Pep Sala - Fora de Temps - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pep Sala - Fora de Temps

Fora de Temps
Out of Time
El temps a la llarga
Time in the long run
Mai no passa en va
Never passes in vain
I m'ha fet veure
And has made me see
Que ja no puc canviar
That I can no longer change
Lent el rellotge
The clock slowly
Marca el seu compàs
Marks its time
Company de fatigues
A weary companion
Fidel al meu pas
True to my step
No esperis roses
Don't expect roses
Ni tampoc cançons d'amor
Nor love songs
Que sonen i et gronxen
That sound and rock you
I edulcoren el teu cor
And sweeten your heart
Vine entra a casa
Come on in
I ofereix-me el teu cos
And offer me your body
Vine i agafa'm
Come on and take me
I fes-me fort
And make me strong
Cansat de la vida
Tired of life
Ara jo marco el compàs
Now I set the pace
Segueix el meu ritme
Follow my rhythm
No se si el voldràs ballar
I don't know if you'll want to dance it
No me'n penedeixo
I don't regret
De res del que hagi fet
Anything I've done
Només de coneixe't
Only meeting you
Tan tard fora de temps
So late out of time
No esperis joies
Don't expect jewels
Ni tampoc un ram de flors
Nor a bouquet of flowers
No esperis contes
Don't expect stories
Que no sóc el teu heroi
For I'm not your hero
Vine entra a casa
Come on in
Benvingut al meu món
Welcome to my world
Vine i agafa'm
Come on and take me
I fes-me fort
And make me strong
He perdut el somriure
I've lost my smile
He oblidat una cançó
I've forgotten a song
Però tinc la esperança
But I still have hope
De trobar-la en algun lloc
Of finding it somewhere
Injusta la vida
Life is unfair
Que no atura el pas del temps
It doesn't stop the passage of time
Però si m'ajudes
But if you help me
Potser ho intentaré
Maybe I'll try
No esperis roses
Don't expect roses
Ni tampoc cançons d'amor
Nor love songs
Que sonen i et gronxen
That sound and rock you
I edulcoren el teu cor
And sweeten your heart
Vine entra a casa
Come on in
I ofereix-me el teu cos
And offer me your body
Vine i agafa'm
Come on and take me
I fes-me fort
And make me strong
Vine i agafa'm
Come on and take me
I fes-me fort
And make me strong

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