Oques Grasses - Mare de la ciència - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Oques Grasses - Mare de la ciència

Mare de la ciència
Mother of Science
Papallones mengen flors per dinar
Butterflies eat flowers for lunch
Crec que avui no tinc ganes de cuinar
I think I don't feel like cooking today
I el llom està congelat
And the pork loin is frozen
I no hi ha cap tros de pa
And there's no bread
Sona a les 10 i em llevo a les 12
It's 10 am and I get up at 12
Cada cinc minuts i no m'importa
Every five minutes and I don't care
El llit no em deixa aixecar
The bed won't let me get up
Diu que em trobarà a faltar
It says it will miss me
Ningú treballa però tenim molta feina
Nobody works but we have a lot of work
Espaguetis el plat per excel·lència de nit
Spaghetti is the best dish for dinner
Hi ha un cabró d'ocell
There's a bastard of a bird
Que no para de cantar
That won't stop singing
Farem un criadero de cuques de llum
We'll make a breeding ground for glow worms
El dia que no puguem pagar l'electricitat
The day we can't pay for electricity
Que si energies i energies renovables
What about energies and renewable energies
Llibres interessants amb coses dispensables
Interesting books with dispensable things
Avui, impossible d'estudiar
Today, impossible to study
Ja em crec que ho faré demà
I think I'll do it tomorrow
No sóc un tio que "rebossa" intel·ligència
I'm not a guy who oozes intelligence
La mare de la ciència sempre ha estat la hortènsia
The mother of science has always been the hydrangea
Sempre ha estat, sempre ha estat la hortènsia
It's always been, it's always been the hydrangea
Solc emocionar-me quan tallo cebes
I usually get emotional when I cut onions
que tu també però no ho vols dir
I know you do too but you don't want to say it
Intentant fer l'hort ens partim l'esquena
Trying to make a garden, we break our backs
El motocultor funciona de pena
The tiller is a piece of junk
El camí es fa llarg si vas amb presses
The road is long if you're in a hurry
Si et descuides algo pots plorar
If you're not careful, you might cry
Aquí hem descobert quant pesen les pedres
Here we've discovered how much rocks weigh
I que hi ha bons camps per pasturar
And that there are good fields to graze
Poc a poc, poc a poc i poc a poc a poc, poc a poc a poc
Little by little, little by little and little by little, little by little, little by little and
I poc a poc a poc, poc a poc a poc, poc a poc a poc, poc a poc a poc i
And little by little, little by little, little by little, little by little, little by little and
Quan estem sols solem fer coses rares
When we're alone, we tend to do strange things
Aquesta n'és la mostra clara
This is a clear example
Sempre els hi estaré agraït als meus pares
I will always be grateful to my parents
Sempre els hi estaré agraït als teus pares
I will always be grateful to your parents

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