Petter feat. Makeba Riddick - Get By - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Petter feat. Makeba Riddick - Get By

Get By
Get By
Det är daglig basis, det här är vad det handlar om... att ta sig vidare.
Det är daglig basis, det här är vad det handlar om... att ta sig vidare.
Everyday we struggle just to get by.
Everyday we struggle just to get by.
'Cause all we want is just to make it in life, get by, you know.
'Cause all we want is just to make it in life, get by, you know.
Keep it moving 'til we get to the top, keep on reaching for it and don't ever stop, don't stop. I won't.
Keep it moving 'til we get to the top, keep on reaching for it and don't ever stop, don't stop. I won't.
Life can be hard and things but stay focused on your dreams.
Life can be hard and things but stay focused on your dreams.
'Cause everyday we struggle just to get by, but all we want is just to make it in life, get by, you know.
'Cause everyday we struggle just to get by, but all we want is just to make it in life, get by, you know.
Ey yo, tiden är hård. Hustlar 24 timmar runt, 7 jävla dar för att fixa en bunt.
Ey yo, tiden är hård. Hustlar 24 timmar runt, 7 jävla dar för att fixa en bunt.
länge kontot är tungt kommer jag springa runt. Jag gör precis vad som krävs för att slippa allt tungt.
As long as the account is heavy, I will run around. I'll do whatever it takes to get rid of all the heavy stuff.
Har vart naiv och ung, passiv och dum. Aldrig fattat nått, att min börda I livet är tung. Jag har haft
I've been so naive and young, passive and stupid. I never realized that my life was so heavy. I've had
Både flyt och bakslag, sett mål, fått avslag, vart stark ibland men sen assvag. Vart pank, haft pengar,
Both flow and setbacks, set goals, got rejected, became strong sometimes but then weak. Where Broke, had money,
Vart alla platser men förstått innebörden att bära dessa laster. Det är inte lätt idag, det är inte lätt för
Everywhere but understood the meaning of carrying on these loads. It's not easy today, it's not easy for
Nån. Vi gör precis allt vi kan för att det rätt nån gång. Vi bryter regler för att klara oss, precis som dom som
Somebody. We're doing everything we can to get it right someday. We break rules to get by, just like those who
Skapar dom. Har aldrig levt som dom lär och ändå gapar dom. Dom kan trycka oss ner, kontrollera oss mer
Creates them. They have never lived the way they teach, and yet they still yawn. They can push us down, control us more
Men aldrig stoppa dom drömmar vi ser. Vi ba...
But never stop the dreams we see. We prayed...
Everyday we struggle just to get by.
Everyday we struggle just to get by.
'Cause all we want is just to make it in life, get by, you know.
'Cause all we want is just to make it in life, get by, you know.
Keep it moving 'til we get to the top, keep on reaching for it and don't ever stop, don't stop. I won't.
Keep it moving 'til we get to the top, keep on reaching for it and don't ever stop, don't stop. I won't.
Life can be hard and things but stay focused on your dreams.
Life can be hard and things but stay focused on your dreams.
'Cause everyday we struggle just to get by, but all we want is just to make it in life, get by, you know.
'Cause everyday we struggle just to get by, but all we want is just to make it in life, get by, you know.
Okej lyssna...
Okay, listen...
Försöker lära mina barn, ge tiden dom behöver, navigera dom rätt I sina liv och komma över
Trying to teach my kids, give them the time they need, navigate them right in their lives and get over
Fallgropar och hinder för tiden den rinner, den kommer aldrig tillbaks. Kan aldrig bli samma sak.
Pitfalls and obstacles for the time it runs, it never comes back. Can never be the same.
Vill inte stressa som igår, förlora dessa år. Vill inte pressa mina små, vill inte testa hur långt det går.
Don't want to stress like yesterday, lose these years. Don't want to push my little ones, don't want to test how far it goes.
Men samtidigt, verkligheten signalerar nåt annat och har sprungit som jag gjort, aldrig tänkt till eller stannat.
But at the same time, reality signals something else and has run as I did, never thinking about or stopping.
Jag kan, tänka ofta "jag vill, vill bara softa". Jag kan ibland inte minnas nått sen nittioåtta.
I can, thinking as often "I want, just want to soften". Sometimes I can't remember anything since ninety-eight.
Och pressen är stor, inte lätt som man tror. Vill lova guld och gröna skogar och stå för mitt ord. Vi ba...
And the press is big, not as easy as you think. Want to promise gold and green forests and stand by my word. We prayed...
Everyday we struggle just to get by.
Everyday we struggle just to get by.
'Cause all we want is just to make it in life, get by, you know. (Vi bara...)
'Cause all we want is just to make it in life, get by, you know. (Vi bara...)
Keep it moving 'til we get to the top, keep on reaching for it and don't ever stop, don't stop. I won't. (Vi bara, vi bara...)
Keep it moving 'til we get to the top, keep on reaching for it and don't ever stop, don't stop. I won't. (Vi bara, vi bara...)
Life can be hard and things but stay focused on your dreams. (Vi bara...)
Life can be hard and things but stay focused on your dreams. (Vi bara...)
'Cause everyday we struggle just to get by, but all we want is just to make it in life, get by, you know.
'Cause everyday we struggle just to get by, but all we want is just to make it in life, get by, you know.
Vill inte försumma nån vare sig familj och vänner. Önskar tiden stod still, spendera tid med dom jag känner.
I don't want to neglect anyone, family or friends. Wish Time Stood still, spend time with those I know.
Det är krystat men sant, jag saknar hela min krets. Speciellt turneér när jag spelar som mest.
It is so crystallized but true, I miss my whole circle. Especially on tour when I play the most.
Vi kämpar för och se lite ljus, för och se lite sken, komma bort från allt strul och problem.
We fight for and see some light, for and see some shine, get away from all the mess and problems.
Jag tänker aldrig ge upp, tänker slåss till sista personen. Den enda vägen upp e och hålla fokus versionen.
I'm never going to give up, I'm going to fight to the last person. The only way up e and stay focused on the version.
Everyday we struggle just to get by.
Everyday we struggle just to get by.
'Cause all we want is just to make it in life, get by, you know.
'Cause all we want is just to make it in life, get by, you know.
Keep it moving 'til we get to the top, keep on reaching for it and don't ever stop, don't stop. I won't.
Keep it moving 'til we get to the top, keep on reaching for it and don't ever stop, don't stop. I won't.
Life can be hard and things but stay focused on your dreams.
Life can be hard and things but stay focused on your dreams.
'Cause everyday we struggle just to get by, but all we want is just to make it in life, get by, you know.
'Cause everyday we struggle just to get by, but all we want is just to make it in life, get by, you know.

Авторы: Riddick Makeba Ronnie, Mughal Eshraque, Askergren Petter P Lex Alexis

Petter feat. Makeba Riddick - God Damn It
God Damn It
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