up myself
Asi somos todos en el este
That's how we are in the east
En caliente brincamos a hacer el paro
We jump into the action when it's hot
Devolada nos prendemos como cuete
We light up like a firecracker
Por que al jefe no se le deja abajo
Because the boss is not left behind
Con mi barrio estoy hasta la muerte
I'm with my neighborhood till the end
Y con el MANITAS endeudado.
And in debt with MANITAS.

Авторы: Cody Dickinson

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