Palermo - Nedovolím Vám - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Palermo - Nedovolím Vám

Nedovolím Vám
I Won't Allow You
Jak život plynie nese zo sebou aj piča chvíle,
As life flows, it brings along some shitty moments,
Neni to len párty, kurvy, fety a stabilný príjem.
It's not just parties, bitches, drugs, and a steady income.
Človek sa učí trpeť, za svoje sa často bije,
One learns to suffer, often fights for what's theirs,
Aby o to vácej vychutnal si víťazstvo keď príde.
To savor the victory even more when it comes.
Určite sa ti to stalo, keď myslel si si "nedá sa",
Surely it happened to you, when you thought "it's impossible",
Nevydržím, nezvládam, vyjebaná prekážka.
I can't take it, I can't handle it, a fucked up obstacle.
Čo ti povím nebáť sa, to je základ telátka,
What I tell you, don't be afraid, that's the foundation,
Môžu robiť prsá, ale všetko je to pretvárka.
They can act tough, but it's all just a facade.
Daj im to pocítiť, že každý z nich sa prerátal,
Make them feel that each of them miscalculated,
Ty nejsi kokot, ty si ten čo niečo preskákal,
You're not a dick, you're the one who overcame something,
Za nič si neplakal a zbytočne si nekvákal,
You didn't cry for nothing and didn't croak unnecessarily,
Netápal, nekapal,
Didn't flounder, didn't drown,
Si zo života fety nesákal.Nepytvaj sedláka, taký zmrd ta nezláka,
You didn't suck the drugs out of life. Don't ask a peasant, such a bastard won't tempt you,
Jeho reči, keď si deti, jebať, dalej hore letíš,
His words, when you're a kid, fuck it, you're flying higher,
Smeti, hefty, nevšímáš si cudzé svety, keci
Trash, heavy stuff, you don't notice other worlds, bullshit
čo ti dýchajú na päty, aj tak nedobehnú tvoje mety.
that breathes down your neck, they won't catch up to your goals anyway.
Nedovolím vám ísť so mnou,
I won't allow you to go with me,
Povím vám rovno: zedzte mi hovno.
I'll tell you straight: eat my shit.
Moje ja, čo nepreniknú doňho,
My self, which they won't penetrate,
Iba raz toľko zocelia ďalšou bombou.
They'll only heal that much more with the next bomb.
Aj keď vystavený ťažkým vecám som bol,
Even though I was exposed to heavy things,
život zajebal nejedno kruté kombo.
life threw more than one cruel combo.
Prenasledovaný nepriateľskou svorkou,
Pursued by a hostile pack,
Ani jeden z nich to nedobehol so mnou.
None of them caught up with me.
dve hodiny v noci kráčám mestom - blbý pocit,
It's two o'clock in the morning, I'm walking through the city - a bad feeling,
Situácia sa zvykne hrotiť, keď chceš silú mocú profit.
The situation tends to escalate when you want profit by force.
Zkurvené penáze, jebať to treba tu moc ich,
Fucking money, fuck it, you need to have a lot of it here,
Idem po nich, zrazu poliš, je to v pajzli,
I'm going after them, suddenly a cop, it's in the shitter,
Nakvákal ma snorič.Len štyri steny, len mreže hnusnej cely,
The snitch ratted me out. Just four walls, just the bars of a disgusting cell,
Len denno denne boj o česť, sa divím, že som celý.
Just a daily fight for honor, I'm surprised I'm whole.
Buzerácia z každej strany do poslednej hodiny,
Harassment from all sides until the last hour,
Vypiť kalich trpkosti no a vžit sa do spodiny.
Drink the cup of bitterness and get used to the bottom.
Vrhnutý naspäť do betónovej ríše, všetko píšem,
Thrown back into the concrete kingdom, I write everything down,
človek v osude sa kníše, žije v disse.
a person struggles in fate, lives in disarray.
Žádne zlato iba písek, brácho, taký bol moj príbeh.
No gold, just sand, brother, that was my story.
Pýtal som sa bože s čím si na mňa ešte
I asked God, what else are you going to
Prídeš.A pomocnú ruku mi podal rap - zrazu kvitnem,
come at me with. And rap gave me a helping hand - suddenly I'm blooming,
Ale spomenúť si zvyknem, že nikto nechcel byť fér.
But I tend to remember that nobody wanted to be fair.
A preto idem striktne, na čelo, facák pripnem,
And that's why I'm going strictly, to the front, I'll pin a slap,
Oštím te - fidle, pitle, no tak ic preč,lebo ťa pichnem.
I'll spear you - fiddles, piddles, well get the fuck out of here, because I'll stab you.
Nedovolím vám ísť so mnou,
I won't allow you to go with me,
Povím vám rovno: zedzte mi hovno.
I'll tell you straight: eat my shit.
Moje ja, čo nepreniknú doňho,
My self, which they won't penetrate,
Iba raz toľko zocelia ďalšou bombou.
They'll only heal that much more with the next bomb.
Aj keď vystavený ťažkým vecám som bol,
Even though I was exposed to heavy things,
život zajebanej nejedno kruté kombo.
life threw more than one cruel combo.
Prenasledovaný nepriateľskou svorkou,
Pursued by a hostile pack,
Ani jeden z nich to nedobehol so mnou.
None of them caught up with me.

Авторы: Pavol Minárik

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