Peter Nagy - Marcel Z Malého Mesta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Peter Nagy - Marcel Z Malého Mesta

Marcel Z Malého Mesta
Marcel from a Small Town
Marcel z malého mesta je tu,
Marcel from a small town is here,
Veľkomesto otvor náruč.
Big city, open your arms.
Marcel z malého mesta je tu,
Marcel from a small town is here,
Odišiel od sladkých záruk.
He left the sweet guarantees.
V kufríku si nesie, celý svoj domov,
In his suitcase, he carries his whole home,
Smiať sa mu však nesmieš,
But don't laugh at him,
že vnútri poskladané čisté krídla,
That inside he has folded clean wings,
Ešte trocha blúdi, však oči čo vidia.
He's still wandering a little, but he has eyes that see.
Marcel z malého mesta je tu,
Marcel from a small town is here,
mláďa sa drží na nohách.
The young one is already on his feet.
Marcel z malého mesta je tu,
Marcel from a small town is here,
V očiach veľké ÁNO má.
He has a big YES in his eyes.
V maličkom podnájme na smutnej posteli.
In a tiny hostel on a sad bed,
Kým ho láska nájde,
While love finds him,
Držte mu palce, na Vianoce bude sám,
Keep your fingers crossed, he'll be alone at Christmas,
Však ujde ľuďom s malým srdcom a ich závistiam.
But he'll escape the people with small hearts and their envy.
Marcel z malého mesta je tu,
Marcel from a small town is here,
vychádza von zo seba.
He's already coming out of himself.
Marcel z malého mesta je tu,
Marcel from a small town is here,
Naučil sa zlých nebáť.
He learned not to fear the wicked.
Na slnku je miesta len koľko ukradneš,
There's only as much space in the sun as you can steal,
to všetko vie sám,
He already knows it all,
A stále rozložené čisté krídla,
And he still has his clean wings spread out,
Ešte trocha blúdi, však oči čo vidia.
He's still wandering a little, but he has eyes that see.
Marcel, Marcel, mláďa, drží sa na nohách
Marcel, Marcel, young one, holding on to his feet
Marcel, Marcel, mláďa, drží sa na nohách
Marcel, Marcel, young one, holding on to his feet
Marcel, Marcel, mláďa, drží sa na nohách
Marcel, Marcel, young one, holding on to his feet
Marcel, Marcel, mláďa, drží sa na nohách
Marcel, Marcel, young one, holding on to his feet
Marcel, Marcel, mláďa, drží sa na nohách
Marcel, Marcel, young one, holding on to his feet
Marcel, Marcel, mláďa, drží sa na nohách
Marcel, Marcel, young one, holding on to his feet
Marcel, Marcel, mláďa, drží sa na nohách
Marcel, Marcel, young one, holding on to his feet
Marcel, Marcel, mláďa, drží sa na nohách
Marcel, Marcel, young one, holding on to his feet

Авторы: Peter Nagy

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